
Apply for the UK Seafood Fund: Infrastructure Scheme

Find out about funding available through the Infrastructure Scheme, who can apply and how your application is assessed.

About the Infrastructure Scheme

At least £65 million in grant funding is available through the Infrastructure Scheme. The scheme will fund projects that build capability across the UK seafood sector supply chain through investment in:

  • improved capability at ports, harbours and processing facilities aquaculture
  • the social and economic welfare of coastal communities

This is a competitive scheme. To get funding, you must bid for a grant.

Each successful applicant will be awarded a minimum of £250,000 and a maximum of £5 million.

The Infrastructure Scheme is part of the UK Seafood Fund.

Who can apply

You can apply for funding if you’re involved in fishing, processing or aquaculture and are:

Lead applicant

The lead applicant is the individual who will submit the application. If the application is successful they will receive the grant funding and be responsible for the delivery and reporting of the funded project.

You can only make 2 applications in the same round if you are the lead applicant. You can be part of other applications but only as a consortium member, not the lead applicant.

Match funding

You will need to provide match funding for your project. The level of match funding will depend on your organisation type.

The maximum level of funding from the Infrastructure Scheme as a percentage of total project cost is:

  • 75% for public bodies and public charities
  • 50% for private SMEs
  • 30% for private non-SME
  • 75% for private, fisherman’s associations
  • 75% for private, producer organisations
  • 50% for private charitable foundations

Evidence of this match funding commitment is required as part of the online application. This is expected to be in the form of a letter from the contributor confirming their intent to provide the stated amount, signed by persons authorised to do so.

Read more about the level of match funding required on page 17 of the scheme guidance (Invitation to Apply).

When to apply

Round one will be open for applications from 29 March until 24midday Mayon 14 June 2022.

We are aware that implications of the war in Ukraine may impact the processing sector in the short term. There will be another opportunity for processors to bid into the scheme later in 2022.

How to apply

Before you apply, you must read:

You can also watch the UK Seafood Fund Infrastructure Scheme - User Guide on YouTube which will take you through the process.

Register and submit your documents

  1. Register and save your details in the UK Fisheries Support System (UKFSS).

  2. Download and fill in the qualification questions and cost templates. If your project includes staff costs, you will also need to complete the staff hourly rates template (Annex D).

  3. Upload the documents listed throughout the scheme guidance (Invitation to Apply).

  4. Submit your application and documents in the UKFSS.

How your application is assessed

Your application will go through an initial assessment to see if it meets the qualification criteria.

If you meet the qualification criteria, you will be assessed and scored on the following technical criteria:

  • strengthening the supply chain - scores 15%
  • value for money - scores 40%
  • deliverability of proposal, effectively and in proposed timescale - scores 15%
  • fisheries health and environmental sustainability - scores 15%
  • social and economic sustainability - scores 10%
  • project location - scores 5%

You can present your answers in your own way, but it must not exceed the maximum page limits stated in the scheme guidance (Invitation to Apply). This must be uploaded to the UKFSS along with your qualification questions, total project cost template and any other documents detailed throughout the scheme guidance (Invitation to Apply).

If you score less than 50% in any of the individual technical criterion other than project location, you will not be considered for funding.

If you score 50% or more in each criterion (not including project location), your application will be sent to a decision panel.

Read Section 3: evaluation model in the scheme guidance (Invitation to Apply) for further details.

If your application is successful

You will receive a notification letter through the UKFSS that will explain that you will need to pass a site visit before your application is granted. The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) will contact you directly to arrange a site visit.

If you pass the site visit, you will receive a notification and the grant funding agreement through the UKFSS. You need to accept the agreement before you start your project.

If your application is unsuccessful

You will receive feedback through the UKFSS as to why your application was unsuccessful.

If you are unsuccessful in this round, you can re-apply in future rounds if you are eligible.

Keep up to date

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If you have any questions

You can submit questions about the application process or general enquiries within the UKFSS.

Published 27 December 2021
Last updated 2913 MarchMay 2022 + show all updates
  1. The closing date for applications has been extended to midday on 14 June 2022. The Invitation to Apply has been amended to reflect clarification requests and a revised timetable.

  2. The scheme is now open for applications. Information has been added to explain the process and links to documents you must read before applying.

  3. Changed opening date for applications to the end of March 2022.

  4. First published.