Managing your Countryside StewardshipStewardship: agreementhow following the end of cross compliance
affects your agreement
ReadChanges aboutto theterms rulesand Countrysideconditions Stewardshipfor (CS)existing agreement holders must continue to meet following the end of cross compliance.
- From:
- Published
- 6 December 2023
- Last updated
29FebruaryOctober20252024— See all updates
Applies to England
CrossIf complianceyou are a farmer or land manager and claimed rural payments between 2005 and 2023, you had to follow a set of rules called cross compliance. These rules ended at midnight onon 31 31 December 2023.2023.
Regulations Thewill Ruralcontinue to Paymentsprotect Agencythe (RPA)environment, hasand amendedanimal health and welfare. Compliance will be monitored by the termsexisting statutory bodies and conditionsregulated ofin youra Countrysidefair, Stewardshipproportionate, (CS)and agreementconsistent inway. This themeans, followingwherever way:
- Agreements
possible,beforewe2023:willRPAworkhaswithnotyouremovedtoreferencesgetitrightandgiveyouopportunitiesself-correctcompliancebeforebutwetheyneedaretonotakelongeranyrelevant. - Agreements
formalstartingaction.2024AgreementholdersTheapplicantandagreementholder’sguidespublished2023RPAforhasagreementsremovedstarting1January2024willhaveincludedcompliance.inWehaveupdatedconditionsRPAofhasyouralsoagreementremovedtoreferencesreflecttotheendofcompliance.fromThesecapitalupdatedgrantstermsandconditionswillapplytoyourwhenitstartson1January2024.TheApplicantandAgreementguidesItwillhasalsonotberemovedupdatedreferencetoreflectthischange.20162023complianceAgreementfromholdersWehaveupdatedthetermsandconditionsofyouragreementstoreflecttheendofcrosscompliance.guidesAllwillnotbeupdated,howeverall - Agreements starting
Rules youfor mustall continueAgreement to followholders
The endremoval of cross compliance haswill only have limited impact on the way you manage your CS agreement. You must continue to meetcomply with legal requirements around certain farming activities to protect people, livestock and the environment. These rules are set out in the the Rules for farmers and land managers. These rules include the hedgerow management rules that were introduced in 2024. Read the next section to find out more.
Hedgerow management rules Hedgerows
Hedgerow management rules apply in England to protect and manage hedgerows on agricultural land. These rules take account of the Management of Hedgerows (England) Regulations 2024 thatwhich came into force on 23 May 2024.
The rules apply to hedgerows growing on, or next to, land used for agriculture.
Withagriculture anyand managementmay activityimpact how you carry out undercertain agricultural activities, including those in your CS agreement,agreement.
The youhedgerow mustmanagement followrules the:include:
- hedgerow
amanagement2-metrerules‘bufferonstrip’,cuttingmeasuredfromthecentreofahedgerow,whereagreencovermustbeestablishedmaintained - hedgerow
nomanagementcultivationrulesorforapplicationofpesticidesorfertiliserswithinthe2-metrestrip anexthedgerowcuttingandtrimmingbanfrom1March31August(inclusive)
ForYou must comply with the hedgerow management rules on cutting and trimming, and buffer strips when delivering any of your CS options thator requirecapital items. Where an option requires cultivation or usethe application of pesticidepesticides or fertiliser, itthis will usually mean youthe option must establishbe theestablished CS options at least 2 metres (m) from the centre of the hedgerow.
It Thismay isaffect ayour regulatoryagreement hedgerowif managementyou bufferdo strip.not comply with this scheme requirement.
SW1 cannotand overlapSW2 the– following4 CSto options6 withmetre thebuffer 2mstrips regulatoryon hedgerowcultivated managementland bufferand strip:intensive grassland
- SW1:
If4myourtoagreement6mcontainsSW1orSW2grassoptionscultivatedthatland - SW2:
Youto must start tomeasuring measurethe these options at least 2m2 metres from the centre of the hedge.hedgerow This(excluding excludes the land within 2m2 metres of the centre of the hedgehedgerow). asThis is because we cannotare paynot youable to carrypay outyou afor legalthe requirement.2-metre Yourbuffer agreementstrip thereforewhich mayapplies beunder affected if the areamanagement inof SW1hedgerow orregulations.
If SW2your overlapsagreement thestarted landbefore within1 2mJanuary of2024, thethis centre of the hedgerow.
This is already a requirement forof agreementsyour thatCS startedbuffer beforestrip 1 January 2024.options.
If your agreements that started on 1 January 2024, the requirement to start measuring your SW1 andor SW2 requirementsbuffer camestrips at least 2 metres from the centre of the hedgerow comes into effect onfrom 1 January 2025. 2025.
If legalyour requirements
CrossSW1 complianceor requirementsSW2 forbuffer strip option area overlaps the protectionland ofwithin stone2 walls,metres earthof andthe stonecentre banks,of watercoursesthe andhedgerow, waterbodies,this andmay soilsaffect areyour notagreement.
You fullycan reproducedread inmore the Rulesinformation forabout farmersthe rules, and landexemptions, managerson buthedgerow theremanagement arerules: othercutting legaland requirementstrimming thatand youhedgerow mustmanagement consider.rules: buffer strips.
LeaveStone stone walls, earth and stone banks in place
Stone walls, earth and stone banks,banks that youhave been created or maintained through a CSStewardship option, must remain in place and meetbe subject to the terms of your existing agreement.
YouIn mustaddition, alsoyou will need to consider any other legal requirements.obligations, Forfor example,example whereif there are planning protections in conservation areas for certain boundary features. YouYour should contact your local planning authority will provide more information and you should contact them before you take any action.
ProtectingWater watercoursesbuffer and waterbodiesstrips
You must consider the legal requirements around the protection of watercourses and waterbodies.
The farmingThe Farming rules for water prevent prevent the use of manure and fertiliser close to a water course. You must take all reasonable precautions to prevent pollution from land management and cultivation practices, such as spraying pesticides.
There is no longer a requirement to maintain a green cover on land either:either
within 2m
2metresfrom 1m
However, the use of grass buffer strips iscontinues anto effectivebe managementone optionof the many important actions you can take to prevent water pollution and meet the farmingFarming rulesRules for water.Water.
Protecting soilsSoils
The The farmingFarming rules for water require youcontinue to takerequire reasonable precautions to be taken which will prevent soil erosion,erosion such as establishing cover crops and grass buffer strips.
Further rules for farmers
There are more rules that you might need to follow when managing your agreement.
Read more about Rules for farmers and land managers.
Updates to this page
Last updated 21
Guidance has been updated to reflect the impact on Countryside Stewardship (CS) agreements of the end of cross compliance and the Management of Hedgerow Regulations that came into force on 23 May 2024.
Removal of cross compliance information as no longer relevant. Addition of the impact of hedgerow regulations on the scheme.
First published.
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Update history
2025-02-21 10:25
Guidance has been updated to reflect the impact on Countryside Stewardship (CS) agreements of the end of cross compliance and the Management of Hedgerow Regulations that came into force on 23 May 2024.
2024-10-29 17:00
Removal of cross compliance information as no longer relevant.Addition of the impact of hedgerow regulations on the scheme.
2023-12-06 17:31
First published.