
Veterans of the LGBT veterans:Ban: Applyapply for non-financial restorative measures

Guidance on non-financial restorative measures for LGBT veterans.veterans who served under, and were impacted by, the Ban from 1967 to 2000.



The fileguide mayto notapplying befor suitablenon-financial restorative measures explains the non-financial restorative measures available for usersveterans of assistivethe technology.Ban, who served between 1967 and 2000.


To anmake accessibleit format.

Ifeasier youto useapply, assistivethe technologyrestorative (suchmeasures ashave abeen screenseparated reader)into andtwo needsections:   

1. new restorative measures – a versionresult of thisthe documentLGBT inVeterans aIndependent moreReview.
2. accessiblepre-existing format,restorative pleasemeasures – emailavailable Pleasethe tellLGBT usVeterans whatIndependent formatReview.

New yourestorative need.measures

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LGBTa veterans:result Applyof forthe restorativeLGBT measures

If fileyou isare ineligible, antwo OpenDocumentapplication format forms can be completed depending on who is applying:

who served between 1967 and 2000.