RP28: Roofing (sprayer washdown area, manure storage area, livestock gathering area, slurry stores, silage stores)

Find out about eligibility and requirements for the roofing (sprayer washdown area, manure storage area, livestock gathering area, slurry stores, silage stores) item.

How much will be paid

£72.50 per square metre.

Where to use this item

Available for Countryside Stewardship Mid Tier, Higher Tier and Capital Grants.


  • over sprayer washdown areas, manures stores, livestock gathering areas, slurry stores, silage stores where the floor is already impermeable, or will be made impermeable by the time the grant is claimed
  • where the proposed roofing will reduce the risk of causing pollution by keeping dirty water and effluent separate, from clean water, and also to help direct them to suitable containment and management systems which comply, or will comply, with relevant legislation
  • on the highest risk parts of the farmstead as advised by Catchment Sensitive Farming (CSF)
  • with support from Catchment Sensitive Farming (CSF)

This item can be used for:

  • roofing a sprayer washdown area but only where a bunded concrete pad is being used, all pesticide washings drain to a holding tank (sump) and it will not cover a drive-over biobed
  • roofing over slurry and silage stores but only where the Environment Agency (EA) has already confirmed that the structure is compliant with the Silage Slurry and Agricultural Fuel Oil (SSAFO) regulations or where the applicant is prepared to follow EA guidance to make it SSAFO compliant by the time the grant is claimed.

Where this item cannot be used

  • To cover a livestock housing unit
  • To cover a biobed
  • To repair or replace existing roofing
  • To cover concrete funded under RP15 Concrete yard renewal or concrete funded under a current Countryside Stewardship agreement
  • Without relevant advice or consents from the Environment Agency or Local Planning Authority
  • Where the proposal will lead to the expansion or intensification of the enterprise
  • To cover heaps of manure or silage in fields

How this item will benefit the environment

This item will provide new roofing to reduce water pollution by preventing rainfall from getting into:

  • sprayer washdown areas
  • manure storage areas
  • livestock gathering areas
  • slurry and silage stores


  • Build a roof structure impermeable to rainwater
  • Install guttering and drains to direct roof water to a clean water drain, soakaway or other usage such as livestock drinking, washing down facility
  • Make sure that drainage works meet any building and local authority requirements
  • Meet the requirements of the Silage, Slurry and Agricultural Fuel Oil (SSAFO) Regulations 2010 where relevant
  • Meet relevant British Standards - examine copies of the most up-to-date standards for guidance
  • Applicants must seek advice from the local planning authority before they apply, to check if they need planning permission to carry out the planned works

Keeping records

Agreement holders will need to keep the following records and supply them on request:

  • any consents or permissions connected with the work
  • receipted invoices, or bank statements where a receipted invoice is unavailable
  • photographs of site before works start

Please see the record keeping and inspection requirements as set out in the relevant guidance Mid Tier, Higher Tier or Capital Grants for more detail.

Agreement holders need to keep the following records and supply them with the claim:

  • photographs of the completed work
  • any consents or permissions connected with the work including evidence of SSAFO compliance, where relevant

Applicants have to send the following with their application:

  • written support from CSF

Advice and suggestions for how to carry out this item

The following section gives advice on carrying out this item successfully but does not form part of the requirements for this item.

How to get more detailed advice

Further design advice, such as an infrastructure audit, slurry and manure handling plan, or pesticide handling report, may be available from CSF.

How to separate clean and dirty water

Foul or dirty water should not be permitted to contaminate clean waste. Plan how to manage any additional runoff from the impermeable roofed area. The restructuring of clean and dirty drains may be required, or additional works such as:

  • cross drains
  • catch pits
  • gulleys
  • kerbs
  • sleeping policemen

Make sure channels and pipes meet the relevant regulations

Any foul or dirty water (including slurry or manure residues), and any associated channels and pipes, should meet the SSAFO regulations. Channels and pipes should have a minimum design life of 20 years (with maintenance).

What this item can be used to cover

This item should be used within existing yard areas that lie between or immediately adjacent to existing infrastructure.

This item can cover:

  • manure stores (proof will be needed that a pollution problem exists)
  • yards where animals are handled, feed, drink or exercise
  • slurry and silage stores (make sure the existing floors, walls and effluent collection are not a pollution risk - contact the EA for advice)
  • silage self-feeding sites

It can be used over pesticide sprayer or applicator loading and washdown areas, providing:

  • the roof covers the bunded wash-down area and the drain to the holding tank
  • there is a minimum 1m overhang on each side
  • the bunded area is a minimum of the sprayer transport width (with the booms folded) plus 2m, and the sprayer length plus 1.5m
  • the foundations and structural supports are secure and do not breach the bund, so that no pesticide washings can escape

Side walls and shades can also be built with the roof, though only at the applicant’s own expense and as long as it does not breach any consents or permits.


This item has been identified as being beneficial for biodiversity. All Countryside Stewardship habitat creation, restoration and management options are of great significance for biodiversity recovery, as are the wide range of arable options in the scheme. Capital items and supplements can support this habitat work depending on the holding’s situation and potential.

The connectivity of habitats is also very important and habitat options should be linked wherever possible. Better connectivity will allow wildlife to move/colonise freely to access water, food, shelter and breeding habitat, and will allow natural communities of both animals and plants to adapt in response to environmental and climate change.

Further information

More information about separating clean and dirty water is available from the Rivers Trust.

More information about pesticide handling areas and biobeds, including sizing and volume calculations, is available from the Voluntary Initiative.

Catchment Sensitive Farming (CSF) provides farmers with free advice and training. See guidance for further information on CSF support.

Read more information about Countryside Stewardship Mid Tier, Higher Tier or Capital Grants to find out more about the scheme and how to apply.

Published 2 April 2015
Last updated 5 January 2023 + show all updates
  1. Where to use this item, Where this item cannot be used, Requirements, Keeping records sections of this page have been updated

  2. Added in links to Capital Grants manual as this option is now available for Capital Grants

  3. Information updated for applications in 2016

  4. First published.