MoveBluetongue-approved animalsslaughter frommarkets theand bluetongueapproved restrictedbreeding zone to a marketsales
Licences to move animals to marketbluetongue-approved fromslaughter amarkets bluetongueor restrictedbreeding zone.
sales and how to become a bluetongue-approved market.
- From:
- Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs
- Published
- 22 October 2024
- Last updated
21January 2025 — See all updates
Applies to England
The UK is in a seasonally vector low period (SVLP). This means the risk of transmission of bluetongue is now very low. SeasonallyYou vectormust lowstill periodshave allowa licence conditions to bemove easedanimals inout theof UKa butrestricted may not be recognised by third countries. zone.
You must stillfollow havethe conditions of a general licence to move animals outto ofbluetongue-approved markets. You do not need a restrictedlicence zone.
Forfor anysales bluetonguethat susceptibleoriginate, animalstay, movementand outend ofwithin athe bluetonguesame restricted zonezone. makeMake sure that you:
- use the right licence
licence - download the latest version of the licence as they are updated from time to time
time - keep a copy with you when you move animals under the licence
If you moved animals out of the restricted zone to a breeding sale on or before 20 January 2025, you must comply with any post-movement testing requirements set out in your licence or restriction notice.
General licence | What it is for |
EXD 634 (E) | To move animals kept within a restricted zone (RZ) to a slaughterhouse in England or Wales, for the purpose of immediate slaughter. |
EXD 637 |
To move animals originating from a restricted |
Moveoutside animalsthe tobluetongue azone marketof (notorigin.
EXD for608 immediate(E) (PDF, slaughter)
During158 theKB, seasonally5 vectorpages)
To low period you can move animals that originate from a restrictedbluetongue-approved zone,dedicated andbreeding aresale.
Slaughter notmarkets: intendedselling
During158 theKB, seasonally5 vectorpages)
To forsell immediateanimals slaughter,from to a marketbluetongue anywhererestricted inzone Great(RZ), Ifzone any(PZ) partor ofsurveillance thezone move(SZ) willat requirea animalsslaughter tomarket leaveoutside the restricted zone, you will require 2 licences, both: must:
checklicenceit(EXD632)istoamovebluetongue-approvedanimalsslaughterdirectly to the marketmarket followconditions637for(E) (PDF,the194movementKB,of4animalspages)intoandmoveouttheofanimals from the market directly-toseetheirlicenceEXDdestination premises634(E)
Become mustan getapproved aslaughter pre-movementmarket
You bluetonguewill testneed withto negativeapply resultsto forbecome anyan animalsAPHA leavingapproved thebluetongue restrictedslaughter
Email marketto willrequest requirean aapplication copyform.
Before ofyou yourapply, EXD632you specificmust licencecomply whichwith willthe confirmanimal thatgatherings theorder animals(AGO).
Bluetongue-approved listedslaughter markets in PartEngland
East 2Midlands:
West bluetongueMidlands:
North bluetongueEast:
Yorkshire sale.and Yourthe auctioneerHumber:
Bluetongue-approved specificdedicated licencebreeding EXD632animal andsales completeat bluetonguemarkets
You testingcan ofnow yourmove breeding animals in advance to makebluetongue-approved surededicated anybreeding movemarkets outas oflong as:
- the restricted
(animalsintendedcannotmoveScotlandsoldorvia a market must:Wales) - be
theindividuallyanimalsidentifiedareandindividuallyidentified andbluetongue - in
wheremostrequired,cases,thebeanimalsaccompaniedhavebytestedanegativespecificforlicence.bluetongueYoubeforemustyouapplymoveforthem youafollowspecificthelicence toconditionsmovespecifiedanimalsin(notyourintendedgeneralforlicenceslaughter)asto a marketseller,buyermarket
A destinationbluetongue-approved outsidededicated ofbreeding themarket restrictedis zonea duringplace thewhere SVLP.breeding Animalsanimals will requireeither pre-movementleave testing as a conditionbluetongue ofzone:
toattendmarket- have
oncegeneralpurchasedlicenceatEXD 637 (E) (PDF, 194 KB, 4 pages) to leave the market direct to their onward destinationmarket
How to arrange bluetongue testing and report the results
FindYou outdo hownot toneed geta free bluetongue testingmovement forlicence if your animals.
UK Farmcareare willonly reportmoving negative results from samples they collect directly to APHA.within:
aprivatefreeveterinary surgeon must reportarea- the negative
sameresultsbluetonguedirectlyrestrictedto the APHA Licensing Team ( before APHA can issue your
MoveBreeding animalsanimals: tosell aat marketapproved for onward movement for immediate slaughter markets
MovementsAnimals frommust thehave marketa mustnegative test to be directavailable tofor Anyto animala movingdestination outoutside of the restrictionrestricted zone for(RZ). slaughterYou must complyarrange withsampling generaland licence GL EXD634testing. Nobefore testingyou ismove requiredyour foranimals.
Animals suchdo animals. Thenot marketneed operatorto canbe onlytested permitif buyersyou intend to purchaseonly animalssell forthem movement direct to a slaughterhousedestination ifwithin animals are moved out of the restrictedsame zone without testing. RZ.
IfTo youmove movedbreeding animals out of the restricted zone to a dedicated breeding salesale, onyou ormust:
youranimals fromtestedoutsidenegativetheforrestrictedbluetonguezonebeforeintoyouamovedmarketthemfollowingeneralthelicencerestrictedconditionszoneAnimals
insideforfromthepremisesmovementoutsideoftheanimalsrestrictedinzoneandmovingouttoofathemarket-theforrestrictedexample,zonebymaycheckingbethesoldanimalsandaremovednotimmediatelyshowingbacksignsout of theillnesszoneorwithoutinfection
Breeding testinganimals: –buy directand move to slaughterdestination
To underbuy generalbreeding licenceanimals GLat EXD634a orbluetongue-approved todedicated anotherbreeding premisessale, underyou general licence must:
provide637an(E) (PDF,organisesoldandtotesta premises in the zoneanimalswithoutfortestingbluetongueor6licencetobut10ifdaystheyafterthenleavingleave the zonemarketkeeptheythemwillatbe subject to the rulesdestinationinpremisesplaceuntilattheythehavetimenegativeofpost-movementmovement.results
ApprovedBecome redan markets and approved breeding markets sales market
ApprovedTo redrun marketsbluetongue anddedicated approved breeding marketssales, areyou suspendedwill duringneed theto seasonallyapply vectorfor lowapproval period.from APHA.
Email to thisrequest page
Publishedan 22application Octoberform.
If 2024
LastAPHA updatedapproves 24your Januaryapplication, 2025
+ showyou allmust updates
clientsUKareisawarenowofintheageneralseasonallylicencevectorconditionslowforperiodthe(SVLP)movementandoftheanimalsguidanceinhasandbeenoutupdatedoftothereflectmarket thethis.marketUseisgenerallicencedlicenceandEXD634complies(E)underforAGOMeltonzoneMowbray(RZ),Marketto(RM-03),aMeltondedicatedMowbray,slaughterLE13market1JYDarlingtonEnglandFarmersorAuctiondirectMartto(BM-01),slaughterhouseDarlington,inDL2Great2XXThirskofFarmersimmediateAuctionslaughter.MartApplyCoforLtda(BM-03),specificThirsk,licenceYO7to3AB
Bluetongue-approved movementsdedicated ofbreeding animalssale keptmarkets withinin aEngland
East restrictedMidlands:
North inEast:
Yorkshire Britain,and for the purposeHumber:
Move move animals from the RZ to aother markettypes outside of themarkets
You RZ.must Useapply generalfor licencea EXD637specific licence to move animals notto intendeddifferent fortypes immediateof slaughtermarket from(such theas marketstore tomarkets) during the finalSVLP. destination.Most Marketsanimals approvalswill arerequire suspendedtesting duringas thea seasonalcondition inof the SVLP.movement Removedlicence.
Updates licencesto andthis informationpage
The UK is now in a seasonally vector low period (SVLP) and the guidance has been updated to reflect this. Use general licence EXD634 (E) for movements of animals kept within a restricted zone (RZ), to a dedicated slaughter market in England or direct to slaughterhouse in Great Britain, for the purpose of immediate slaughter. Added information about moving animals to other types of markets.
Removed information about laboratory services, licence applications and deadlines over the Christmas period.
The processing of movement licence applications and tests will take longer over the Christmas period, so you will need to allow extra time. Information on cut-off times and turnaround times has been added to the page.
Updated EXD 608 (E) - General licence for the movement of animals from a bluetongue approved dedicated breeding sale.
Added Thirsk Farmers Auction Mart Co Ltd as a bluetongue approved dedicated breeding sale market.
Added EXD630 (E) 'General licence for movements of animals from within a bluetongue zone to a Designated slaughterhouse for slaughter during a period of low risk of transmission' and removed general licences EXD627(E) and EXD628(E).
Updated the guidance under the 'Bluetongue-approved dedicated breeding animal sales at markets' heading.
Replaced document 'EXD628(E)' with updated version
Added 'Rugby Farmers Market (RM-10) Stoneleigh Park, CV8 2RG' to the list of bluetongue-approved slaughter markets in England.
Added a market (BM-01) to the list of bluetongue-approved breeding animal sales markets in England. Added links to movement licences EXD 606 (E) and EXD 608 (E). Updated the 'Bluetongue approved dedicated breeding animal sales at markets' section to reflect the latest conditions for moving breeding animals to bluetongue-approved dedicated breeding markets.
Added information to the 'Bluetongue approved dedicated breeding animal sales at markets' section to clarify the conditions of moving breeding animals to bluetongue approved dedicated breeding markets. Added new section 'Bluetongue approved breeding animal sales markets in England'.
First published.
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Update history
2025-01-28 09:34
Updated general licence EXD634 to move animals kept within a restricted zone (RZ) to a slaughterhouse in England or Wales for the purpose of immediate slaughter. Updated general licence EXD637 to move animals originating from a restricted zone (RZ) from a market to their final destination.
2025-01-24 19:00
The UK is now in a seasonally vector low period (SVLP) and the guidance has been updated to reflect this. Use general licence EXD634 (E) for movements of animals kept within a restricted zone (RZ), to a dedicated slaughter market in England or direct to slaughterhouse in Great Britain, for the purpose of immediate slaughter. Apply for a specific licence to move animals from the RZ to a market outside of the RZ. Use general licence EXD637 to move animals not intended for immediate slaughter from the market to the final destination. Markets approvals are suspended during the seasonal in the SVLP. Removed licences and information about approved breeding and slaughter markets.
2025-01-21 17:41
The UK is now in a seasonally vector low period (SVLP) and the guidance has been updated to reflect this. Use general licence EXD634 (E) for movements of animals kept within a restricted zone (RZ), to a dedicated slaughter market in England or direct to slaughterhouse in Great Britain, for the purpose of immediate slaughter. Added information about moving animals to other types of markets.
2025-01-16 15:37
Removed information about laboratory services, licence applications and deadlines over the Christmas period.
2024-12-17 16:32
The processing of movement licence applications and tests will take longer over the Christmas period, so you will need to allow extra time. Information on cut-off times and turnaround times has been added to the page.
2024-11-29 17:49
Updated EXD 608 (E) – General licence for the movement of animals from a bluetongue approved dedicated breeding sale.
2024-11-22 15:35
Added Thirsk Farmers Auction Mart Co Ltd as a bluetongue approved dedicated breeding sale market.
2024-11-15 16:49
Added EXD630 (E) ‘General licence for movements of animals from within a bluetongue zone to a Designated slaughterhouse for slaughter during a period of low risk of transmission’ and removed general licences EXD627(E) and EXD628(E).
2024-11-14 16:40
Updated the guidance under the ‘Bluetongue-approved dedicated breeding animal sales at markets’ heading.
2024-11-08 15:46
Replaced document ‘EXD628(E)’ with updated version
2024-11-01 18:24
Added ‘Rugby Farmers Market (RM-10) Stoneleigh Park, CV8 2RG’ to the list of bluetongue-approved slaughter markets in England.
2024-10-27 12:28
Added a market (BM-01) to the list of bluetongue-approved breeding animal sales markets in England.Added links to movement licences EXD 606 (E) and EXD 608 (E).Updated the ‘Bluetongue approved dedicated breeding animal sales at markets’ section to reflect the latest conditions for moving breeding animals to bluetongue-approved dedicated breeding markets.
2024-10-25 16:28
Added information to the ‘Bluetongue approved dedicated breeding animal sales at markets’ section to clarify the conditions of moving breeding animals to bluetongue approved dedicated breeding markets.Added new section ‘Bluetongue approved breeding animal sales markets in England’.
2024-10-22 17:09
First published.