Voluntary and community sector organisations who can give you extra support
Check the list of voluntary and community sector organisations funded by HMRC who can give you extra support with your tax or claims such as tax credits or Child Benefit.
HMRC provides funding to voluntary and community sector organisations so they can help you if you need extra support with your tax. This includes claims such as tax credits or Child Benefit.Benefit.
We have committed £4.98£5.5 million (£1.66(£1.835 million funding per year) to help voluntary and community sector organisations until 2024.2027. They can:can:
- help you make claims and understand and comply with your tax
obligationsobligations - offer you support if you cannot use HMRC digital
servicesservices - give you specialist support if you have disabilities, language barriers, or complex
Who we fundfund
We work closely with the following organisations who offer free advice and support.support.
Advice NIDirect Scotland
Advice Direct Scotland offer free, independent, and practical advice to Scottish residents across topics such as tax, benefits, energy, consumer, money and debt, employment, housing and more.
Advice NI
Advice NI offer free advice to Northern Ireland residents onacross subjects,many includingtopics such as tax, benefits, money and debt, employmentemployment, housing and housing.more.
Citizens Advice BureauBureaux
We fund the following 43 Citizens Advice Bureaus:Bureaux:
BurnleyEastandPendleLancashire—-independentfree, independent, and confidential supportifforyouindividualsneedneeding help with tax, tax creditsorandgeneralgeneralist advice IsleofforWightall—otheradviceissues,ifcoveringyouBurnley,needHyndburn,supportPendle,withRibbletax,Valleytaxandcredits,Rossendale.employment,Theydebt,alsobenefits,haveimmigration,ahealthspecialistanddebtcommunitySouthteamTynesidein—additionadvicetoifenergy,youhousing,needbenefitssupportwithtaxtaxgeneralistcredits,childbenefitorgeneraladviceadvisors-
WestIsleLothianof Wight—– provide adviceifandyousupportneedonsupportallwithaspects of tax, tax credits,benefits,employment,work,debt,debtbenefits,andimmigration,money,healthhousing,lawcourtsandimmigrationcommunity
GingerbreadSouth Tyneside offer– expertfree advice andfor informationindividuals for singlewho parents onneed asupport wide variety ofwith subjectstax includingand socialtax welfare,credits benefits,and child maintenance,benefit taxesalong andwith taxgeneralist credits.
Good Things FoundationFoundation
Good Things Foundation offerprovides advicesupport fromthrough over 4030 locallocal centres centresto forhelp people facing digital exclusion (andand other barriers)barriers interact to getmore helpconfidently with HMRC benefits and tax services.services.
Money Advice TrustTrust
Money Advice Trust offersprovides free debt advice throughand their:
BusinessresourcesDebtlineto—helpifpeopleyou’redealawithsmalltheirbusinessdebtsorthroughyou’retheirself-employed- National Debtline. Their Business Debtline
—alsoadviceprovidesandfreeresourcesdebt advice tohelpsmallpeoplebusinessesdealandwithpeopletheirwhodebts
You can access both of these services over the phone, through our website and via webchat.webchat.
Refugee and Migrant Centre
Refugee and Migrant Centre provide caseworkfree andcasework, advice onand theguidance following:
immigrationChildonBenefit,immigration, tax andwelfarehousing,Childhomelessness,Benefitdestitution- and welfare, housing/homelessness/destitution, education and
health Englishhealth.languageAlongsideclassesthis,andthey also provide English classes, dedicated support with citizenship and employmentAfghanand run Afghan, SyrianResettlementandSchemes
Royal Association for Deaf People
Royal Association for Deaf People (RAD) provides free, independent and confidential support for Deaf individuals across the UK, including Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Funded services cover welfare benefits, housing, debt support, health care access and advocacy, all in British Sign Language (BSL).
You can contact them via webcam in BSL.
Royal National Institute of Blind People
Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) offer support for people who are blind or partially sighted and need:
- need advice on living with sight
loss - loss, or specialist help with tax
andobligations or benefits—usingservices
TaxAid offersis helpa ifcharity youthat helps people in poverty, many of whom are anexperiencing un-representeddebt, taxpayerphysical andand/or cannotmental affordhealth professionalissues taxwhen advice.they Thisget serviceinto isdifficulties mostwith suitabletheir iftax you’reaffairs, self-employedproviding orfree, haveindependent, multipleadvice employmentsacross wherethe range of tax circumstancesissues arethat moreimpact complexpeople thanon usual.low incomes.
Tax Help for Older PeoplePeople
Tax Help for Older People offeris independenta andcharity expertservice taxproviding advicefree, independent, and expert help and advice for older people on lower incomes.incomes who cannot afford to pay for professional tax advice and often have health, debt, bereavement and /or pension related tax issues.
Get extra support
There are many other charities and voluntary organisations that can give general tax advice and signposting as part of their service.
You can also get help from HMRC if you need extra support.
As well as providing funding to voluntary and community sector organisations, we are also working with Samaritans to deliver a three-year project from March 2024 to improve the emotional support available for our customers. The partnership will offer HMRC customers personal specialist emotional support through a dedicated Samaritans helpline should they need it.
Last updated
Updated introduction and 'Who we fund' section.
Updated section about support provided by The Samaritans.
The page has been updated with information about the provision of specialist emotional support for HMRC customers.
First published.
Update history
2024-04-05 15:34
Added link to YouTube video ‘HMRC tax support for deaf people’ (Royal Association for Deaf People).
2024-04-02 09:30
Updated introduction and ‘Who we fund’ section.
2024-03-14 09:30
Updated section about support provided by The Samaritans.
2022-10-14 10:45
The page has been updated with information about the provision of specialist emotional support for HMRC customers.
2022-07-28 21:09
First published.