
Apply for the UK Seafood Fund: Infrastructure Scheme

Find out about funding available through the Infrastructure Scheme.

At least £65 million in grant funding is available through the Infrastructure Scheme. The scheme will fund projects that improve the UK seafood sector supply chain through investment in:

  • improved capability at ports, harbours, processing, and aquaculture facilities
  • the social and economic welfare of coastal communities
  • fleet modernisation
  • recreational sea fishing

This is a competitive scheme. To get funding, you must bid for a grant.

Find out about projects that have already been awarded Infrastructure Scheme funding.

The Infrastructure Scheme is part of the UK Seafood Fund.

When to apply

TheRound scheme2 hasis beennow splitopen intofor 4applications.

You rounds.must submit your application before midday on 3 February 2023.


If 1

you are successful, you must complete your project by March 2025.

ApplicationsFurther forrounds roundwill 1open closedin early 2023. They will focus on 14fleet Junemodernisation 2022.and recreational sea fishing.


Who 1can awardedapply

The grantsfollowing totypes of organisations tocan improve:apply for this grant:

You must nominate a lead applicant to apply. They will receive the funding if your application is successful. They will also be responsible for running the project and reporting on its progress.

RoundHow 2to apply

ApplicationsYou must apply using the UK Fisheries Support System (UKFSS).

Before you apply, read the:

Register on 3UKFSS

This Februaryvideo 2023.user guide explains how to register, ask a question and submit your application on the UKFSS.

  1. RoundGo 2to focusesthe UKFSS website.

  2. Select ‘Start now’.

  3. Read and accept the terms of use for the service and select ‘Create an account’.

  4. Read and complete each page on improving:the system select ‘Next’ or ‘Back’ to move between each page.

  5. Once you have chosen a password, select ‘Create Account’.

You will be sent an email with a link to confirm and activate your account.

How to submit your application

Read the:

Complete the:

FindLog outin moreto informationyour account on the UKFSS and:

Ask a question

If you’ve already registered on UKFSS, you can submit a question through your account:

  1. Log in and select ‘Ask a question’.

  2. Select the scheme you would like to ask a question about, then select a category and a subject.

  3. Enter your question in the text box provided and select ‘Submit question’.

Round 32 funding and tendering

ApplicationsEach forsuccessful roundapplicant 3will arebe openawarded untila middayminimum onof 31£150,000 Octoberand 2023a (ormaximum untilof Defra£5 hasmillion.

Match allocatedfunding

You allneed theto funding).provide match funding for your project. You must include evidence that you will provide match funding when you submit your application.

RoundThe 3amount of match funding you need to provide will focusdepend on modernisingyour organisation type. The maximum amount of funding from the fleetInfrastructure throughScheme engineas replacements.a percentage of total project cost is:


If you are unsure what level of match funding you’re entitled to, please use the Infrastructure‘Ask Schemea question’ service on UKFSS.

Tendering requirements

You need to submit evidence to support the tender exercise. If you cannot provide full tenders by the application deadline, you must submit them by 17 March 2023.

RoundIf 4your application is successful

ApplicationsWe forwill roundconduct 4a aresite duevisit tobefore openthe ingrant awarded. The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) will contact you directly to arrange this.

RoundIf 4you pass the site visit, you will focusreceive ona recreationalnotification seaand fishing.the grant funding agreement through the UKFSS. You need to accept the agreement before you start your project.

If your application is unsuccessful

You will receive feedback through the UKFSS as to why your application was unsuccessful.

If you are unsuccessful in this round, you can re-apply in future rounds if you are eligible.

Keep up to date

Sign up to receive emails when this page is updated with new information.

If you have any questions

You can submit questions about the application process or general enquiries within the UK Fisheries Support System.

Published 27 December 2021
Last updated 2712 JanuaryDecember 20232022 + show all updates
  1. Details of how to apply for different rounds of funding have been moved to dedicated pages for each round.

  2. We have removed details of an early market engagement event which has now passed.

  3. Round 2 of the UK Seafood Fund: Infrastructure Scheme is now open for applications. The page also includes details of an online event for information about round 4.

  4. Page has been updated to include details of an online event for information about round 3.

  5. Round 2 will open for applications in autumn 2022.

  6. Links to the invitation to apply and agreement and terms for round 1 have been removed.

  7. Details of the early market engagement event have been removed as the event has now passed.

  8. Added a feedback form so you can let us know what you think about our plans for round 2 of the Infrastructure Scheme.

  9. Updated guidance on how to apply for the UK Seafood Fund Infrastructure Scheme. Now includes details of an online event for information about round 2.

  10. Update to application guidance while between application rounds.

  11. Round one is now closed for applications.

  12. The closing date for applications has been extended to midday on 14 June 2022. The Invitation to Apply has been amended to reflect clarification requests and a revised timetable.

  13. The scheme is now open for applications. Information has been added to explain the process and links to documents you must read before applying.

  14. Changed opening date for applications to the end of March 2022.

  15. First published.