OpenCall call for evidence outcome

Non-road mobile machinery: decarbonisation options

This call for evidence has closed

Read the full outcome

Detail of outcome

We received 95 responses to this call for evidence on non-road mobile machinery (NRMM) decarbonisation options, from a range of stakeholders.

Responses highlighted the diversity of NRMM and their range of use across the economy, as well as reporting the likely need for a range of decarbonisation options. Alongside other evidence gathering activities, the responses to the call for evidence will be used to inform the development of future policy relating to off-road machinery decarbonisation.

Note on terminology

Off-road machinery broadly refers to any mobile machine, transportable equipment or vehicle not intended for carrying passengers or goods on the road and is installed with an internal combustion engine.

In scope of the call for evidence were machines included in the following UK Carbon Budget categories:

  • industrial off-road mobile machinery
  • commercial off-road mobile machinery
  • agricultural mobile machinery

While these machines have been referred to collectively to date as non-road mobile machinery (NRMM), including in the call for evidence and in this summary of responses, government intends to use the umbrella term ‘off-road machinery’ in future. This is to avoid any potential confusion with the regulatory definition of NRMM (Regulation (EU) 2016/1628) which remains unchanged.

Original call for evidence


We're seeking evidence on how non-road mobile machinery (NRMM) might decarbonise as part of the government's wider net zero ambitions.

This call for evidence closesran atfrom

Call for evidence description

Non-road mobile machinery (NRMM) broadly refers to any mobile machine, transportable equipment or vehicle not intended for the transport of goods or passengers on the road, and which has a combustion engine. Examples include construction machinery and agricultural machinery.

We’re seeking evidence on areas including:

  • how NRMM is currently used across the economy
  • the decarbonisation options available to NRMM, including efficiency measures, process changes, and fuel switching technologies
  • the possible opportunities and barriers to deploying decarbonisation options
  • whether existing policies are sufficient to decarbonise NRMM in line with net zero
  • whether the Industrial Decarbonisation Strategy policy principles should also apply in determining the case for further government intervention to support NRMM decarbonisation

At the end of the call for evidence, you will have the opportunity to provide further supporting evidence not covered by the questions but which you consider to be relevant.

We will acknowledge all responses.

If you have any questions regarding the call for evidence, contact the team at:

Read our consultation privacy notice.

Industrial non-road mobile machinery decarbonisation options: techno-economic feasibility study

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