Declare ivory you intend to sell or hire out
Use this service to register an ivory item or apply for an exemption certificate to deal in ivory.
- From:
- Published
- 24 February 2022
- Last updated
16JanuaryNovember20252022— See all updates
ThisIf you intend to deal in an ivory item you can use this service nowand coverspay itemsthe relevant fees:
£20toregisterasingleitemunderastandardexemption£250toapplyforanexemptioncertificateforanitembefore1918thatisoutstandinglyhighartistic,culturalhistoricalivory fromvalue£20thetofollowingnotifyspecies:uselephant,thathippopotamus,youkillerintendwhale,tonarwhalsellandorspermhirewhale.outanitemthathasanexemptioncertificatethatwasawardedtosomeoneelse
All payments are non-refundable.
AccessBefore theyou servicestart
Registering a single item
You’ll orbe groupemailed a unique registration number for each item you register. Keep a record of this number as soon as you receive it so you can match it to your item or items later on.
Read the updated guidance andfor registerdealing to deal in items containing ivory or made of ivory.
Applying for an exemption certificate
You must provide as many details about your item as possible. If not, your application may be unsuccessful.
Read the updated guidance andon Ivory: apply for an exemption certificate to deal in pre-1918 outstandingly high artistic, cultural or historical value items.
UpdatesWhat dealing in ivory means
Dealing in ivory means:
buying,sellingorhiringitofferingorarrangingbuy,page Publishedsell24orFebruaryhire2022
Lastitkeepingupdatedit28forJanuarysale2025 + showorallhireexportingupdates-
theUKforsaleorhire importingitintotheUKforsaleorhirebuyingwhale.includesTheacquiringguidanceivoryandforstartvaluablepointconsideration,suchasatradeorswapwithsomethingthathasvalue,oraservicediscounthaveinmovedastoresellingincludesdisposingofivoryforvaluableconsideration,suchasatradeorswapwithsomethingthathasvalue,orforadiscountinastoreofferingincludesadvertisingandinvitinganofferbreachthebancausethebanbebreachedfacilitateabreachofbanregisteragroupitems(3to20items)underastandardexemptionregisterasingleitemunderastandardexemptionapplyforanexemptioncertificaterequesttherelevantapplicationformstatewhichexemptionyou’reapplyingfor,andifit’sagroupregistrationprovideyourcontactdetails
Made the costs to register an ivory item or apply for an exemption certificate clearer. Provided additional guidance on registering single items. Provided additional information on how to apply for an exemption certificate and added a link to the guidance page. Made other ways to register or apply clearer.
First published.
Update history
2025-01-28 00:05
This service now covers ivory from the following species: elephant, hippopotamus, killer whale, narwhal and sperm whale. The guidance and start point for this service have moved to the guidance page ‘Dealing in items containing or made of ivory’.
2022-11-16 18:16
Made the costs to register an ivory item or apply for an exemption certificate clearer. Provided additional guidance on registering single items. Provided additional information on how to apply for an exemption certificate and added a link to the guidance page. Made other ways to register or apply clearer.
2022-02-24 00:00
First published.