Type of application:
Full Planning Application
Applicant name:
Cyril Ogunmakin, The Manor Group
Site address:
Land at Colne Spring Villa, Colney Heath, St Albans. AL4 0PB
Description of proposed development:
Erection of eco-village comprising 9 dwellings and community hub with associated access, parking and landscaping
Case Officer:
Section 62A Applications Team
Key dates:
Date |
Date application valid |
15 January 2025 |
Date by when representations must be made |
20 February 2025 |
Hearing date and venue |
Target Decision |
12 March 2025 |
Decision date |
Make a representation
The application can be inspected under the application plans and documents heading below.
You will be able to comment on this application until 20 February 2025
Please base your comments on planning matters.
Please avoid the use of inflammatory, discriminatory or abusive comments
All representations made in connection with the development proposal will be made publicly available on the website shortly after the end of the representation period. The name of the individual author or organisation will be published however addresses, signatures and contact details will not be published. We advise you not to include any other personal information about yourself or others. Our Customer Privacy Notice sets out how we handle personal data in accordance with the law.
Send your comments via email to section62anonmajor@planninginspectorate.gov.uk
or write to:
Section 62A Applications Team, Planning Inspectorate, 3rd Floor, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6PN
Sending comments by email will enable us to deal with them more quickly.
Please include the application reference number S62A/2025/0076 and site address.
This application will be determined by an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State. Shortly after the close of the representation period the Planning Inspectorate will consider whether a hearing is necessary. In the event that a hearing is scheduled, and you would wish to speak at the hearing, you must make this request at the time you submit your written representations.
Where the application is to be considered at a hearing, notice of the date, time and venue for the hearing along with the name of the person holding the hearing, will be published on this website at least one week before the date of the hearing.
Application Plans and Documents
Application Forms Final (PDF, 1.89 MB, 14 pages)
AIA Drawing (PDF, 5.39 MB, 1 page)
Arb Method Statement (PDF, 10.6 MB, 57 pages)
Arb Survey Report (PDF, 7.16 MB, 31 pages)
Biodiveristy Net Gain Assessment (PDF, 2.46 MB, 28 pages)
CEMP (PDF, 7.94 MB, 26 pages)
Endoscope Inspection (PDF, 1.33 MB, 2 pages)
Energy and Sustainability Statement (PDF, 9.58 MB, 63 pages)
FRA and SuDS (PDF, 15.7 MB, 72 pages)
Great Crested Newt District Level Licensing (PDF, 2.28 MB, 10 pages)
Green Belt Analysis (PDF, 1.7 MB, 16 pages)
Planning Statement (PDF, 791 KB, 35 pages)
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PDF, 10.4 MB, 29 pages)
The Statutory Biodiverity Metric Calculation (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 4.05 MB)
Transport Statement (PDF, 22.3 MB, 145 pages)
Tree Protection Plan (PDF, 4.73 MB, 1 page)
222 775-CDA-ZZ-XX-DA-XX-A-3000 05 PART 1 of 5 (PDF, 11.9 MB, 10 pages)
222 775-CDA-ZZ-XX-DA-XX-A-3000 05 PART 2 of 5 (PDF, 12.7 MB, 11 pages)
222 775-CDA-ZZ-XX-DA-XX-A-3000 05 PART 3 of 5 (PDF, 7.49 MB, 8 pages)
222 775-CDA-ZZ-XX-DA-XX-A-3000 05 PART 4 of 5 (PDF, 8.29 MB, 14 pages)
222 775-CDA-ZZ-XX-DA-XX-A-3000 05 PART 5 of 5 (PDF, 5.48 MB, 6 pages)
775 001 (JPEG, 85.5 KB)
775 001 PP (PNG, 3.88 MB)
775 002 A (PNG, 3.15 MB)
775 002 A PP (PNG, 3.53 MB)
775 003 (PNG, 3.5 MB)
775-CDA-ZZ-00-DR-A-00-0100-REV 06-SITE LOCATION PLAN (PDF, 544 KB, 1 page)
775-CDA-ZZ-00-DR-A-01-0100-REV-EXISTING LEVEL 00 PLAN (PDF, 445 KB, 1 page)
775-CDA-ZZ-00-DR-A-05-0100-REV 04-PROPOSED LANDSCAPE PLAN A3 (PDF, 1.44 MB, 1 page)
775-CDA-ZZ-00-DR-A-05-0100-REV 13-PROPOSED LEVEL 00 PLAN (PDF, 1.35 MB, 1 page)
775-CDA-ZZ-02-DR-A-05-0102-REV 03-PROPOSED BLOCK PLAN (PDF, 1.28 MB, 1 page)
775-CDA-ZZ-02-DR-A-05-0102-REV 05 - PROPOSED ROOF PLAN (PDF, 853 KB, 1 page)
775-CDA-ZZ-XX-DR-A-01-0200-REV - EXISTING ELEVATION (PDF, 123 KB, 1 page)
775-CDA-ZZ-XX-DR-A-05-0100A-REV 01-DWELLING TYPE A (PDF, 727 KB, 1 page)
775-CDA-ZZ-XX-DR-A-05-0100B-REV 01-DWELLING TYPE B (PDF, 751 KB, 1 page)
775-CDA-ZZ-XX-DR-A-05-0100C-REV 01-DWELLING TYPE C (PDF, 564 KB, 1 page)
775-CDA-ZZ-XX-DR-A-05-0100D-REV 01-DWELLING TYPE D (PDF, 676 KB, 1 page)
775-CDA-ZZ-XX-DR-A-05-0100E-REV 01-PROPOSED RESIDENT S HUB (PDF, 748 KB, 1 page)
775-CDA-ZZ-XX-DR-A-05-0101-REV 03-PROPOSED LEVEL 01 PLAN (PDF, 865 KB, 1 page)
775-CDA-ZZ-XX-DR-A-05-0200-REV 01-PROPOSED SITE ELEVATIONS (PDF, 191 KB, 1 page)
Questionnaire and supporting documents
S62A Questionnaire at application - S62A.2025.0076 (PDF, 142 KB, 6 pages)
1 - Metropolitan Green Belt (PDF, 32.9 KB, 1 page)
106 - Nature Conservation (PDF, 20.8 KB, 1 page)
13 - Extension or Replacement of Dwellings in the Green Belt (PDF, 29.4 KB, 1 page)
2 - Settlement Strategy (PDF, 74.5 KB, 2 pages)
34 - Highways Considerations in Development Control (PDF, 36.8 KB, 1 page)
39 - Parking Standards, General Requirements (PDF, 234 KB, 1 page)
40 - Residential Development Parking Standards (PDF, 43.6 KB, 1 page)
69 - General Design and Layout (PDF, 19.3 KB, 1 page)
70 - Design and Layout of New Housing (PDF, 83 KB, 3 pages)
74 - Landscaping and Tree Preservation (PDF, 30.4 KB, 1 page)
84 -Flooding and River Catchment Management (PDF, 25.9 KB, 1 page)
Design Advice Leaflet No 1 (PDF, 5.61 MB, 35 pages)
Front Sheet SADC Local Plan Review 1994 (PDF, 19.1 KB, 1 page)
HCC Rights of Way Map and Statement (PDF, 131 KB, 1 page)
Planning History Summary (PDF, 26.3 KB, 1 page)
Plant letter (PDF, 2.58 MB, 8 pages)
Residential extensions and replacement dwellings in the green belt - supplementary planning guidance (PDF, 3.93 MB, 35 pages)
Revised Parking Policies and Standards January 2002 (2) (PDF, 949 KB, 22 pages)
S62A.2025.0076 - location of LEADs Ecology consultation zone (PDF, 165 KB, 1 page)
S62A.2025.0076 - location of Wildlife Site (PDF, 271 KB, 1 page)
British Pipeline Agency Limited (PDF, 308 KB, 2 pages)
British Pipeline Agency Limited 2 (PDF, 207 KB, 1 page)
Crime Prevention Officer (PDF, 257 KB, 1 page)
Environment Agency (PDF, 96.5 KB, 3 pages)
Hertfordshire County Council (PDF, 75.6 KB, 2 pages)
Herts LEADS (PDF, 154 KB, 3 pages)
Recycling and Waste Officer (PDF, 31.5 KB, 1 page)
Hertfordshire Ecology (PDF, 190 KB, 5 pages)
Natural England (PDF, 101 KB, 2 pages)
Natural England - Annex A to standard letters - Jan 2025 (PDF, 115 KB, 4 pages)
Natural England to St Albans DC (PDF, 98 KB, 2 pages)
Interested Parties
Planning Inspectorate Correspondence
Applicant Correspondence