
International Fund for Ukraine (IFU)

Information for companies.


The IFU is a funding mechanism that uses financial contributions from international partners to procure priority military assistance for Ukraine.Ukraine at pace. This will ensure the continued supply of military support – lethal and non-lethal – to Ukraine through 2023 and beyond.

The Fund is administered by the UK Ministry of Defence on behalf of an Executive Panel, comprising the UK, Norway, Netherlands, Denmark and Sweden. These partners, along with Iceland and Lithuania, have contributed a collective total of more than £770 million to the Fund to date.

IFU Procurement ProcessOpportunities

WorkingThe closelyfirst withIFU Ukraine,procurement theround, IFUknown determinesas requirements,‘Urgent whichBidding areRound launched1’ in(UBR1) procurementhas roundsnow knownclosed. asAn ‘Urgentannouncement Biddingon Rounds’the (UBRs).resulting Twoequipment UBRspackage havewas beenmade runon 15 February 2023: Ukraine to date.receive multi-million pound capability boost from international fund.


UBR2 requirements

Urgent areBidding raisedRound in2 the(UBR2) UKwas MOD’slaunched Defenceon Sourcing11 PortalApril. (DSP),The thefirst MOD’scapability strategicpackage platformresulting forfrom advertisingUBR2 newwas opportunitiesannounced andon conducting13 procurement.June When2023: aMajor requirementAir goesDefence live,package suppliersfor Ukraine announced.

Under UBR2, EOIs from acrossIndustry have been sought in the globefollowing areareas: invitedAir toDefence, submitLong anRange ExpressionStrike, Mobility Support and the Maintenance of InterestUkrainian (EOI)platforms.

EOIs viain the DSP.Mobility Support and Maintenance of Ukrainian platform categories are currently being assessed.

The IFUfollowing webpagerequirements isare updatednow whenclosed newto requirementsEOIs:

Protected areand releasedUnprotected Plant Vehicles - closed on the28 DSP.July, Unsolicited23:00 offersBST

EOIs towere requested in the IFUfollowing mailboxmilitarised willand notnon-militarised beindustrial considered.vehicle sub-capability areas:

  • Backhoe ProcurementExcavator Opportunities

  • Objective Ballistic protection level 6+
  • Unprotected operating objective of 8 tonnes+
  • Track Loaders
    • Objective Ballistic protection level 6+
    • Unprotected operating objective of 15 tonnes+
  • Wheeled Loaders
    • Objective Ballistic protection level 6+
    • Unprotected operating objective of 8 tonnes+
  • Bulldozers
    • Objective Ballistic protection level 6+
    • Unprotected operating objective of 20 tonnes+
  • Tracked Combat Engineering Tractors
    • Objective Ballistic protection level 6+
  • Crane Vehicles
    • Objective Ballistic protection level 6+
    • Unprotected operating objective lift of 10-25 tonnes
  • Urgent

    Tactical BiddingMine RoundClearance 2Equipment (UBR2)- wasclosed launchedon 28 July 2023, 23:00 BST

    EOIs were requested in tranchesthe fromfollowing sub-capability areas:

    • Single man portable tactical mine and ordinance clearance equipment
      • Objective 15m + cleared path length
    • Vehicle/ dual man portable tactical mine and ordinance clearance equipment
      • Objective 40m+ cleared path length

    Manufacture and Supply of Artillery Ammunition closed on 11 July 2023, 23:00 BST

    Air Defence - closed on 26 April 2023.2023, 23:00 BST

    EOIs were soughtrequested in the following sub-capability areas:

    • Sensors Airto Defence,detect Longand Rangetrack Strike,cruise Mobilitymissiles, Supportlow flying (<50m) DoD Group 2 drones, and/or ballistic missiles.
    • Sensor-guided air defence cannons to defeat low flying drones and thecruise Maintenancemissiles. ofSensor Ukrainiancould platforms.

      use radar, electro-optical, infra-red etc.
    • Air burst rounds for cannon-based air defence systems (30mm, 35mm, 40mm). Must be at Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 9.
    • Expeditionary barriers to protect critical infrastructure sites - military gabion (collapsible wire mesh containers). Any size.

    Suppliers who submitted an EOI have been contacted. An Airannouncement Defenceon the resulting capability package for Ukraine was announced on 13 June 2023: 2023: Major Air Defence package for Ukraine announced.

    Long Therange firststrike contract- fromclosed thison package4 hasMay now2023, been23:00 placed:BST

    EOIs £90mwere boostrequested toin Ukraine’sthe airfollowing defencesub-capability capabilityareas:

    Missiles asor newRockets contractswith signed.a range 100-300km; land, sea or air launch. Payload 20-490kg.

    EOIsDesirable requirements:

    • Low Probability of Intercept (LPI)
    • Includes Mission Planning Capability
    • Assured navigation (with hardened Global Navigation Satellite System capability) in the Mobilityface Supportof advanced countermeasures and MaintenanceEM spectrum denial
    • Air defence penetration methods to increase probability of Ukrainiansuccessful platformstrike
    • Technical categoriesReadiness areLevel currentlyof beingat assessed.least 8

    Suppliers who submitted an EOI inhave eitherbeen ofcontacted.

    Mobility theseSupport categories willclosed beon contacted9 shortly.

    May 2023, 23:00 BST

    SuppliersEOIs havewere beenrequested notifiedin about the outcomefollowing ofsub-capability Long Range Strike.areas:


    • Armoured competitionminefield breaching capabilities mine rollers and mine ploughs full width and track width for theMain ManufactureBattle Tanks T-72, Leopard 1, Leopard 2. Armoured mine clearing vehicles.
    • Armoured vehicle launched bridges and Supplylaunchers ofin Artilleryany Ammunitionsize.
    • Medium isGirder currentlyBridges: underway.

      9m to 31m, with at least Military Load Capacity (MLC) 70(T).
    • Logistical support bridge launchers and reusable bridges: 40m to 80m, with at least Military Load Capacity (MLC) 70(T).
    • Heavy equipment transporters capable of transporting Main Battle Tanks.


    TheEOIs IFUare iscurrently notbeing intendedassessed. toSuppliers bewho submitted an exclusiveEOI routewill forbe supportcontacted tofrom the Armedend Forcesof August.

    Maintenance of UkraineUkrainian (AFU)Platforms closed 15 June 2023, 23:00 BST

    EOIs were requested in the following sub-capability areas:

    • Engines and existingtrack nationalfor BMP 1 and multinational2
    • Engines routesand track for supportMT-LB
    • Repair, torefurbishment theand AFUsupply continueof tospares runfor inTUNGUSKA parallel;Air submittingDefence system
    • Mobile forward repair modules

    EOIs are currently being assessed. Suppliers who submitted an EOI doeswill notbe precludecontacted suppliers from pursuingthe opportunitiesend throughof these routes.August.

    How to submit an EOI

    The firstdetailed IFUUBR2 packagerequirements waswill announcedbe onraised 15in Februarythe 2023: UkraineUK toMOD’s receiveDefence multi-millionSourcing poundPortal capability(DSP), boostthe fromMOD’s internationalstrategic fund.platform Firstfor deliveriesadvertising new opportunities and conducting procurement. When a requirement goes live, suppliers from thisacross packagethe haveglobe nowwill arrivedbe ininvited submit an EOI via the DSP.

    Suppliers should review the DSP notices when they are published for further detail on UBR2 requirements and procurement opportunities, rather than approaching the UK MOD directly. Suppliers interested in responding to an opportunity should ensure that they are registered on the DefenceDSP. Sourcing Portal (DSP). Guidance on registering and using the DSP is available on the DSP website directly under the Supplier Registration icon: icon: DSP Registration Guidance. There is no charge for registering or using the DSP and there is a DSP helpdesk available.

    ProcurementsAs with UBR1, procurements on behalf of Ukraine through the IFU cannot follow the recognised standard route for public procurement of equipment and services due to the urgent nature of the requirement and the evolving Russian threat. By submitting an EOI, suppliers acknowledge and accept the exceptional nature of theUBR2 IFU and UBR model and waive all legal rights which may otherwise have arisen from participating in a public procurement.

    This webpage will be updated when new UBR2 requirements are released on the DSP.


    The IFU is not intended to be an exclusive route for support to the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) and existing national and multinational routes for support to the AFU continue to run in parallel; submitting an EOI does not preclude suppliers from pursuing opportunities through these routes.

    Contact us


    Published 14 March 2023
    Last updated 212 August 2023 + show all updates
    1. Added updates on the IFU procurement process and EOIs.

    2. Updated information on UBR2 requirements that are now closed to EOIs.

    3. Updated information for Urgent Bidding Round 2 (UBR2). Suppliers are invited to submit additional EOIs in the Mobility Support category for the provision of Protected and Unprotected Plant Vehicles and for the provision of Tactical Mine Clearance Equipment.

    4. Suppliers are invited to express their interest in UBR2 by completing a Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for the Manufacture and Supply of Artillery Ammunition (DSP reference - 708284450).

    5. Webpage updated with latest information.

    6. Webpage updated. Suppliers who submitted an Air Defence EOI will be contacted by 16 June.

    7. Expressions of Interest for the maintenance of Ukrainian platforms are extended until 15 June. Contact dates for other Expressions of Interest updated.

    8. Expressions of Interest are now invited for maintenance of Ukrainian platforms.

    9. Mobility Support Expressions of Interest have now closed.

    10. Webpage updated. Call for long range strike EOIs closed on 4 May.

    11. Suppliers who submitted an Air Defence Expression of Interest will be contacted from 29 May.

    12. Added Mobility Support procurement opportunities and expressions of interest

    13. Added information for expressions of interest on long range strike capability

    14. Updated to include information on Urgent Bidding Round 2

    15. Webpage updated with information about the upcoming Urgent Bidding Round 2.

    16. First published.