Apply for the Heat pumpPump investmentInvestment acceleratorAccelerator competitionCompetition
FindThis informationcompetition andprovides draftgrant guidancefunding onof up to £15 million per project for major investments in the government’smanufacture of heat pumppumps investmentand acceleratorstrategically competition.important components.
The government’sHeat heatPump pumpInvestment investmentAccelerator acceleratorCompetition competition,(HPIAC), worth up to £30 million in total, aims to bring forward investment in the UK heat pump manufacturing supply chain, to build resilience, create new low carbon jobs and secure the economic benefits of net zero.chain.
TheIt competitionis will be open to UK registered businesses (which includes those that may be set up for the purpose of delivering the project in the application), who can apply for grant funding of up to £15 million per project, for major investments in the manufacture of heat pumps and strategically important components.
The applicationguidance windowoutlines hasthe notprocess yetthrough opened,which however we arewill providingdistribute thescheme draftfunding. guidanceIt fordetails:
- how
interestedthepartiesschemetowillconsiderwork - the
ineligibilityordercriteria - how to
helpapply - how
themapplicationsbeginwilltobeprepareassessed - how
theirfundingbidswillandultimatelytobeunderstanddistributed,whatincludingistherequiredcontractualofarrangements - how
How still subject to reviewapply
The bycompetition theis Competitionopen andfor Marketsapplications.
Authoritythe(CMA)guidance andmayallbeassociatedsubjecttochange.documentation.Submitting -
antheexpressionapplicationofforminterest -
AnProvideexpressionallofaccompanyinginterestdocumentationformtoistheavailablelevelforofmanufacturersdetailconsideringrequested. -
Question allowand officialsanswer tosessions
We gaugeare thehosting levelQuestion ofand interestAnswer insessions thefor competitioninterested andapplicants havein morethe detailedweek discussionsbeginning with24 potentialJuly applicants2023.
To aboutregister theiryour proposals.interest Thisin expressionthese ofsessions interestemail notby aFriday requirement14 toJuly participate2023, inincluding thecontact competitionemail onceaddresses itfor haseveryone goneyou livewish forto invited.
Clarification questions
TheIf expressionyou ofneed interestany formclarification shouldwhen bepreparing submittedyour toapplication, bywith 3pmthe onsubject Fridayheading 28‘HPIAC AprilClarification 2023.- [Project title]’.
ToIf be notified when the competitionclarification is live,deemed pleaserelevant emailto usother atpotential, and we will addshare youthe toquestions ourand mailingresponses list.
Howhere. toPlease apply
Oncehighlight theany competitionparts isof liveyour forclarification applications,which prospectiveyou applicantsconsider shouldto readbe theconfidential, schemeso guidancewe andcan thenredact downloador theedit applicationit formas andnecessary supportingbefore templates.sharing.
This competition
hasisgonenowliveopenforto applications.
First published.