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Environment Agency urgescontinues to urge caution following rainextreme over New Yearweather

The Environment Agency has urged people to stay vigilant to the risk of flooding and stay away from swollen rivers.

HeavyThe rainfallEnvironment hasAgency broughtis significantcontinuing riverto floodingurge acrosspeople Greaterto Manchester,remain Cheshire,vigilant Merseyside,following Lancashire and Yorkshire, with the highestrecent riverextreme levelsweather, on record being reached on the Mersey in Stockport and South Manchester.

The Environment Agency urges people to remain vigilant, as flood warnings are still in place and a mixturea mixture of further rainfall and melting snow could riskcould risk further disruption in parts of England on SundayMonday and Monday.Tuesday.

ThisHeavy comesrainfall asover the MetNew OfficeYear issuedsaw twosignificant amberriver warningsflooding foracross snowGreater andManchester, iceCheshire, overMerseyside, theLancashire weekend. Whileand notYorkshire, expectedwith atthe thishighest time,river meltinglevels snowon canrecord affectbeing riverreached levelson and the EnvironmentMersey Agencyin willStockport beand monitoringSouth this closely.Manchester.

People in affected areas should follow advice from emergency services and take caution, particularly while travelling.

Those travelling overare the weekend are urged to stay away from swollen rivers and to plan ahead when making journeysjourneys, as disruption from significant flooding impactsin havethe causedMidlands disruptionis acrosspossible locationson inMonday Cheshire,and Greaterinto Manchester,Tuesday, Merseyside,while Lancashireminor andimpacts Yorkshire.are also probable more widely across other parts of England.

Environment Agency teams remain on the ground supporting the public as we move into the recovery phase of its response and are still operating flood defences and basins to manage possible impacts.

As of 12:0012:30 on FridayMonday 36 November,January, there are 4171 flood warningswarnings, meaning flooding is expected, and 31316 flood alerts.alerts, Themeaning flooding is possible, live across the country. Following the recent incidents, the Environment Agency estimates that across England more than 21,00021,500 properties have been protected and at least 300350 properties have flooded, with reports of further flooding being investigated.

Floods Minister Emma Hardy has met with staff from the Environment Agency and MPs in affected areas to discuss the response to the heavy rain and flooding,flooding and to ensure that communities are kept safe and receive the support they need.

The Environment Agency continues to monitor the forecast and impacts on river levels. Its message to the public remains to check their flood risk, sign up for free flood warnings and keep up to date with the latest situation.

BenSarah Lukey,Cook, Flood Duty Manager at the Environment Agency, said:

CombinedHeavy rainfall,rain snow and snowmeltmelting oversnow themean weekendsignificant meansriver minorflooding riveris andpossible surfacein waterthe floodingMidlands, with minor impacts areprobable possiblemore inwidely across other parts of EnglandEngland, on SundayMonday and Monday.into Tuesday.

Environment Agency teams continue to be out on the ground, operating flood defences, taking action to reduce the impact of flooding, issuing flood warnings and supporting those communities affected.

We urge people to remain vigilant over the weekend and advise anyone travelling to be especially careful and urge people to stay away from swollen rivers and not to drive through flood water as just 30cm of flowing water is enough to move your car. car.

People should search search ‘checkcheck my flood risk’risk,’, sign up for free flood warnings, and keep up to date with the latest situation at @EnvAgency on X.

Floods Minister Emma Hardy said:

My thoughts are with the people, businesses and communities impacted by flooding,the particularlyrecent thoseflooding inacross and around Greater Manchester and Cheshire.England.

I havecontinue metto speak with officials from the Environment Agency and MPs to ensure that impacted communities are receiving the necessary supportsupport. and I want to express my heartfelt thanks for the vital work that the Environment Agency and emergency services are doing to keep people safe.

The Government is working at pace to accelerate the building of flood defences through our new Floods Resilience Taskforce, so we can continue to protect people and their homes.

Lessons learned from these floods will be fed directly into into the new Floods Resilience Taskforce to to speed up the development of flood defences and bolster the nation’s resilience to extreme weather.

The Taskforce brings together the Secretary of State and Minister Hardy with representatives from Defra, MHCLG, Home Office, Cabinet Office, the Environment Agency, the Met Office, Local Resilience Forums, Mayoral Offices, emergency responders and the National Farmers Union, among others.

Updates to this page

Published 1 January 2025
Last updated 36 January 2025 + show all updates
  1. Updated to reflect latest situation as of 12:30 on Monday 6 January

  2. Situational update for 3 January.

  3. Situational update for 2 January.

  4. Situational update for 1 January.

  5. First published.