Veterans of the LGBT veterans:Ban: Applyapply for non-financial restorative measures
Guidance on non-financial restorative measures for LGBT veterans.veterans who served under, and were impacted by, the Ban from 1967 to 2000.
The fileguide mayto notapplying befor suitablenon-financial restorative measures explains the non-financial restorative measures available for usersveterans of assistivethe technology.Ban, who served between 1967 and 2000.
To anmake accessibleit format.
1. new restorative measures – a versionresult of thisthe documentLGBT inVeterans aIndependent moreReview.
2. accessiblepre-existing format,restorative pleasemeasures – emailavailable Pleasethe tellLGBT usVeterans whatIndependent formatReview.
New yourestorative need.measures
New Itrestorative willmeasures helprefer usto ifthe youmeasures saythat whathave assistivebeen technologyimplemented youas use.
RestorativeThe processing time for applications depends on the measures applicationyou’re andapplying registrationfor. All applicants should be contacted by Defence within six months of interestapplying. -Unfortunately formit will not be possible to provide updates on applications before this point.
RestorativeFor measuresinformation applicationon the qualification of administrative discharge and registrationrestoration of interestrank, -visit forVeterans personsof the LGBT Ban: Qualification of sufficientadministrative interestdischarge -and formrestoration of rank. This includes FAQs, policies and guidance for decision makers.
GuidanceTo aboutfind theout non-financialhow restorativeto measuressubmit fora LGBTtestimony veteransto includingDefence, eligibilitywhich requirements,will form part of the applicationhistoric processrecord, andvisit timelines.LGBT veterans: testimony template.
Pre-existing restorative measures
ThePre-existing FAQrestorative documentmeasures providesrefer informationto aboutmeasures and services that were already in progress or available before the LGBT Veterans Independent Review, andwas support,published. servicesThis andmeans restorativethey measureshave availabledifferent forapplication LGBTprocesses the new restorative measures.
AccessInformation and application forms for the LGBTpre-existing veterans:restorative testimonymeasures:
Updates to this page
Last updated
Webpage updated with information about new and pre-existing non-financial restorative measures.
Updated: 'LGBT veterans: Apply for restorative measures'.
Updated: Frequently asked questions: LGBT veterans and the Independent Review.
Updated 'LGBT veterans: Apply for restorative measures'.
Updated 'LGBT veterans: Apply for restorative measures'.
First published.
Update history
2024-12-12 10:30
Webpage updated with information about new and pre-existing non-financial restorative measures.
2024-09-10 11:17
Updated: ‘LGBT veterans: Apply for restorative measures’.
2024-09-03 16:06
Updated: Frequently asked questions: LGBT veterans and the Independent Review.
2024-01-29 15:22
Updated ‘LGBT veterans: Apply for restorative measures’.
2023-12-19 11:15
Updated ‘LGBT veterans: Apply for restorative measures’.
2023-12-13 12:48
First published.