What to expect coming to a court or tribunal
Find out what you should bring for a court or tribunal hearing, how you can get support, and what to expect on the day
Before your hearing
What to bring with you
If you’re coming to a court or tribunal for a hearing, bring:
- your hearing letter with your case number – the case number helps you find where you need to go in the building
- any papers that you need for your hearing
- a face covering, if you choose to wear one
- hand sanitiser, if you have some
- food and drink, including water (not all buildings have refreshments available)
You cannot bring weapons, glass or liquids other than non-alcoholic drinks or hand sanitiser into the building.
What to wear
Apart from a face covering, you cannot wear anything on your head in a court or tribunal building unless it is for religious reasons.
There are no other rules about what you should wear, but dress smartly if you can.
When to arrive
You need to arrive 30 minutes before the time stated in your hearing letter. Do not arrive earlier as you may be turned away, particularly during busy times.
The time given in your letter is when the day’s cases start. Your case might not be first so be prepared to wait.
Make any arrangements you need to, for example childcare or taking time off work.
Your safety
We know that coming to a court or tribunal can feel overwhelming or frightening.
We have security at all our buildings.
You should contact the court or tribunal on your letter if you have any worries about your safety on the day.
There are other things we can do to help you feel safe, for example:
- seat you in a different part of the building to others in your case while you wait
- provide a screen in the hearing room so that the other party cannot see you
Who will be at your hearing
Find out who else might be at your hearing and what their roles will be.
Support available
Who can come with you
If you need support, only bring one person with you – such as a friend or family member.
If you come with more than one person, they may not be allowed to enter.
There are no childcare facilities and staff cannot look after your children while you are in the hearing room.
You can breastfeed or express milk in all court or tribunal buildings.
If you have a disability
You can get support in the court or tribunal building and during your case. This is sometimes called a ‘reasonable adjustment’.
Before your hearing date, contact the court or tribunal on your letter to let them know what you need.
For example, this could be:
- ramps or accessible toilets
- hearing enhancement equipment
- forms in large print
- guidance in audio or Easy Read formats
- a language interpreter
We have joined the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower network to help people visiting court and tribunal buildings who may need additional support. Sunflower lanyards are available to collect in all buildings.
By wearing the Sunflower lanyard, you are showing that you might need extra help or more time. Court staff have been trained to recognise the Sunflower lanyard and offer help, providing reasonable adjustments where they are needed.
The day of your hearing
When you enter the building
When you enter a courts or tribunals building, your bags and pockets will be checked like they would be at an airport. This may include:
- handing over your bag for it to be checked
- emptying your pockets into a tray
- taking off your shoes, coat, gloves, hat or belt
- walking through an archway detector
- being checked with a handheld scanner
You may be asked to leave certain items with security staff – you’ll get them back when you leave.
A member of staff will call you into the hearing room and show you where to sit.
What to do during the hearing
You must silence all calls and notifications on mobile devices when you are in the hearing room.
You can take notes but you must not take photos or videos.
When a member of staff says ‘all rise’ you must stand up. This means the judge or magistrate is about to come into the room. They will tell you when you can sit down again.
You can ask a member of staff if you need to take a break at any point during your hearing.
What to say at the hearing
As part of the hearing, someone will explain who will speak and when.
You’ll be given time to ask questions and give evidence in your case. If you have a solicitor or barrister, they’ll ask questions for you.
If you’re giving evidence during the hearing you will be asked to swear an oath or make a legally binding promise (known as an affirmation) that your evidence will be true.
The usher will read out the oath and ask you to repeat the words after them. The relevant holy book will be placed in front of you, but you will not need to touch the book. Affirmations are equally solemn, significant and come with the same responsibilities as a religious oath. If you prefer to affirm, the usher will read out the affirmation and ask you to repeat the words after them.
Speak clearly and politely to the judge or magistrate. It’s okay to call them ‘judge’ if they are a judge, or ‘sir’ or ‘madam’ if they are a magistrate. You may see some people bow to the judge or magistrate when they walk in or out of the hearing room. You don’t have to do this, but you can if you want to.
At the end of the hearing
The judge or magistrate may leave the room to think about their decision. They may make a decision on the day or send it to you by post later.
Leave the building straight away after your hearing, this helps limit the number of people inside at any one time.
Updates to this page
Published 30 January 2020Last updated
Updated Welsh language translation.
Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Network information has been added.
Added COVID-19 information
Updated following government's announcement on COVID-19 guidance.
Links to government guidance on self-isolation updated
Updated in response to latest guidance on the Omicron variant.
Updating links to self-isolation and other COVID guidance.
removed reference to clinically extremely vulnerable
Updates to content following changes to the Covid restrictions from 19 July 2021
Updated the Welsh version
Several changes to reflect update in Covid restrictions
Update to the guidance around COVID testing.
Updated Welsh language translation to reflect changes made to English version about COVID-secure practices.
Updated information throughout the page to highlight the need to follow COVID-secure practices.
Added section called 'Getting tested'.
Added translation
Added the section 'Who will be at your hearing'.
New Welsh version added.
Changes to update information regrading to coronavirus and lockdown / local restrictions guidance.
Changes to related links to provide information on courts opening and jury service
Add link to coronavirus guidance.
Added translation
First published.