
International Fund for Ukraine (IFU)

Information for companies.


The IFU is a funding mechanism that uses funding from international partners to procure priority military assistance for Ukraine at pace. This will ensure the continued supply of military support – lethal and non-lethal – to Ukraine through 2023 and beyond.

The fund is administered by the UK Ministry of Defence on behalf of an Executive Panel, comprising the UK, Norway, Netherlands, Denmark and Sweden. These partners, along with Iceland and Lithuania, have contributed a collective total of more than £520 million to the fund to date.

IFU Procurement Opportunities

The first IFU procurement round, known as ‘Urgent Bidding Round 1’ (UBR1) has now closed. An announcement on the resulting equipment package was made on 15 February 2023: Ukraine to receive multi-million pound capability boost from international fund.

We have launched Urgent Bidding Round 2 (UBR2)(UBR2). and now invite Expressions of Interest (EOI) fromsubmitted suppliersunder across the globeAir for:

MobilityDefence, SupportLong -Range openStrike until 9 May 2023, 23:00BST

In the following sub-capability areas:

  • Armoured minefield breaching capabilities mine rollers and mineMobility ploughsSupport fullrequirements widthare andnow trackbeing widthassessed. for Main Battle Tanks T-72, Leopard 1, Leopard 2. Armoured mine clearing vehicles.
  • Armoured vehicle launched bridges and launchers in any size.
  • Medium Girder Bridges: 9m to 31m, with at least Military Load Capacity (MLC) 70(T).
  • Logistical support bridge launchers and reusable bridges: 40m to 80m, with at least Military Load Capacity (MLC) 70(T).
  • Heavy equipment transporters capable of transporting Main Battle Tanks.

The remaining requirements for UBR2 will be launched on the DSP in the coming weeks and will cover:

  • Upgrade and maintenance of existing Ukrainian platforms
  • Artillery or tank ammunition production

Air Defence - closed on 26 April 2023, 23:00 BST

EOIs were requested in the following sub-capability areas:

  • Sensors to detect and track cruise missiles, low flying (<50m) DoD Group 2 drones, and/or ballistic missiles.
  • Sensor-guided air defence cannons to defeat low flying drones and cruise missiles. Sensor could use radar, electro-optical, infra-red etc.
  • Air burst rounds for cannon-based air defence systems (30mm, 35mm, 40mm). Must be at Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 9.
  • Expeditionary barriers to protect critical infrastructure sites - military gabion (collapsible wire mesh containers). Any size.

Suppliers who submitted an EOI will be contacted from 29 May.

Long range strike - closed on 4 May 2023, 23:00 BST

EOIs were requested in the following sub-capability areas:

Missiles or Rockets with a range 100-300km; land, sea or air launch. Payload 20-490kg.

Desirable requirements:

  • Low Probability of Intercept (LPI)
  • Includes Mission Planning Capability
  • Assured navigation (with hardened Global Navigation Satellite System capability) in the face of advanced countermeasures and EM spectrum denial
  • Air defence penetration methods to increase probability of successful strike
  • Technical Readiness Level of at least 8

Suppliers who submitted an EOI will be contacted from 5 June.

Mobility Support closed on 9 May 2023, 23:00 BST

EOIs were requested in the following sub-capability areas:

  • Armoured minefield breaching capabilities mine rollers and mine ploughs full width and track width for Main Battle Tanks T-72, Leopard 1, Leopard 2. Armoured mine clearing vehicles.
  • Armoured vehicle launched bridges and launchers in any size.
  • Medium Girder Bridges: 9m to 31m, with at least Military Load Capacity (MLC) 70(T).
  • Logistical support bridge launchers and reusable bridges: 40m to 80m, with at least Military Load Capacity (MLC) 70(T).
  • Heavy equipment transporters capable of transporting Main Battle Tanks.

Suppliers who submitted an EOI will be contacted from 12 June.

How to submit an EOI

The detailed UBR2 requirements will be raised in the UK MOD’s Defence Sourcing Portal (DSP), the MOD’s strategic platform for advertising new opportunities and conducting procurement. When a requirement goes live, suppliers from across the globe will be invited to submit an EOI via the DSP.

Suppliers should review the DSP notices when they are published for further detail on UBR2 requirements and procurement opportunities, rather than approaching the UK MOD directly. Suppliers interested in responding to an opportunity should ensure that they are registered on the DSP. Guidance on registering and using the DSP is available on the DSP website directly under the Supplier Registration icon: DSP Registration Guidance. There is no charge for registering or using the DSP and there is a DSP helpdesk available.

As with UBR1, procurements on behalf of Ukraine through the IFU cannot follow the recognised standard route for public procurement of equipment and services due to the urgent nature of the requirement and the evolving Russian threat. By submitting an EOI, suppliers acknowledge and accept the exceptional nature of UBR2 and waive all legal rights which may otherwise have arisen from participating in a public procurement.

This webpage will be updated when new UBR2 requirements are released on the DSP.


Following UBR1, an equipment package with an expected value of around £200m was announced. This will include vital capabilities in the form of air defence, uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS), maritime intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, and spare parts for equipment, including Ukraine’s current tanks.

The IFU is not intended to be an exclusive route for support to the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) and existing national and multinational routes for support to the AFU continue to run in parallel; submitting an EOI does not preclude suppliers from pursuing opportunities through these routes.

Contact us


Published 14 March 2023
Last updated 511 May 2023 + show all updates
  1. Mobility Support Expressions of Interest have now closed.

  2. Webpage updated. Call for long range strike EOIs closed on 4 May.

  3. Suppliers who submitted an Air Defence Expression of Interest will be contacted from 29 May.

  4. Added Mobility Support procurement opportunities and expressions of interest

  5. Added information for expressions of interest on long range strike capability

  6. Updated to include information on Urgent Bidding Round 2

  7. Webpage updated with information about the upcoming Urgent Bidding Round 2.

  8. First published.