RP28: Roofing (sprayer washdown area, manure storage area, livestock gathering area, slurry stores, silage stores)
Find out about eligibility and requirements for the roofing (sprayer washdown area, manure storage area, livestock gathering area, slurry stores, silage stores) item.
- From:
- Published
- 2 April 2015
- Last updated
5FebruaryJanuary20252023— See all updates
- Grant type:
- Capital item
- Land use:
- Land use:
,and Water quality - Tiers or standalone items:
- Tiers or standalone items:
,and Standalone capital items - Funding (per unit per year):
- Funding (per unit per year):
- Up to £100
- Grant type:
This item is part of Capital Grants. You must read the Capital items: guidance for applicants and agreement holders to understand the rules and how to apply.
How much you’llwill be paid paid
£72.50 per square metre (m2).metre.
HowWhere thisto itemuse benefitsthis the environmentitem
NewAvailable roofingfor helpsCountryside reduceStewardship waterMid pollutionTier, byHigher preventingTier rainfalland fromCapital getting into:Grants.
over- livestock
areas,manuremanuresstoragestores,areas - livestock gathering areas
areas,stores,on-farmsilageanaerobicstoresdigestatewherestoresthe(includingfloorseparatedisfractions)alreadyimpermeable,orwillbemadeimpermeablebythetimethegrantisclaimed- silage
Wherethe youproposed canroofing usewill thisreduce item
Youthe canrisk onlyof usecausing thispollution itemby withkeeping supportdirty fromwater Catchmentand Sensitiveeffluent Farmingseparate, wherefrom theclean floorwater, isand alreadyalso impermeableto orhelp madedirect impermeablethem byto thesuitable timecontainment youand claimmanagement thesystems grant.which Usecomply, itor towill putcomply, awith roofrelevant over :
- livestock
onmanurethestoreshighest(includingrisksolidpartsfraction of separatedtheslurry)farmsteadasadvisedbyCatchmentSensitiveFarming(CSF) - livestock
This anditem handlingcan areasbe used for:
roofingareabut only where a bunded concrete pad isbeing(sump)and it will not cover adrive-over- on-farm
roofinganaerobicoverdigestateslurrystoresand(includingsilagestores forbutseparatedonlyfractions)whereor anaerobic digestate stores used to store the material on farms before spreading - slurry stores (including stores for separated fractions)
- silage stores
The Environment Agency must(EA) confirmhas thealready slurryconfirmed andthat silagethe storesstructure complyis compliant with the Silage,Silage Slurry and Agricultural Fuel Oil (SSAFO) regulations beforeor youwhere claim the grant.
Whereapplicant slurry, contaminated water and effluent is keptprepared separateto fromfollow cleanEA water,guidance it must be directed to suitablemake containmentit andSSAFO managementcompliant systemsby within,the ortime immediately next to, existing farmyard areas. You can only claim the grant ifis your containment and management systems comply with relevant legislation.
provides advice where there are water quality or flood risk issues linked to farming. Where Sensitive Farming
You cannot use this item tocannot cover:
- stores
Tothatcoverformapartlivestockofhousingan anaerobic digestate plantunit - organic
Tomanurescoverotherathan livestock manure, slurry or anaerobic digestate (including separated fractions)biobed - in-field
Toheapsrepairof livestock manure, the solid fraction of separated slurry or digestatereplaceorexistingsilageroofing - a
Tolivestockcoverhousing unit - a biobed
- concrete funded under RP15:
RP15Concrete yard renewalconcretecurrentCountryside Stewardship agreement
GetHow permissionthis toitem usewill thisbenefit item
You’llThis needitem towill getprovide relevantnew advice,roofing consentsto orreduce permitswater frompollution theby Environmentpreventing Agencyrainfall beforefrom startinggetting any work.into:
sprayermustwashdownalsoareasmanurecontactstorageyourareaslivestocklocalgatheringplanningareasslurryauthorityandtosilagecheck if planning permission is needed.stores
What you must do to use this itemRequirements
You must:
- build
Builda roof structure impermeable to rainwater - install
Installguttering and drains to direct roof water to a clean water system.drain,soakawayorotherusagesuchaslivestockdrinking,washingdownfacility - Make sure that drainage works meet any building and local authority requirements
- meet
Meetthe requirements of thethewhere
EvidenceKeeping you must keep records
YouAgreement mustholders keepwill writtenneed supportto fromkeep yourthe Catchmentfollowing Sensitiverecords Farming adviser and providesupply thisthem withon your application.request:
You must also keep and provide with your claim:
- photographs of the completed work
- any consents or permissions connected with the work including evidence of SSAFO compliance (where relevant)
You must also keep and provide on request:
- receipted invoices
invoices,or bank statements where a receipted invoice is unavailable - photographs of the site before works start
ReadPlease see the record keeping and siteinspection visit requirements inas theset Agreementout holder’sin guide:the Capitalrelevant Grants,guidance Mid Tier,
Higher Tier capitalor grantsCapital and Protection and Infrastructure grantsGrants for more information.detail.
Agreement itemsholders youneed canto usekeep withthe thisfollowing item
Yourecords canand usesupply thisthem item with thesethe items:claim:
RP24:Applicants Linedhave biobedto plussend pesticidethe loadingfollowing andwith washdowntheir areaapplication:
Advice toand helpsuggestions youfor usehow to carry out this item
The following advicesection maygives helpadvice youon tocarrying useout this item,item successfully but youdoes do not haveform topart followof itthe requirements for this item.
How to get paid.more It’sdetailed notadvice
Further partdesign ofadvice, thissuch item’sas requirements.
Britishan standards
Checkinfrastructure toaudit, makeslurry sureand themanure workhandling meetsplan, relevantor Britishpesticide Standards. handling report, may be available from CSF.
SeparatingHow water to separate clean and dirty water
KeepFoul slurry,or contaminateddirty water orshould othernot effluentsbe separatepermitted fromto contaminate clean water.waste. ToPlan dohow this,to youmanage mayany needadditional torunoff reassessfrom the yardimpermeable drainageroofed whicharea. The restructuring of clean and dirty drains may includebe adding:required, or additional works such as:
- cross drains
- catch pits
- gulleys
- kerbs
- sleeping policemen
WhatMake yousure canchannels useand thispipes itemmeet for the relevant regulations
YouAny canfoul useor dirty water (including slurry or manure residues), and any associated channels and pipes, should meet the SSAFO regulations. Channels and pipes should have a minimum design life of 20 years (with maintenance).
What this item can be used to addresscover
This aitem potentialshould pollutionbe risk.used Youwithin canexisting alsoyard useareas itthat lie between or immediately adjacent to putexisting infrastructure.
This item can cover:
YouIt can usebe itused over pesticide sprayer or applicator loading and washdown areasareas, if:providing:
- the roof covers the bunded wash-down area and the drain to the holding tank
- there’s
thereisoneach side unless there’s a sidewall - the bunded area is a minimum of the sprayer transport width (with the booms folded) plus 2m, and the sprayer length plus 1.5m
- the foundations and structural supports are secure and do not breach the bund, so
YouSide canwalls onlyand buildshades sidecan wallsalso andbe shadesbuilt with the roof:
roof,thoughonlytheapplicant’s- if
ReadThis item has been identified as being beneficial for biodiversity. All Countryside Stewardship habitat creation, restoration and management options are of great significance for biodiversity recovery, as are the Codewide range of Goodarable Agriculturaloptions Practicein aboutthe protectingscheme. soil,Capital wateritems and airsupplements fromcan pollution.support this habitat work depending on the holding’s situation and potential.
The upconnectivity forof ahabitats biobed is also very important and habitat options should be linked wherever possible. Better connectivity will allow wildlife to move/colonise freely to access water, food, shelter and breeding habitat, and will allow natural communities of both animals and plants to adapt in response to environmental and climate change.
Further information
ReadMore moreinformation about separating clean and dirty water is available from the Rivers Trust.
More information about pesticide handling areas and biobedsbiobeds, including sizing and volume calculationscalculations, is available from the Voluntary Initiative.
Catchment Sensitive Farming (CSF) provides farmers with free advice and training. See guidance for further information on CSF support.
Read more information about Countryside Stewardship Mid Tier,
Higher Tier or
Capital Grants to find out more about the scheme and how to apply.
Updates to this page
Published 2 April 2015Last updated 3
General improvement for clarity.
Where to use this item, Where this item cannot be used, Requirements, Keeping records sections of this page have been updated
Added in links to Capital Grants manual as this option is now available for Capital Grants
Information updated for applications in 2016
First published.