
Project Gigabit network build contract – Mid West Shropshire

VoneusBDUK ishas noawarded longerbroadband deliveringprovider theVoneus a Project Gigabit contract forto provide around 6,000 premises across Mid West Shropshire. Shropshire with access to gigabit-capable broadband.

BDUKBuilding Digital UK (BDUK) has carried out significant market engagement in the region to identify potential areas for government intervention to roll out gigabit-capable broadband.  

Following a transparent, fair and robust procurement process, BDUK awarded supplier Voneus havea mutually£12 agreedmillion contract to terminateprovide thearound Project6,000 Gigabithard-to-reach contractpremises foracross Mid West Shropshire.Shropshire with access to gigabit-capable broadband. The contract was signed in March 2024.  

BDUK and Shropshire Council will work collaboratively with the supplier on ensuring that network build commences as quickly as possible once the supplier has completed their detailed plans for this build. An amount of preparatory work is nowrequired movingto swiftlyreach premises (for example, digging trenches, laying duct, installing fibre) prior to putbeing able to access a service. This varies depending on geography and supplier. The first premises under this contract are anticipated to have access to gigabit-capable broadband in place2025. alternativeOnce plansthe withgigabit-capable othernetwork suppliershas been built, residents and businesses will be able to connectrequest premisesa thatconnection werefrom a broadband service provider to benefit from the faster speeds.  

Below is a map of the areas due to be connected. upgraded in the awarded Mid West Shropshire contract.

VoneusPlease hasnote notthe receivedpremises anyto publicbe fundingreached forby thisthe contract is subject to change following detailed planning by the supplier or due to technical reasons during the lifetime of the contract.

Further informationdetail abouton Projectthe Gigabitpremises candue to be foundupgraded as part of this network build contract will be available on this page in due course. 

If your premises is not currently within the BDUKplanned websitecontract andbuild, underthis Projectmay Gigabit:be UKfor Subsidyone advice.of the following reasons:

  • Gigabit-capable infrastructure currently exists in your area
  • Broadband network suppliers have indicated to thisus page

Publishedas 10part Aprilof 2024
Lastour updatedOpen 20Market DecemberReview 2024 + showand allPublic updatesReview
  1. Projectthat Gigabitthey networkhave plans to reach you as part of their commercial build contractplans. This Midmay Westinclude Shropshirework pageplanned updated.

    as part of existing voucher projects through the Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme
  2. Your Aprilpremises 2024

    Firstis published.

    outside of the scope of this project owing to cost or difficulty in reaching it with gigabit-capable infrastructure. The government is conducting trials using satellites for providing improved connectivity to premises in this category following a call for evidence that has taken place


This contract is part of a wider strategy for Project Gigabit, with other local and regional procurements to build gigabit-capable infrastructure planned and underway across the UK. A list of awarded Project Gigabit contracts can be viewed here

Under Project Gigabit the government is also providing up to £210 million worth of voucher funding as immediate help for emailspeople orexperiencing printslow thisbroadband pagespeeds in rural areas. You can find out if you are eligible for a rural voucher on the Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme website

Further information about Project Gigabit can be found on the BDUK website and under Project Gigabit: UK Subsidy advice.

Published 10 April 2024