16 to 19 funding allocations
Information about how we allocate 16 to 19 funding is allocated to colleges, providers, schools and academies.institutions.
- From:
- Education and Skills Funding Agency
- Published
- 10 March 2014
- Last updated
15OctoberMarch20242025 — See all updates
Applies to England
16 to 19 funding allocations
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) funds schools, academies, colleges and independent learning providers. We calculate funding usingfor theinstitutions using the 16 to 19 funding formula.
Funding allocations are driven by student recruitment and the funding formula includes factors that reflect student retention, higher cost subjects, disadvantaged students and area costs. The fundingOur educationmain forcollection 16 to 19 year olds page includes includes further information about each element within the 16 to 19 funding formula.
We supplement the funding calculated using the 16 to 19 funding formula with additional funding for for high needs students and and funding that provides provides financial support to to students to help with their education costs.
Information for academic year 20242025 to 20252026
We’ve published details on the key changes toto funding funding for 20242025 to 20252026.
ForOur pages on funding allocation statement guides and allocation calculation toolkits,toolkits seewill 16help you to 19understand fundinghow allocationswe’ve supportingcalculated documentsyour for 2024 to 2025.funding.
Allocations timeline
We will publish updates to the timeline as we deliver funding allocations. PleaseThe read the latest news column on the timeline forshows regular updates.
Month | Activity | Latest news |
December |
6 December |
The R04 data return is now closed. |
January |
Publication of outcomes of the high needs place change process for |
We have |
February |
The R06 data return is now closed. | |
We will issue supporting | ||
We will begin to issue allocations to all institutions and publish supporting |
April and |
2025. We will review and process business cases |
We will issue funding |
We will make the first payment to local authorities (in respect of schools with sixth forms) and directly to academies, colleges and other institutions. |
Business cases for major data errors
You should only submit business cases if you have made a significant error in your 16 to 19 schools census or or ILR data. data. This should be by exception and only after you have received your funding allocation statement.
We whenhave submittingchanged the deadline for business cases this year. You must submit a business case
Cases receivedwithin with4 fullweeks informationof beforereceiving 30your Aprilfunding 2024:
weallocation aimstatement. toWe communicatewill outcomesnot foraccept straightforwardlate casesbusiness bycases.
We whenhave submittingchanged the deadline for business cases this year. You must submit a business case
Cases receivedwithin with4 fullweeks informationof beforereceiving 30your Aprilfunding 2024:
Use theour endcustomer ofhelp Juneportal 2024
Casesto Document receivedexchange until afteryou 30have Aprilcompleted 2024this orstep thosebecause thatwe requirewill furthernot information:see them.
Timelines when submitting a business case
For cases that we
aimreceivetowithletfullyouinformationknowwithin 4 weeks of theoutcomesallocationasstatementsoonbeingasissued, weareaimable,tobutcommunicate outcomes formorestraightforwardcomplexcasesoroverlatethecasessummer.We
youwillmightneedreceivelongerdecisionstofrominvestigateJulymore2024complexonwardsforcases,theseorcases,cases with missing information, and we will action anyadjustmentadjustments to your allocation as a contractvariation
When not to submit a case
This process does not cover business cases for high needs place funding for institutions that are within scope of the the high needs place change notification process.
For institutions returning the the ILR, we will not accept business cases where an error in the 20222023 to 20232024 R04 (or R46) has reduced the ratio for the 20242025 to 20252026 allocation. This is because any such error will have also resulted in an equivalent increase in the 20232024 to 20242025 allocation.
From academic year 2026 to 2027, we will only accept business cases affecting that academic year. We will not accept business cases affecting previous years.
How to submit a case
YouUse must contact us using our customer help centreportal clearlyto statingsubmit a case. Choose the naturefunding ofand yourpayments option, then allocations and business case.cases. The head of institution must authorise all business cases.
PleaseIf doyou nothave uploadany businessqueries casesabout tousing Document exchangeexchange, untilsee youour Document haveexchange completedsupport anguide.
If onlineyou enquirydo formnot becausefollow wethis willprocess notand seewe them.
Ifreceive youyour havecase anyafter queriesthe aboutdeadline, usingwe Documentwill exchange,not seebe ourable Documentto exchangeaccept support guide.it.
When appropriate, we will send you a pre-populated template after you contact us to make sure we have all the evidence we need.
We will not accept:
- extracts from allocation calculation toolkits with associated corrections
- templates from previous years
- cases received after the deadline
Thresholds for business cases
We apply standard minimum thresholds to decide whether we will consider a case.
For cases affecting Tyour Leveltotal allocations:
Forallocation, casesthere affectingmust lagged student numbers, full-time/part-time split, funding factors and the maths and English condition of funding:be:
- an overall impact of 5% on total programme funding or £100,000, whichever is
While Totalthis programmethreshold fundingremains refersthe tosame theas corelast programmeacademic fundingyear, (includingwe anywill conditionnow ofcalculate fundingthis adjustment)using asall outlinedof inthe ‘Figureelements 1:included 16in tototal 19programme funding formula’(see in‘Figure the1: 16 to 19 funding:funding how it works guidanceformula’
For cases not covered above:above, there must be:
- an overall impact of 5% of the funding related to that element
For example:example, if the case relates to thediscretionary highbursary valuefunding, courses premium, the 5% would be in relation to the total highdiscretionary valuebursary courses premium funding
We have maintainedremoved T Level under-delivery tolerances for academic year 2025 to 2026 so we have removed the reducedspecific thresholds for T LevelLevels. thresholdInstitutions forwill businessnot casesbe financially impacted if they correct their data errors in their autumn returns for academic year 20242025 to 2025.2026. HigherWe thresholdswill mayrevise applyallocations forin-year futureagainst academicactual years.data following the T Level reconciliation.
From 2026 to 2027, we will also change how the threshold works. When we agree a case, we will deduct the threshold and only pay funding over that amount. For example, if the same 5% or £100,000 (whichever is lower) threshold were to remain, institutions will need to fund the first 5% or £100,000 of the error.
Data sources
Data sources for 16 to 19 and post-16 high needs funding for academic year 20242025 to 20252026
This section sets out the methods we will use to determine the number of students attracting funding in 20242025 to 2025.2026. We have set this out by institution type.
PleaseFrom note, from academic year 20242025 to 2025,2026, we will include all T Level data in the calculation of funding factors.
Schools, academies, free schools, studio schools,schools and university technical colleges
We base lagged numbers on 20232024 to 20242025 students in the autumn 20232024 census. We fund some academies on estimated numbers where their funding agreement states this.
Further education (FE) colleges,) colleges and some other FE or higher education institutions
We take the number of eligible students with a reference date of 1 November 20232024 based on R04 (2023(2024 to 2024).2025).
We multiply this by the ratio of 1 November to all-year student numbers based on R04 (2022(2023 to 2023)2024) and the R14 return for that year.
We compare this figure with the student numbers calculated from R06 (2023(2024 to 2024),2025), both the year-to-date (as at 1 February) figure and the number recruited by 1 November (R46) to determine the final student number methodology that we will use: R04 multiplied by the ratio, R46 multiplied by the ratio or R06.
Independent learning providers
You can see the methodology we have used in the ‘total student numbers, student number methodology used’ box on your statement.
Depending on the profile of recruitment for the individual provider, we will either use:
- a 12-month rolling figure for February
20232024 to January20242025 based on R14(2022(2023 to2023)2024) and R06(2023(2024 to2024)2025) data - the same approach as set out above for FE
colleges,orcolleges - the average of approaches 1 and 2
There may be a delay in issuing allocations for institutions where we use R06 data.
Local authorities,authorities and some other FE institutions
If using in-year data is not appropriate, we will use a full-year figure based on R14 (2022(2023 to 2023).2024). We compare this figure with the student numbers calculated from R06 (2024 to 2025), year-to-date (as at 1 February) figure to determine the final student number methodology that we will use: R14 or R06.
Maintained special schools
We allocate post-16 high needs place funding directly to local authorities. Local authorities then determine the post-16 place funding to allocate to individual maintained special schools.
Special academies
We use published 20232024 to 20242025 academic year high needs place numbers, revised by place changes notified to ESFA byto us by local authorities in November 2023.2024.
Special post-16 institutions (SPIs)
We will allocate programme funding (element 1) and high needs funding (element 2) using counts of valid students from 20232024 to 2024 2025 ILR R06 data returns. We will use a reference date of 1 February 2024.2025.
Lagged approach
NoteFor that for those institutions normally subject to funding based on lagged funding,student numbers, the lagged approach does not apply where there is a material change in the volume of provision offered by the institution. In those cases, we remove the institution from the lagged approach and we calculate funded student numbers as set out in the the funding rates and formula guidance.
Formula elements
These are the methods we will use to determine the other formula elements for institutions with 16 to 19 funding in 20242025 to 2025.2026.
Data sources for formula elements/Institution type | Institutions making ILR return | Institutions making census return | Institutions with no historical data |
Retention/Size of programme/Programme cost weighting/Disadvantage block 2 instances/High value courses premium and English and maths funding | R14 |
Autumn census |
National average for institution type |
Disadvantage block 1 factor/instances and discretionary bursary instances | R14 |
Autumn census |
Local authority average for institution type |
Large programmes | No impact | ||
Industry placements/Condition of funding | R14 |
Autumn census |
No impact |
Advanced maths premium | Autumn census |
If institution is open in |
Core maths premium | Autumn census |
If institution is open in |
Contact us
If you have questions after reading our guidance, or if there’s anything else you need help with, you can find more support in our customer help centre.
Published allocations
You can find a list of our previously published allocations transparency data on our funding education for 16 to 19 year olds collection page.
Updates to this page
Last updated
We've updated this page with information on funding for academic year 2025 to 2026 including the timeline and data sources for funding allocations.
We have updated the latest news column in the allocation timeline. We have published updates for August/September 2024.
We have updated the latest news column in the allocation timeline. We have published updates for July/August 2024.
We have updated the latest news column in the allocation timeline. We have published updates for May/June 2024.
We have updated the latest news column in the allocation timeline. We have published updates for April 2024.
We have updated the latest news column in the allocation timeline. Updates have been published for February and March 2024.
We've updated this page with information on funding for academic year 2024 to 2025 including the timeline and data sources for funding allocations.
We’ve updated the allocations timeline from July to September.
We have extended our allocations timeline for academic year 2023 to 2024 to account for the revised statements due to the extra funding announced in July.
We have added a new section in about business cases for T Levels in academic year 2023 to 2024. The deadline is 21 July 2023.
We have updated the timeline for April to say the business cases deadline has now passed.
We have updated the timeline for March to note that allocations were issued by 31 March.
We have updated the timeline for February 2023 to say the R06 data return is now closed.
We have updated the timeline for January 2023 to say ACT files have been shared with institutions via DocX. We have also updated the timeline to say we have published the allocation calculation toolkits and the high needs place change process.
We have updated the page with all the relevant information for academic year 2023 to 2024 including the timeline for allocations, business cases and data sources.
We have updated the guidance for 2022 to 2023. This includes the updated timeline and business case information.
We have updated our 16 to 19 revenue funding allocations timeline and information for academic year 2021 to 2022.
Link to the 16 to 19 funding allocations data for 2020 to 2021 has been added.
We have updated the progress along the allocations timeline for August/September 2020.
We have updated progress along the allocations timeline.
We have updated our progress along the allocations timeline for April 2020
We have updated our guidance on COVID-19 exceptional business cases for free meals in further education and 16 to 19 bursary fund
We have updated the Business cases for major data errors section for 16 to 19 funding.
We have produced a video to help you understand your revenue funding allocation statement for 2020 to 2021
We have updated our advice on when to submit a business case for major data errors
We have updated the ‘When not to submit a case’ section because the high needs place change notification process is now complete.
We have updated our timeline
We have added a how to submit business cases section
We have updated the page with data sources for 16 to 19 and post-16 high needs funding for 2020 to 2021
We have updated our timeline for activities completed in November
We have updated our timeline and information for academic year 2020 to 2021
We have added a link to the allocations data for 2019 to 2020
The allocations timeline has been updated
We have updated the page with the latest information for academic year 2020 to 2021
We have updated the allocations timetable.
We have updated this guidance with information for special post-16 institutions.
16 to 19 revenue funding allocations process for academic year 2019 to 2020 has been added.
16 to 19 allocation timeline updated.
A video on the 16 to 19 funding allocations process for 2018 to 2019 has been added.
16 to 19 allocation timeline updated.
16 to 19 allocation process for 2018 to 2019 has been updated.
16 to 19 funding allocation timeline updated.
Added a new section to the allocation timeline.
A video explaining the funding allocations for 2017 to 2018 has been added.
This page has been updated to reflect 2017 to 2018 allocation cycle
Allocations process for academic year 2017 to 2018 has been updated.
Added link to the 16 to 19 funding allocations for the 2016 to 2017 academic year
General update to page.
Section under Allocations process 2016 to 2017 academic year has been added.
Changes to EFA funding for 16 to 19 year olds - 2016 to 2017 video has been added
updated information and tables added to 16 to 19 funding allocations
Explanatory note further education student number statement - academic year 2015 to 2016 has been added
Calendar updated - funding video added
2014 to 2015 allocation explanatory notes uploaded to page
First published.
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Update history
2025-03-05 17:59
We’ve updated this page with information on funding for academic year 2025 to 2026 including the timeline and data sources for funding allocations.
2024-10-01 11:26
We have updated the latest news column in the allocation timeline. We have published updates for August/September 2024.
2024-09-02 14:40
We have updated the latest news column in the allocation timeline. We have published updates for July/August 2024.
2024-07-02 13:32
We have updated the latest news column in the allocation timeline. We have published updates for May/June 2024.
2024-05-01 09:30
We have updated the latest news column in the allocation timeline. We have published updates for April 2024.
2024-04-02 10:00
We have updated the latest news column in the allocation timeline. Updates have been published for February and March 2024.
2024-02-13 14:00
We’ve updated this page with information on funding for academic year 2024 to 2025 including the timeline and data sources for funding allocations.
2023-09-06 13:06
We’ve updated the allocations timeline from July to September.
2023-07-21 14:17
We have extended our allocations timeline for academic year 2023 to 2024 to account for the revised statements due to the extra funding announced in July.
2023-07-06 11:58
We have added a new section in about business cases for T Levels in academic year 2023 to 2024. The deadline is 21 July 2023.
2023-05-11 11:08
We have updated the timeline for April to say the business cases deadline has now passed.
2023-04-06 13:09
We have updated the timeline for March to note that allocations were issued by 31 March.
2023-03-14 12:55
We have updated the timeline for February 2023 to say the R06 data return is now closed.
2023-02-08 11:44
We have updated the timeline for January 2023 to say ACT files have been shared with institutions via DocX. We have also updated the timeline to say we have published the allocation calculation toolkits and the high needs place change process.
2023-01-09 12:59
We have updated the page with all the relevant information for academic year 2023 to 2024 including the timeline for allocations, business cases and data sources.