
Apply for the Heat Pump Investment Accelerator Competition (closed to applications)

This competition providedprovides grant funding of up to £15 million per project for major investments in the manufacture of heat pumps and strategically important components.


Application form

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Strategic assessment template

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Economic assessment template

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Deliverability assessment (business case)

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Deliverability assessment (project plan)

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Deliverability assessment (financial model)

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Case for assistance template

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If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader) and need a version of this document in a more accessible format, please email Please tell us what format you need. It will help us if you say what assistive technology you use.

Subsidy control questionnaire

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Update: 11 October 2023

We’ve added the latest clarification questions with responses.

The application deadline has been extended until 3pm on Wednesday 18 October 2023.

The Heat Pump Investment Accelerator Competition (HPIAC), worth up to £30 million in total, aims to bring forward investment in the UK heat pump manufacturing supply chain.

It wasis open to UK registered businesses (which includes those that may be set up for the purpose of delivering the project in the application), who couldcan apply for grant funding of up to £15 million per project, for major investments in the manufacture of heat pumps and strategically important components.

The guidance outlines the process through which we distributedwill distribute scheme funding. It details:

  • how the scheme workswill work
  • the eligibility criteria
  • how to apply
  • how applications werewill be assessed
  • how funding waswill ultimately be distributed, including the contractual arrangements
  • how successful projects shouldwill report progress

How to apply

The applicationcompetition windowis open for applications.

  1. Read the Heatguidance Pumpand Investmentall Acceleratorassociated Competitiondocumentation.

  2. Complete closedthe toapplication applicationsform onand 18templates.

  3. Provide Octoberall 2023.accompanying Wedocumentation areto nowthe reviewinglevel all of thedetail applicationsrequested.

  4. Submit whichyour haveapplication beento in line with the Schemesubject Guidanceheading and‘HPIAC willApplication be- in[Project contacttitle]’. withThe applicantssubmission indeadline duehas course.been extended until 3pm on Wednesday 18 October 2023.

Question and answer sessions

We hosted Question and Answer sessions for interested applicants in the week beginning 24 July 2023.

Clarification questions

The deadline for enquiries was Friday 22 September 2023.

Published 30 March 2023
Last updated 411 DecemberOctober 2023 + show all updates
  1. This competition is closed to applications.

  2. Added latest clarification questions with responses.

  3. We’ve extended the closure date for the submission of proposals to 3pm on 18 October 2023.

  4. Added latest clarification questions with responses.

  5. We have published a slidepack from our stakeholder sessions, 26-27 July 2023, and our responses to clarification questions received up until 28 July 2023.

  6. This competition is now open to applications.

  7. First published.