Guidance on qualified person responsible for pharmacovigilance (QPPV) including pharmacovigilance system master files (PSMF)
Pharmacovigilance system requirements
The following legal obligations apply to holders of UK marketing authorisations (MA). These include those that cover the whole of the UK, or are specific to Northern Ireland or to Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland), including Great Britain MAs granted to allow unfettered access from Northern Ireland.
- To operate a pharmacovigilance system for UK authorised products
- To have an appropriately qualified person responsible for pharmacovigilance (QPPV) that resides and operates anywhere in the UK or in the EU/EEA and is responsible for the establishment and maintenance of the pharmacovigilance system for UK authorised products
- To maintain and make available upon request a pharmacovigilance system master file (PSMF) that describes the pharmacovigilance system for UK authorised products. The PSMF must be accessible electronically from the UK at the same site at which reports of suspected adverse reactions may be accessed
Guidance on the QPPV for UK authorised products
For all UK MAs, including those that cover the whole of the UK or are specific to Northern Ireland or to Great Britain, the marketing authorisation holder (MAH) must have permanently and continuously at its disposal a QPPV who resides and operates anywhere in the UK or in the EU/EEA, and is responsible for the establishment and maintenance of the pharmacovigilance system (“the UK QPPV”). Where the QPPV is not in the UK, there will be a need for a national contact person for pharmacovigilance as set out below.
This is provided for by regulation 182 of the Human Medicines Regulations 2012 (as amended) (HMR).
For MAs that cover the whole of the UK or are specific to Northern Ireland, the legal requirements concerning the qualifications and responsibilities of the QPPV that are outlined in Article 10 of the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 520/2012 (CIR) will remain unchanged.
For MAs that are specific to Great Britain, legal requirements concerning the qualifications and responsibilities of the QPPV are outlined in paragraph 10 of HMR Schedule 12A (inserted by the EU Exit Regulations 2019), which mirrors Article 10 of CIR.
Statutory guidance concerning the QPPV for UK authorised products is described in the Good Pharmacovigilance Practices (GVP) Module I. This guidance is supplemented by the Exceptions and modifications to the EU guidance on good pharmacovigilance practices that apply to UK marketing authorisation holders.
There is no temporary exemption as to the requirement to have a QPPV who resides and operates in the UK or the EU/EEA and is responsible for the pharmacovigilance system for UK authorised products.
National contact person for pharmacovigilance
If you choose to establish a QPPV who resides and operates in the EU/EEA, you must nominate a national contact person for pharmacovigilance who resides and operates in the UK and reports to the QPPV. This individual should have access to the reports of suspected adverse reactions referred to in regulation 187 of the HMRs and the PSMF for UK authorised products. The individual should be able to facilitate responses to pharmacovigilance queries raised by the MHRA, including via inspections.
There will be a temporary exemption in place which allows you 12 months from 1 January 2021 to appoint a national contact person for pharmacovigilance that resides and operates in the UK.
Once the national contact person for pharmacovigilance has been appointed, their details should be notified to the MHRA via the MHRA Submissions Portal. You should follow the instructions for submitting these details. You should receive a confirmation by email immediately upon completion of the form.
There is no requirement to appoint a deputy for the UK national contact person for pharmacovigilance, but for periods of extended absence greater than one month (esuch as maternity leave, long-term sick leave, etc.), it is expected that another individual is assigned as the national contact person for pharmacovigilance and their details should be notified to the MHRA within two weeks of the change. In practice, this means editing the existing details of the national contact person for pharmacovigilance that are saved in the MHRA Submissions portal.
Guidance on the PSMF for UK authorised products
For all UK national MAs, including those that cover the whole of the UK or are specific to Northern Ireland or to Great Britain, the MAH must maintain, and make available upon request of the MHRA, a PSMF that describes the pharmacovigilance system for UK authorised products (‘the UK PSMF’).
PSMF accessibility in the UK
All UK PSMFs must be accessible electronically at the same point in the UK from which the reports of suspected adverse reactions referred to in regulation 187 of the HMRs are accessible. This requirement applies from 1 January 2021.
The PSMF needs to be permanently and immediately available for inspection at the stated location in the UK.
PSMF format, content and representation of pharmacovigilance systems
For MAs that cover the whole of the UK or are specific to Northern Ireland, the legal requirements concerning the format and content of the PSMF that are outlined in Chapter I of CIR will remain unchanged.
For MAs that are specific to Great Britain, legal requirements concerning the format and content of the PSMF are outlined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of HMR, which mirrors Chapter I of CIR.
As the legal requirements concerning PSMF format and content are identical for MAs that cover the whole of the UK and Northern Ireland, and those that are specific to Great Britain, a single UK PSMF can be used for all UK authorised products. This is assuming that the pharmacovigilance system applied to all products is the same.
Statutory guidance concerning the PSMF for UK authorised products is described in GVP Module II. This guidance is supplemented by the ‘Exceptions and modifications to the EU guidance on good pharmacovigilance practices that apply to UK marketing authorisation holders’.
The UK PSMF must describe the global pharmacovigilance system and reflect the global availability of safety information for UK authorised products.
As per GVP Module II, there are different approaches to establishing a pharmacovigilance system. For example:
- MAHs can establish more than one pharmacovigilance system
- A pharmacovigilance system can be shared by several MAHs
The UK PSMF should be an accurate representation of the pharmacovigilance system that has been established and you must make sure that every pharmacovigilance system covering UK authorised products has been assigned a unique PSMF number by the MHRA.
How to request a UK PSMF number
All PSMFs that cover UK authorised products should be registered with the MHRA. You should request a unique UK PSMF number from the MHRA for each pharmacovigilance system that you are operating for UK authorised products. Where the pharmacovigilance system is shared by several MAHs, a single request for a UK PSMF number should be submitted to the MHRA.
A UK PSMF number can be requested via the MHRA Submissions Portal. You should follow the online instructions for requesting a UK PSMF number and you should receive the number by email immediately upon completion of the form. The address from which the PSMF can be electronically accessed must be in the UK. Your UK PSMF number will be invalidated if the address provided is not in the UK. Any submissions to the MHRA using an invalidated UK PSMF number will not be accepted.
The UK PSMF number will be sent to the UK QPPV email address as well as the email address you nominated on the UK PSMF number request form. If you have not received a confirmation email within three hours of submitting the form, please contact Please do not re-submit the form as this will cause delays in processing your request.
You are encouraged not to request the UK PSMF number until you are either applying for a new UK marketing authorisation or notifying the MHRA of a change in the details of the QPPV for UK authorised products from the baseline information held by the MHRA.
Guidance for applicants for UK marketing authorisations
The material to accompany an application for a UK marketing authorisation includes a summary of the applicant’s pharmacovigilance system (SPS).
This must include the following elements:
- proof that the applicant has at their disposal an appropriately qualified person responsible for pharmacovigilance who resides and operates in the EU or the UK,
- the country (which must be either the UK or a Member State) in which the appropriately qualified person resides and carries out his or her tasks
- the contact details of the appropriately qualified person
- a statement signed by the applicant which says that they have the necessary means to fulfil the tasks and responsibilities listed in Part 11
- a reference to the location where the pharmacovigilance system master file for the medicinal product can be accessed electronically, which must be in the UK
The SPS should also include the UK PSMF number.
The above is following HMR Schedule 8.
Guidance on the application process and on registering to make submissions via the MHRA Submissions Portal is available.
You should use Agency Activity Reference ID: G0001 – Initial Marketing Authorisation Application and Subactivity Text: H002 – “Original Submission”.
Information on the QPPV and PSMF for UK authorised products should be entered in section 2.4.4 of the electronic application form (eAF). You should note the following:
- if the QPPV for UK authorised products resides and operates in the UK, the checkbox entitled “The above-mentioned qualified person resides and operates in the EEA” can remain unchecked.
- the UK location where the PSMF can be accessed from does not need to be registered in the Article 57 database, therefore the associated checkbox can remain unchecked.
For UK licence applications via mutual recognition or decentralised procedures, the UK SPS should be included in module 1.8.1 as a standalone file or alternatively under a UK subfolder.
Notification of QPPV and PSMF details to the MHRA by existing holders of UK marketing authorisations
You should submit Type IAIN variations related to the SPS to the MHRA and these submissions should cover all UK product licences (PL) under a unique pharmacovigilance system.
How to make your submission
All applications to update the SPS are required to be submitted as a Type IAIN - C.I.8 variation via the MHRA Submissions Portal. You should use Agency Activity Reference ID: G0098 – Variation Type IA - Establishing UK QPPV-PSMF and Subactivity Text: H002 – “Original Submission”. For UK licences issued via mutual recognition or decentralised procedures, a variation to update the UK SPS should be submitted as a UK-only National procedure and the SPS should be included in module 1.8.1 as a standalone file or alternatively under a UK subfolder. Please refer to the
to the SPS for UK licences issued via mutual recognition or decentralised procedures.We are expecting a large volume of regulatory submissions. You should submit your SPS updates as single changes and, to prevent delays, you should submit in collections of no more than 25 PLs.
You should submit no more than two collections in a single package or within a single week without prior notification.
You may contact the MHRA at to discuss and agree the submission schedule and the processing timelines. Please include reference ‘PSMFT1’ in the email subject line.
Documentation you need to supply
You should supply the following documentation in a C.I.8 submission (Introduction of, or changes to, a summary of pharmacovigilance system for medical products for human use):
- Proof that the applicant has at their disposal a qualified person responsible for pharmacovigilance and a statement signed by the applicant to the effect that the applicant has the necessary means to fulfil the tasks and responsibilities listed in Part 11
- The country (which must be either the UK or a Member State) in which the appropriately qualified person resides and carries out their tasks
- Contact details of the appropriately qualified person who resides and operates in the EU or the UK
- A reference to the location where the PSMF for the medicinal product can be accessed, which must be in the UK
- UK PSMF number
Failing to supply all required documentation and information may lead to a rejection of the submission, which will require you to make a resubmission addressing all discrepancies.
The requirements for various categories of variations are outlined in the guidelines published by the Commission under Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2008.
Submission timeframes
You must notify the MHRA of the details in the SPS following any changes to the QPPV responsible for UK authorised products from the baseline information held by the MHRA. The baseline information is the QPPV details that were registered in eXtended EudraVigilance Medicinal Product Dictionary (XEVMPD) at the end of 13 December 2020. For any QPPV updates submitted prior to 13 December 2020, you should have received a successful acknowledgement message (coded as ‘01’) indicating that the information in the XEVPRM has been processed successfully. This is because the MHRA compiled the QPPV details for UK authorised products that were in XEVMPD as of 14 December 2020. Changes made after 13 December 2020 will not be included in the baseline dataset.
The submission of SPS details for licences that were authorised via the EU centralised procedure should be handled differently to UK national licences. Please refer to the
which has an overview of the timeframes for submitting SPS details to the MHRA. Further details for the different licence types are provided below.Guidance relating to UK national licences (including those authorised via mutual recognition or decentralised procedures)
If the identity, location and contact details of the QPPV responsible for UK authorised products are identical to that of the EU/EEA QPPV at the end of 13 December 2020 (as entered in XEVMPD), no immediate action is required to notify the MHRA.
Within two weeks of a change of identity, location or contact details of the QPPV responsible for UK authorised products, you should submit a single change Type IAIN - C.I.8 variation. This should cover all UK PLs under a unique pharmacovigilance system (in collections of no more than 25 PLs).
If you anticipate no changes to the QPPV details from those entered in XEVMPD by 30 June 2022, then these details for the QPPV, together with the UK location that the PSMF can be accessed from and UK PSMF number, should be submitted as a single change Type IAIN - C.I.8 variation by this deadline.
Licences authorised via the EU centralised procedure
All existing MAs authorised through the centrally authorised procedure will automatically be converted into UK MAs. These MAs will be issued with a UK MA number before the end of the transition period.
You will have a period of one year, starting on 1 January 2021, to submit the baseline initiating sequence data and related information in eCTD format.
At the point of submission of the baseline initiating eCTD sequence you should follow the following guidance:
If the identity, location or contact details of the QPPV responsible for UK authorised products are different to that of the EU/EEA QPPV at the end of 13 December 2020 (as entered in XEVMPD), you should simultaneously submit a Type IAIN - C.I.8 variation as a separate sequence in the same submission package. This variation will be processed once the baseline sequence is processed.
If the identity, location and contact details of the QPPV responsible for UK authorised products are identical to that of the EU/EEA QPPV at the end of 13 December 2020 (as entered in XEVMPD), no immediate action is required to notify the MHRA. Following receipt of the baseline sequence approval letter from the MHRA, you should take the following actions:
- Within two weeks of a change of identity, location or contact details of the QPPV responsible for UK authorised products, you should submit a single change Type IAIN - C.I.8 variation. This should cover all UK (ex-EU) PLs under a unique pharmacovigilance system (in collections of no more than 25 PLs).
- If you anticipate no changes to the QPPV details from those entered on XEVMPD by 30 June 2022, then the details of the QPPV and PSMF should be submitted by this deadline.
Notification of QPPV and PSMF details to XEVMPD
From 1 January 2021, for products in respect of Northern Ireland (UK-wide and Northern Ireland-only MAs), in addition to notifying the QPPV and PSMF details to the MHRA, you must submit information on the UK QPPV and the EU location of the UK PSMF to the Article 57 database in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 726/2004 Article 57(2).
Pharmacovigilance requirements for UK authorised products webinar recording, which took place on 13 January 2020. This webinar was part of a series of Brexit and post-transition guidance webinars:
Post transition: Pharmacovigilance requirements for UK authorised products webinar recording, which took place on 22 October 2020:
This webinar was part of a series of EU Exit and post-transition guidance webinars.
General queries relating to the QPPV, PSMF and establishment of pharmacovigilance systems for UK authorised products should be sent to
Queries relating to the UK PSMF number should be sent to
Queries relating to submission of Type IA variations should be sent to
For further information, please email our Customer Services Centre at or call 020 3080 6000. You can also email with urgent questions. Alternatively, contact your Trade Association by emailing:
- Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI):
- British Generic Manufacturers Association (BGMA):
- BioIndustry Association (BIA):
- Clinical & Contract Research Association (CCRA):
- Ethical Medicines Industry Group (EMIG):
- Health Food Manufacturers’ Association (HFMA):
- The National Pharmacy Association (NPA):
- Proprietary Association of Great Britain (PAGB):
Last updated 1 February 2021 + show all updates
Following user feedback, we have edited some of this guidance to make it easier to understand and clarified certain points.
New video entry - Pharmacovigilance requirements for UK authorised products webinar recording, which took place on 13 January 2020
First published.