Before you travel, check the ‘Entry requirements’ section for Canada’s current entry restrictions and requirements. These may change with little warning. Monitor this advice for the latest updates and stay in contact with your travel provider.
If you plan to pass through another country to return to the UK, check the travel advice for the country you’re transiting.
WhilstWith theeffect majorityfrom of1 travellersOctober to2022, Canadathe areGovernment noof longerCanada has subjectremoved toall COVID-19 entry restrictionsrestrictions, (see Governmentas ofwell Canadaas website fortesting, furtherquarantine details),and withisolation effectrequirements, fromfor 5anyone Januaryentering 2023,Canada. airAlso travellerswith whoeffect arefrom two1 yearsOctober 2022, oftravellers agewill andno older,longer arrivingbe onrequired flightsto: originatingundergo fromhealth thechecks People’sfor Republictravel ofon China,air Hongand Kongrail; or Macao,wear mustmasks provideon evidenceflights ofand aintercity negativetrains
See COVID-19Government testof result,Canada takenwebsite nofor morefurther thandetails.
Post-Tropical twoStorm daysFiona beforepassed theirthrough departure,Atlantic toCanada theon airlineSaturday prior24 toSeptember boarding.2022, Seecausing Governmentsignificant ofdamage Canadato websiteinfrastructure. forSee moreNatural details.disasters.
It is more important than ever to get travel insurance and check it provides sufficient cover. See the FCDO’s guidance on foreign travel insurance.
Around 724,000 British nationals visit Canada each year. Most visits are trouble free.
Visitors travelling to Canada by air are now expected to get an electronic travel authorisation (eTA) to enter Canada. See Entry requirements
Terrorists are likely to try to carry out attacks in Canada. Attacks could be indiscriminate, including in places visited by foreigners. You should monitor media reports and remain vigilant. See Terrorism
Severe snow storms are a regular occurrence during winter. Monitor local news and weather reports and visit Environment Canada. See Local travel and Natural disasters
If you’re abroad and you need emergency help from the UK government, contact the nearest British embassy, consulate or high commission.