Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme information
Here is the information required to ascertain if your premises is eligible for vouchers and how you can apply for them.
- From:
- Building Digital UK
- Published
- 6 February 2024
- Last updated
1511NovemberFebruary20242025 — See all updates
Privacy Notice
The government is committed to delivering lightning-fast, reliable broadband across the UK.
Project Gigabit is the government’s £5 billion programme that targets hard-to-reach areas where it is more difficult and more expensive to build digital infrastructure. The majority of the rollout will come through local and regional contracts, providing subsidies to suppliers to extend their gigabit-capable networks to premises that are unlikely to be reached otherwise.
The Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme (GBVS) is part of Project Gigabit, focused on helping specific people and communities in rural areas upgrade their broadband connection. It mainly operates in areas where there is no coverage of a Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) by a Project Gigabit procurement or contract.
Eligible homes and businesses can apply for up to £4,500 to cover the costs of a gigabit-capable connection.
Check this page to see if you’re eligible for a voucher at your address.
The government is committed to delivering lightning-fast, reliable broadband across the UK.
Project Gigabit is the government’s £5 billion programme that targets hard-to-reach areas where it is more difficult and more expensive to build digital infrastructure. The majority of the rollout will come through local and regional contracts, providing subsidies to suppliers to extend their gigabit-capable networks to premises that are unlikely to be reached otherwise.
The Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme (GBVS) is part of Project Gigabit, focused on helping specific people and communities in rural areas upgrade their broadband connection. It mainly operates in areas where there is no coverage of a Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) by a Project Gigabit procurement or contract.
Eligible homes and businesses can apply for up to £4,500 to cover the costs of a gigabit-capable connection.
Check this page to see if you’re eligible for a voucher at your address.
Updates to this page
Last updated
Map updated and Devon added to table.
Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme (GBVS) information updated to clarify rural focus of the scheme and Active Gigabit Voucher Scheme Suppliers table and map updated to show current rural areas eligible for new voucher projects.
Additional lot added to Active Gigabit Voucher Scheme Suppliers table
Surrey (Lot 22) closed for Project Gigabit procurements.
Updates to section 6 of the Privacy Notice
Beneficiary Terms and Conditions Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme page added.
Map updated.
Auditors section added to Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme information.
Privacy notice has been added
First published.
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Update history
2025-02-24 16:15
Newcastle and North Tyneside removed from table.
2025-02-11 11:01
Map updated and Devon added to table.
2024-11-21 14:56
Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme (GBVS) information updated to clarify rural focus of the scheme and Active Gigabit Voucher Scheme Suppliers table and map updated to show current rural areas eligible for new voucher projects.
2024-11-15 09:35
Additional lot added to Active Gigabit Voucher Scheme Suppliers table
2024-08-15 12:10
Surrey (Lot 22) closed for Project Gigabit procurements.
2024-08-05 16:30
Updates to section 6 of the Privacy Notice
2024-06-07 09:21
Beneficiary Terms and Conditions Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme page added.
2024-06-05 15:06
Map updated.
2024-04-17 10:55
Auditors section added to Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme information.
2024-03-14 13:19
Privacy notice has been added
2024-02-06 16:49
First published.