Warnings and insurance

The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) provides advice about risks of travel to help British nationals make informed decisions. Find out more about FCDO travel advice.
Areas where FCDO advises against all but essential travel
Your travel insurance could be invalidated if you travel against FCDO advice.
Within 20km of the Ecuador-Colombia border
FCDO advises against all but essential travel to areas within 20km of the Ecuador-Colombia border, except for these areas in Carchi province:
- El Ángel Ecological Reserve
- Rumichaca border crossing
- the town of Tulcán
- the Pan-American Highway
Find out more about why FCDO advises against travel.
State of Emergency declared
On 8 January 2024, the President declared a 60-day state of emergency (SOE) across Ecuador following various prisonsecurity riotsincidents and thean escapeincrease ofin gangcriminal leaders, foreseeing increased crime activity nationwide.activity.
The Ecuadorean Ministry of Tourism hasis recommendedno touristslonger stayadvising insidetourists theirto hotels/accommodationremain untilin furthertheir noticeaccommodation. andThere onlyis move for essential travel.
This SOE includes a daily curfew from 11pm to 5am which Britishyou nationalsshould are advised to observe. Exceptions to the curfew include passengers travelling to/from airports who will need to show their passports or ID and their relevant boarding pass or flight booking. For all airports, only passengers will be allowed to enter the airport, family members and friends will not be allowed into the terminals to drop off or pick up passengers. You may wish to leave extra time to travel to the airport, as extra security checks may be carried out on arrival. Check road conditions (in Spanish).
All airports are currently open but some airlines have cancelled flights. Please check your flight status with your airline or airport website (Quito Airport, , Guayaquil Airport) before proceeding to the airport.
FollowingThis the SOE announcement,includes therea hasdaily beencurfew anfrom increase11pm into the5am reportingwhich ofBritish securitynationals incidentsare throughoutadvised theto country,observe. especiallyExceptions into Guayaquilthe andcurfew Quito.include Therepassengers havetravelling beento/from reportsairports ofwho awill seriesneed ofto explosions,show shooting,their vehiclespassports setor onID fire and thetheir abductionrelevant ofboarding policepass officialsor andflight prisonbooking. securityFor guards.all Thisairports, nowonly includespassengers anwill incidentbe involvingallowed ato stateenter TVthe channel.
Travellersairport, arefamily likelymembers toand seefriends increasedwill militarynot andbe policeallowed presenceinto aroundthe keyterminals publicto buildings,drop airportsoff andor onpick theup streets.passengers. ThisYou may alsowish includeto closureleave ofextra thetime publicto buildings,travel shoppingto centresthe andairport, keyas touristextra Youchecks shouldmay monitorbe localcarried mediaout andon stayarrival. awayAll fromairports areasare involvingcurrently increasedopen securitybut activity.
Ifsome anairlines incidenthave occurscancelled nearflights. you,Please followcheck theyour instructionsflight ofstatus policewith andyour otherairline securityor officialsairport atwebsite all(Quito times.
AreasAirport, whereGuayaquil FCDOAirport) advisesbefore againstproceeding allto butthe essential travel
YourYou travelmay insurancesee couldincreased bemilitary invalidatedand ifpolice youpresence travelaround againstkey FCDOpublic advice.
Withinbuildings, 20kmairports, ofbus terminals and on the Ecuador-Colombiastreets. border
FCDOSome advisespublic againstbuildings, allshopping butcentres essentialand travelkey totourist areasdestinations withinmay 20kmclose ofwithout thewarning. Ecuador-ColombiaYou border,should exceptmonitor forlocal thesemedia and stay away from areas ininvolving Carchiincreased province: security activity.
ÁngelanEcologicalincidentReserveRumichacaoccursbordernearcrossingtheyou,townfollowofTulcán- the
Findof outpolice moreand aboutother whysecurity FCDOofficials advisesat againstall travel. times.
Before you travel
No travel can be guaranteed safe. Read all the advice in this guide and see support for British nationals abroad for information about specific travel topics.
Follow and contact FCDO travel on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. You can also sign up to get email notifications when this advice is updated.
Travel insurance
If you choose to travel, research your destinations and get appropriate travel insurance. Insurance should cover your itinerary, planned activities and expenses in an emergency.