Warnings and insurance
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The FCDO advisesadvise against all travel toto:
areas partswithin 10km of Turkey.the border with Syria
The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) providesadvise adviceagainst aboutall risksbut ofessential travel toto:
the helpprovince Britishof nationalsHakkari
For makemore informedinformation decisions.on Findthese outareas, moresee aboutLocal FCDO travel adviceand Terrorism.
Before whereyou FCDOtravel, advisescheck againstthe travel
Your‘Entry requirements’ section for Turkey’s current entry restrictions and requirements. These may change with little warning. Monitor this advice for the latest updates and stay in contact with your travel insuranceprovider couldfor beup invalidatedto ifdate information on entry restrictions and requirements.
If you travelplan againstto FCDOpass advice.through Consularanother supportcountry isto alsoreturn severelyto limitedthe whereUK, FCDOcheck advisesthe againsttravel travel.advice for the country you’re transiting.
Border with Syria
It is more important than ever to get travel insurance and check it provides sufficient cover. See the FCDO’s advisesguidance againston allforeign travel withininsurance.
Many 10kmparts of theTurkey borderare subject to earthquakes. You should familiarise yourself with Syria.
Sirnaksafety (city)
FCDOprocedures advisesin againstthe allevent butof essentialan travelearthquake toand Sirnakfollow (city).the advice of the local authorities. See Natural disasters
Hakkari province
FCDOIf advisesyou’re againsttravelling allto butTurkey essentialfor tourist or business purposes, British Passport holders are able to travel without a visa for visits of up to Hakkari90 province.days in any 180-day period. See Visas
FindTerrorists are very likely to try to carry out moreattacks aboutin whyTurkey. FCDOTerrorist advisesgroups, againstincluding travelPKK, Daesh (formerly referred to as ISIL) and far left organisations, continue to plan and carry out attacks. Further attacks could be indiscriminate. Most attacks have taken place in the south-east of the country, and in Ankara and Istanbul. There is a potential that citizens from western countries may be targets or caught up in attacks, particularly in the major cities. Follow the advice of the local security authorities and monitor media reports. See Terrorism.
British younationals travelmade over 3.8 million visits to Turkey in 2022. Most visits are trouble free. Be alert to your surroundings and remain vigilant in crowded places popular with foreign nationals, including during festival periods.
NoYou travelshould cancarry beyour guaranteedpassport safe.and Reada printed copy of your visa (if applicable) or residence permit at all times. In some busy areas, especially Istanbul, the adviceTurkish inauthorities thisstop guidemembers asof wellthe aspublic supportto forconduct BritishID nationalschecks. abroadSee whichLocal includes:laws and customs
- advice
There onhave preparingbeen reports of an increase in holidaymakers being encouraged to submit a claim for travelpersonal abroadinjury andif reducingthey risks
have experienced gastric illness during their stay. You can find more information forabout women,the LGBT+action andyou disabledcan travellers
Followtake andif contactyou FCDOhave travelsuffered a personal injury on Twitter,the FacebookCitizens andAdvice Instagramwebsite. You canshould alsoonly signconsider uppursuing toa getcomplaint emailor notificationsclaim whenif thisyou advicehave isgenuinely updated.suffered from injury or illness. If you make a false or fraudulent claim, you may face legal proceedings in the UK or Turkey.
You insurancecan contact the emergency services by calling:
112 for all emergency services
155 (police)
112 (ambulance)
110 (fire)
If you’re abroad and you chooseneed toemergency travel,help researchfrom yourthe destinationsUK andgovernment, getcontact appropriatethe travelnearest insuranceBritish embassy, consulate or high commission. InsuranceConsular shouldsupport coveris yourseverely itinerary,limited plannedin activitiesparts of Turkey where the FCDO advise against travel, and expenseslimited in anthe emergency.areas where the FCDO advise against all but essential travel.

The FCDO advisesadvise against all travel toto:
The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) providesadvise adviceagainst aboutall risksbut ofessential travel toto:
For makemore informedinformation decisions.on Findthese outareas, moresee aboutLocal FCDO travel adviceand Terrorism.
Before whereyou FCDOtravel, advisescheck againstthe travel
Your‘Entry requirements’ section for Turkey’s current entry restrictions and requirements. These may change with little warning. Monitor this advice for the latest updates and stay in contact with your travel insuranceprovider couldfor beup invalidatedto ifdate information on entry restrictions and requirements.
If you travelplan againstto FCDOpass advice.through Consularanother supportcountry isto alsoreturn severelyto limitedthe whereUK, FCDOcheck advisesthe againsttravel travel.advice for the country you’re transiting.
Border with Syria
It is more important than ever to get travel insurance and check it provides sufficient cover. See the FCDO’s advisesguidance againston allforeign travel withininsurance.
Many 10kmparts of theTurkey borderare subject to earthquakes. You should familiarise yourself with Syria.
Sirnaksafety (city)
FCDOprocedures advisesin againstthe allevent butof essentialan travelearthquake toand Sirnakfollow (city).the advice of the local authorities. See Natural disasters
Hakkari province
FCDOIf advisesyou’re againsttravelling allto butTurkey essentialfor tourist or business purposes, British Passport holders are able to travel without a visa for visits of up to Hakkari90 province.days in any 180-day period. See Visas
FindTerrorists are very likely to try to carry out moreattacks aboutin whyTurkey. FCDOTerrorist advisesgroups, againstincluding travelPKK, Daesh (formerly referred to as ISIL) and far left organisations, continue to plan and carry out attacks. Further attacks could be indiscriminate. Most attacks have taken place in the south-east of the country, and in Ankara and Istanbul. There is a potential that citizens from western countries may be targets or caught up in attacks, particularly in the major cities. Follow the advice of the local security authorities and monitor media reports. See Terrorism.
British younationals travelmade over 3.8 million visits to Turkey in 2022. Most visits are trouble free. Be alert to your surroundings and remain vigilant in crowded places popular with foreign nationals, including during festival periods.
NoYou travelshould cancarry beyour guaranteedpassport safe.and Reada printed copy of your visa (if applicable) or residence permit at all times. In some busy areas, especially Istanbul, the adviceTurkish inauthorities thisstop guidemembers asof wellthe aspublic supportto forconduct BritishID nationalschecks. abroadSee whichLocal includes:laws and customs
- advice
There onhave preparingbeen reports of an increase in holidaymakers being encouraged to submit a claim for travelpersonal abroadinjury andif reducingthey risks
have experienced gastric illness during their stay. You can find more information forabout women,the LGBT+action andyou disabledcan travellers
Followtake andif contactyou FCDOhave travelsuffered a personal injury on Twitter,the FacebookCitizens andAdvice Instagramwebsite. You canshould alsoonly signconsider uppursuing toa getcomplaint emailor notificationsclaim whenif thisyou advicehave isgenuinely updated.suffered from injury or illness. If you make a false or fraudulent claim, you may face legal proceedings in the UK or Turkey.
You insurancecan contact the emergency services by calling:
112 for all emergency services
155 (police)
112 (ambulance)
110 (fire)
If you’re abroad and you chooseneed toemergency travel,help researchfrom yourthe destinationsUK andgovernment, getcontact appropriatethe travelnearest insuranceBritish embassy, consulate or high commission. InsuranceConsular shouldsupport coveris yourseverely itinerary,limited plannedin activitiesparts of Turkey where the FCDO advise against travel, and expenseslimited in anthe emergency.areas where the FCDO advise against all but essential travel.
Your FCDO FCDO Find No Follow If Before whereyou FCDOtravel, advisescheck againstthe travel
‘Entry requirements’ section for Turkey’s current entry restrictions and requirements. These may change with little warning. Monitor this advice for the latest updates and stay in contact with your travel insuranceprovider couldfor beup invalidatedto ifdate information on entry restrictions and requirements.
If you travelplan againstto FCDOpass advice.through Consularanother supportcountry isto alsoreturn severelyto limitedthe whereUK, FCDOcheck advisesthe againsttravel travel.advice for the country you’re transiting.Border with Syria
It is more important than ever to get travel insurance and check it provides sufficient cover. See the FCDO’s advisesguidance againston allforeign travel withininsurance.
Many 10kmparts of theTurkey borderare subject to earthquakes. You should familiarise yourself with Syria.Sirnak
safety (city)procedures advisesin againstthe allevent butof essentialan travelearthquake toand Sirnakfollow (city).the advice of the local authorities. See Natural disastersHakkari province
If advisesyou’re againsttravelling allto butTurkey essentialfor tourist or business purposes, British Passport holders are able to travel without a visa for visits of up to Hakkari90 province.days in any 180-day period. See VisasTerrorists are very likely to try to carry out moreattacks aboutin whyTurkey. FCDOTerrorist advisesgroups, againstincluding travelPKK, Daesh (formerly referred to as ISIL) and far left organisations, continue to plan and carry out attacks. Further attacks could be indiscriminate. Most attacks have taken place in the south-east of the country, and in Ankara and Istanbul. There is a potential that citizens from western countries may be targets or caught up in attacks, particularly in the major cities. Follow the advice of the local security authorities and monitor media reports. See Terrorism.Before
British younationals travelmade over 3.8 million visits to Turkey in 2022. Most visits are trouble free. Be alert to your surroundings and remain vigilant in crowded places popular with foreign nationals, including during festival periods.You travelshould cancarry beyour guaranteedpassport safe.and Reada printed copy of your visa (if applicable) or residence permit at all times. In some busy areas, especially Istanbul, the adviceTurkish inauthorities thisstop guidemembers asof wellthe aspublic supportto forconduct BritishID nationalschecks. abroadSee whichLocal includes:laws and customs
There onhave preparingbeen reports of an increase in holidaymakers being encouraged to submit a claim for travelpersonal abroadinjury andif reducingthey riskshave experienced gastric illness during their stay. You can find more information forabout women,the LGBT+action andyou disabledcan travellerstake andif contactyou FCDOhave travelsuffered a personal injury on Twitter,the FacebookCitizens andAdvice Instagramwebsite. You canshould alsoonly signconsider uppursuing toa getcomplaint emailor notificationsclaim whenif thisyou advicehave isgenuinely updated.suffered from injury or illness. If you make a false or fraudulent claim, you may face legal proceedings in the UK or Turkey.Travel
You insurancecan contact the emergency services by calling:
112 for all emergency services
155 (police)
112 (ambulance)
110 (fire)
you’re abroad and you chooseneed toemergency travel,help researchfrom yourthe destinationsUK andgovernment, getcontact appropriatethe travelnearest insuranceBritish embassy, consulate or high commission. InsuranceConsular shouldsupport coveris yourseverely itinerary,limited plannedin activitiesparts of Turkey where the FCDO advise against travel, and expenseslimited in anthe emergency.areas where the FCDO advise against all but essential travel.
Update history
2025-02-28 15:55
Refreshed advice about counterfeit alcohol in Turkey (‘Warnings and insurance’ page).
2025-02-07 15:12
Information updated on the risks from counterfeit alcohol (‘Safety and security’ page).
2025-02-05 11:30
New information added about Ramadan in Turkey in 2025 (See ‘Laws and cultural differences’ on the ‘Safety and security’ page).
2024-12-20 13:45
Updated information on the risk of counterfeit alcohol (‘Safety and security’ page)
2024-12-05 15:08
New information about counterfeit banknotes (‘Safety and security’ page).
2024-10-26 08:49
Information on Israeli attacks against Iran; risks of regional escalation (‘Regional risks’)
2024-10-24 18:16
Information about increased security measures at Turkish airports (‘Warnings and insurance’ page)
2024-10-23 16:46
Information on a terrorist attack 40km northwest of central Ankara (‘Warnings and insurance’ page).
2024-10-08 10:03
FCDO no longer advises against all but essential travel to Sirnak city and Hakkari province, but continues to advise against all travel to within 10km of the border with Syria (‘Warnings and insurance’ page). In addition, this travel advice was reviewed for accuracy.
2024-06-28 13:51
New information on extreme temperatures and removal of warning on salmonella (See ‘Extreme weather and natural disasters’ on the Safety and Security page, and ‘Vaccinations and health risks’ on the Health page).
2024-06-24 16:32
Information on sexual assault (‘Safety and security’ page).
2024-05-17 13:38
Information on support in areas where FCDO advises against travel, visa requirements, customs rules, outdoor activities and adventure tourism, health (‘Warnings and insurance’, ‘Entry requirements’, ‘Safety and security’ and ‘Health’ pages).
2024-05-01 16:56
Information on health, wildfires, crime, outdoor activities and adventure tourism (‘Health, Safety and security’ and ‘Regional risks’ pages).
2024-03-01 11:21
The information on terrorism risks has been refreshed, including places that may be targeted (‘Safety and Security’ page).
2024-02-05 16:33
Updated information on 2023 crime statistics; and comments about the nation and flag (‘Safety and Security’ page).
2024-01-28 11:47
Information on an incident at the Santa Maria Church in Istanbul on the morning of 28 January (‘Warnings and Insurance’ and ‘safety and Security’ Pages)
2023-12-01 16:17
Removal of information on the UEFA Champions League game between Manchester United and Galatasaray (‘Warnings and insurance’ page).
2023-11-23 16:28
Information on the UEFA Champions League game between Manchester United and Galatasaray (‘Warnings and insurance’ page).
2023-11-02 15:12
Removal of information about disruption to Turkish Airlines flights on 1 November.
2023-11-01 18:09
Disruption to Turkish Airlines flights (‘Warnings and Insurance’ page).
2023-10-18 11:26
Addition of information regarding ongoing demonstrations and protests (‘Safety and security’ page).
2023-10-17 23:21
Addition of information regarding demonstrations and protests (“safety and security”)
2023-10-10 13:30
Removal of details of an explosion in Ankara on 1 October and information on heatwaves and wildfires in Europe (‘Warnings and insurance’ page) Update on medical tourism (‘Health’ page)
2023-10-01 10:06
Details of an explosion in Ankara on 1 October (‘Warnings and insurance’ page)
2023-08-09 17:22
Information on medical tourism (‘Health’ page).
2023-07-28 09:40
New information on salmonella cases (‘Health’ page).
2023-07-26 14:30
Update to number of reported cases in medical tourism (‘Health’ page).
2023-07-25 17:00
Advice regarding heatwave and wildfires in Europe (see ‘Warnings and insurance’ page) and earthquakes (see ‘Safety and security’ page).
2023-06-28 16:00
This travel advice has been rewritten to make it easier to read and understand.
2023-06-22 10:33
Information about the global terrorism risks to British nationals abroad on all FCDO travel advice pages.
2023-06-14 16:13
Removal of information about the UEFA Champions League Final in Istanbul (‘Summary’ page).
2023-06-05 11:03
Advice for travellers going to the UEFA Champions League Final in Istanbul (‘Summary’ page) and removal of earthquake related information to reflect the end of the local state of emergency in that area (‘Summary’ and ‘Natural disasters’ page).
2023-04-20 09:53
Update to medical tourism statistics (see ‘health’).
2023-03-22 12:09
Removed out of date information on the earthquake response (see ‘Summary’ and ‘Terrorism’ pages). Added reports of botulism cases linked to weight loss treatments performed in Istanbul and Izmir (see ‘Health’ page).
2023-02-20 19:15
Tsunami alert rescinded – following further evaluation, the Turkish disaster management agency AFAD has now rescinded the tsunami alert issued in relation to the earthquake in Hatay, near Antakya (South east Turkey) on 20 February. You should continue to follow the advice of national authorities.
2023-02-20 18:45
Tsunami Alert – Following a further earthquake in Antakya (South east Turkey) on 20 February, the Turkish disaster management agency AFAD has issued a tsunami alert, advising people to move away from the coast to higher ground, and to follow the advice of national authorities.
2023-02-16 16:34
Updated information on tourism numbers (‘Summary’ page).
2023-02-15 17:09
Updated information on the effect of the attempted coup in July 2016 and that consular services are no longer being handled remotely (‘Summary’, ‘Terrorism’ and ‘Safety and security’ pages)
2023-02-12 15:32
Earthquake update: If you are in the affected area, you should exercise caution and follow the advice of the local authorities. (See ‘Summary’)
2023-02-12 09:09
Updated information: The BCG in Istanbul continues to be operational with visa applications and consular assistance services being handled remotely (See ‘Summary’)
2023-02-11 15:31
Earthquake update: Specific emergency contact numbers for affected provinces (‘Summary’ page).
2023-02-10 14:42
Earthquake update: Some Turkish hotels are providing accommodation for affected persons (‘Summary’ page).
2023-02-08 20:28
Earthquake update: Some Turkish airline providers offering evacuation flights out of the affected areas (‘Summary’ page).
2023-02-07 17:04
Turkey has announced a national emergency in the 10 provinces affected by earthquakes and announced that only vehicles which carry aid teams and aid material will be allowed to enter cities deemed to be inside the area of the disaster (see ‘Summary’ page).
2023-02-06 16:23
A 7.8 earthquake hit Gaziantep and nine other Turkish provinces (Hatay, Osmaniye, Adıyaman, Diyarbakır, Sanliurfa, Kahramanmaras, Kilis, Adana, Malatya) in the south east of Turkey on 6 February 2023. It was followed by a 7.5 earthquake the same day in Kahramanmaras. (‘Summary’ page).
2023-02-06 08:17
Latest update: A 7.8 earthquake hit Gaziantep and nine other Turkish provinces (Hatay, Osmaniye, Adıyaman, Diyarbakır, Sanliurfa, Kahramanmaras, Kilis, Adana, Malatya) in the south east of Turkey on 6 February 2023. There have been several strong after-shocks and the Turkish government has announced its highest level of state emergency. You should avoid the Southeast region of Turkey and follow the advice of the local authorities.
2023-02-06 03:01
A 7.8 earthquake hit Gaziantep and neighbouring provinces in the south east of Turkey on 6 February 2023. There have been several strong after-shocks. You should avoid the immediate vicinity and follow the advice of the local authorities (‘Summary’ page)
2023-01-31 00:16
Updated information on terrorism in Istanbul (‘Summary’ and ‘Terrorism’ pages).
2023-01-29 22:45
Updated information on terrorism (‘Summary’ and ‘Terrorism’ pages).
2023-01-27 16:19
Removal of information about explosion in Istiklal Avenue shopping street on 13 November and updated information on terrorism (‘Summary’ and ‘Terrorism’ pages).
2023-01-16 17:13
Updated tourist and crime numbers, health information and access to Mount Ararat (‘Summary’, ‘Health’ and ‘Safety and Security’ pages).
2022-12-21 17:02
Updated information for tourists considering medical/surgical/dental treatment in Turkey (‘Health’ page)
2022-11-14 14:07
Updated information following an explosion in Istanbul on Sunday 13 November (“Summary” page)
2022-11-13 19:39
Addition of further information following an explosion in Istanbul on Sunday 13 November (“Summary”).
2022-11-13 14:18
Addition of information following explosion in Istanbul
2022-11-10 11:22
Information added about a nationwide earthquake drill, which will occur on 12 November 2022 at 6:57PM local time (‘Summary’ section).
2022-10-11 09:25
Updated information on passport validity (‘Entry requirements’ page).
2022-09-27 09:02
Addition of information on types of British passports that require a visa (‘Entry requirements’ page).
2022-08-11 15:20
The FCDO no longer advises against all but essential travel to Tunceli, Diyarbakir, Kilis and Hatay provinces
2022-07-13 16:11
Updated information on COVID-19 isolation guidance and medical tourism (‘Coronavirus’ and ‘Health’ pages)
2022-06-09 10:13
Updated information on the removal of COVID- 19 restrictions for entry to Turkey (‘Entry requirements’ page)
2022-04-29 13:39
Update on deaths during medical tourism. We are aware of 17 British nationals who have died in Turkey since January 2019 following medical tourism visits, and update to terrorism advice (‘Health’ and ‘Terrorism’ pages). Removal of information on the form for entry (‘Entry requirements’ page).
2022-03-22 16:36
Updated information on the easing of COVID-19 restrictions in Turkey (‘Coronavirus’ and ‘Entry requirements’ pages)