
Trial date windows for Chancery division

Details of dates when trials are likely to take place at the Chancery division of the High Court.

Applies to England and Wales

About trial date windows

Chancery cases are usually given a 5-day window during which they are listed to start at the High Court.

Most trials begin on the first or second day of the window.

Length of trial Trial held within these dates Final day for appointment to fix trial date
1 to 2 days 20 November 2023 to 1 March 2024 311 JulySeptember 2023
2 to 5 days 8 July 2024 to 20 December 2024 311 JulySeptember 2023
6 to 10 days 121 October 2024 to 3128 JanuaryFebruary 2025 311 JulySeptember 2023
Over 10 days From 18 November 2024 311 JulySeptember 2023

Next available date to list an application hearing before a High Court judge:

Time estimate Next hearing date Final day for appointment to fix application date
Half a day or less 216 October 2023 311 JulySeptember 2023
1 day 30 October 2023 311 JulySeptember 2023
More than 1 day 20 November 2023 311 JulySeptember 2023
Published 22 November 2016
Last updated 524 JulyAugust 2023 + show all updates
  1. Updated the lead times

  2. Updated the lead times

  3. Updated the lead times

  4. Updated the lead times

  5. Updated the lead times

  6. Updated the lead times

  7. Updated the lead times

  8. Updated the lead times

  9. Updated the lead times

  10. Updated lead times

  11. Updated Chancery Lead times from 3 October 2022.

  12. Updated lead times

  13. Updated lead times

  14. List updated 11 July

  15. Lead times updated

  16. List updated 4 May

  17. Hearings 11 April published

  18. List Updated 4 April

  19. Updated on 8 March.

  20. List updated 2 February

  21. List updated

  22. List updated

  23. List Updated 1 November

  24. List updated on 6 October 2021

  25. List updated 2 September

  26. Updated lead times.

  27. Hearings times as of the 5 July 2021

  28. Trial dates updated.

  29. Hearing times updated.

  30. Times updated.

  31. Times updated

  32. Lead times updated.

  33. Updated 12 January

  34. Updated 9 December.

  35. Lead times updated.

  36. Updated as of 7 October

  37. dates updated.

  38. Time updated

  39. Times updated.

  40. Times updated.

  41. Trial dates updated.

  42. Trial windows updated.

  43. Trial windows updated.

  44. Times updated.

  45. Trial periods updated

  46. Times updated.

  47. Trial dates upated

  48. Trial dates updated and next available date for application listings added.

  49. Trial date windows updates.

  50. Updated lead times 28.8.19

  51. Updated lead times 1.8.19

  52. Updated lead time windows 13.6.19

  53. Register updated.

  54. Updated 11.4.19

  55. Updated trial date windows 13.3.19

  56. Updated lead times 12.2.19

  57. Updated 24.1.19

  58. Dates updated 10 December 2018. Added a space.

  59. Trial periods updated 25 October 2018.

  60. Updated on 08.10.18

  61. Updated times on 22.8.18

  62. Updated 18.7.18

  63. Updated times on 1.6.18

  64. Updated periods 28.3.18

  65. Updated lists on 19.2.18.

  66. Regular update

  67. Regular update

  68. Regular update

  69. Regular update

  70. Regular update

  71. Regular update.

  72. Regular update

  73. Regular update.

  74. First published.