
The Foreign, Commonwealth and& Development Office (FCDO) advises against all but essential travel to areas within the 20km ofexclusion thezone Ecuadoreanalong the border with Colombia, except:
- the
except Elfor Angel ecological reserve in Carchi province
- the Rumachica
official border crossing,crossing the town of Tulcan,Tulcan and the Pan American Highway in Carchi province
The entryFCDO restrictionsadvises foragainst Ecuador
Beforeall youbut travel,essential checktravel theto:
Mainland ‘EntryEcuador. This requirements’does sectionnot forapply Ecuador’sto currenttransit entrythrough restrictionsQuito andor requirements.Guayaquil TheseAirports, may change with little warning. Monitor this advice including for theonward latest updates and stay in contact with your travel provider.
Travelling from and returning to theGalapagos UK
CheckNationwide whatpolitical youprotests mustacross doEcuador tobegan travelon abroad13 andJune return2022. toThe England,situation Scotland,turned Walesviolent orin Northernsome Ireland.
Ifareas youand planinvolved tothe passdeclaration throughof anotherstate countryof toemergencies returnin tovarious theprovinces. UK,Following checka themediation traveldialogue adviceprocess forand thean countryinterim you’reagreement transiting.
Travellingsigned toon areas30 withinJune, 20kmthe end of the Ecuadoreannationwide borderdemonstrations withand Colombianational tostrike which thehas FCDObeen advisesannounced. againstThe allagreement butincludes essentialending travelroad blockades to carriesallow significantsafe riskstransit duethroughout tothe country, including the presencetransport of organisedessential crimesupplies linkedincluding tofood, thecooking productiongas and traffickingmedical of
TheBritish securitynationals situationare inadvised thoseto areascontinue ofto Esmeraldas,avoid Carchiany andpublic Sucumbiosgatherings provinces,and whichto liemonitor outsidelocal themedia, 20kmincluding bordersocial zonemedia canchannels. changeYou quickly. If you are travellingadvised to thesecheck areas, incuding Cuyabeno, the Napostate river,of androads on the ElEcuadorean Angelgovernment ecologicalwebsite reserve(in whereSpanish). thereForeign aretourists ain numbercountry ofaffected ecoby lodges,the youdemonstrations shouldand takeroad localdisturbances, advice,can paycontact closethe attentionEcuadorean toMinistry warningsof issuedTourism by(MinTur) thefor Ecuadoreandirect authoritieshelp and beguidance, particularlythrough cautiousan andonline vigilant.assistance Illegalrequirement armedsystem. groupsFor andmore criminalinformation, gangsyou arecan presentalso infollow theseMinTur Travellingmedia duringchannels. daylightYou hoursshould andalso withfollow aany reputablerelevant operatoradvice withfrom officiallocal guides,tour emergencyoperators.
British plansEmbassy andConsular goodpersonnel communicationare systemsstill willmainly reduceworking risks.remotely, Somebut lodgesremain arein acontact longwith distance from the nearestEcuadorean majorauthorities hospitalto andsupport helicopterBritish evacuationnationals. mayIf beyou necessaryneed inurgent anassistance, See+593 Local2 travel3972 200.
TheCOVID-19 nationwideentry politicalrestrictions protestsfor across Ecuador
Before thatyou begantravel, oncheck 13the June‘Entry 2022requirements’ ceasedsection onfor 30Ecuador’s Junecurrent followingentry anrestrictions agreementand betweenrequirements. theThese governmentmay andchange protestors.with Thelittle situationwarning. inMonitor this advice for the countrylatest hasupdates calmedand sincestay thein with your travel provider.
TheTravelling nationwidefrom protestsand inreturning June,to andthe previouslyUK
Check inwhat Octoberyou 2019,must causeddo extensiveto Someabroad protestsand becamereturn violent,to especiallyEngland, inScotland, Quito,Wales andor ledNorthern toIreland.
If ayou numberplan ofto fatalities.pass Avoidthrough anyanother protestscountry orto demonstrationsreturn andto keepthe upUK, tocheck datethe withtravel developmentadvice viafor officialthe localcountry’re transiting.
If you’re planning travel to Ecuador, find out what you need to know about coronavirus there in the Coronavirus section.
During the COVID-19 meanspandemic, it is more important than ever to get travel insurance and check it provides sufficient cover. See the FCDO’s guidance on foreign travel insurance.
For information about COVID-19 vaccines, see the Coronavirus page.
Around 2,500 British nationals visited Ecuador in 2021. Most visits are trouble free.
There were nationwide protests across Ecuador in October 2019, which caused extensive disruption. Some protests became violent, especially in Quito, and led to a number of fatalities. Remain vigilant, avoid any protests or demonstrations and keep up to date with developments via official local sources (ECU 911 emergency services) and this travel advice.
Terrorist attacks in Ecuador cannotcan’t be ruled out. See Terrorism
The security situation in the province of Esmeraldas can change very quickly. If you’re undertaking essential travel in areas of the province beyond the 20km exclusion zone, you should pay close attention to warnings issued by the Ecuadorean authorities, be particularly cautious and vigilant, and monitor this travel advice regularly. See Local travel
Ecuador is situated in an area of intense seismic activity. There is a high risk of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis. You should make sure you are aware of the risks and are familiar with the relevant safety and evacuation procedures. In the event of a natural disaster, you should monitor official channels – the Ecuadorean National Geophysical Institute and the National Service for Risk and Emergency Management (both Spanish only) – and follow the advice of the local authorities. See Natural disasters
Cases of armed robbery are increasing and petty crime is common. See Crime
UK health authorities have classified Ecuador as having a risk of Zika virus transmission. For more information and advice, visit the website of the National Travel Health Network and Centre website.
If you’re abroad and you need emergency help from the UK government, contact the nearest British embassy, consulate or high commission. Consular support may be limited in parts of Ecuador.
The Overseas Business Risk service offers information and advice for British companies operating overseas on how to manage political, economic, and business security-related risks.