
Funding for national professional qualifications (NPQs)

Funding for courses and schools to help teachers take NPQs for their professional development.

Applies to England

National professional qualifications (NPQs) are flexible professional development courses for teachers and leaders to improve skills, progress careers and deliver improved outcomes for schools. 

You may be able to get your NPQ course fees paid for by the Department for Education (DfE). This is called scholarship funding.  

Youfunding.  You do not need to apply for funding. it.

When you register for an NPQ, DfE will tell you if you are eligible for funding. 

Scholarship funding for 2023autumn to 2024 

TheFrom followingautumn criteria2024, appliesscholarship forfunding to cover the 2023full NPQ course cost will be available to 2024teachers academicand year. leaders from:

  • the 50% of schools with the highest proportion of students who attract pupil premium funding 
  • 16 to 19 educational settings identified as having high disadvantage 

ScholarshipFor fundingthe isearly availableyears forleadership NPQ courses and, the highly disadvantaged early headshipyears coachingsettings offer,will foralso be eligible.    

Scholarships will continue to be available to all teachers and leaders employedfrom inpublicly Englandfunded by: schools and 16 to 19 educational organisations for the following NPQs

  • state-fundedleading schools primary mathematics
  • state-fundedspecial 16educational toneeds 19co-ordinator organisations (SENCO)
  • independentheadship  

Funding specialfor schools these 3 NPQs is also available to:

  • hospital schools schools
  • young offender institutions institutions
  • staff working in local authority virtual schools schools (local-authority-run organisations that support the education of children in care)
  • other local authoritiesauthority asstaff with a supplyresponsibility teacherto ordeliver anothercurriculum rolecontent directly(for teachingexample, pupils local authority supply or peripatetic teachers)

Leading teacher development development NPQ funding   

For the the leading teacher development development NPQ, scholarship funding is also available for people who are, or will be, taking on the role of lead mentor for an initial teacher training provider accredited to deliver initial teacher training from September 2024. 2024.

Early yearsheadship leadershipcoaching NPQ funding offer

For the the early yearsheadship leadership NPQ,coaching scholarshipoffer, funding isto alsocover availablethe forcourse somefees earlywill yearsbe professionals. 

Youavailable needif toyou be,are orin beyour employedfirst by,5 oneyears of a: 

Use orthe Februaryfollowing 2024,lists yourto workplacecheck maywhich havesettings beenare eligible for fundingscholarship tofunding. supportThese youlists toare dofixed yourfor NPQ.the Thisautumn is2024 calledrecruitment targetedperiod. supportScholarship funding

Targetedcriteria supportfor funding isthe availablenext forcohort smallerwill schoolsbe andconfirmed primaryin schoolsdue whosecourse.


Schools (MS NPQExcel courseSpreadsheet, started451 inKB) Octoberidentified 2023as orbeing Februaryin 2024.the Thistop money50% goesof directlypublicly tofunded schools tothat supporthave participantsthe tohighest doproportion anof NPQ.students It’sattracting notpupil availablepremium.

Further foreducation

16 theto early19 headshipsettings (MS coachingExcel offer. 

ScholarshipSpreadsheet, funding27.5 forKB) autumnidentified 2024 

Fundingas forbeing autumnin 2024the willtop target50% thoseof teacherspublicly andfunded leadersfurther whoeducation worksettings inwho have:

  • the mosthighest challengingproportion schoolsof orstudents educationalattracting settings,an servinguplift
  • low moreattainment disadvantagedin communities. 

    Scholarshipmaths fundingor toEnglish coverat the fullend NPQof courseYear cost11

Early willyears

Early beyears availablesettings (MS toExcel teachersSpreadsheet, and1010 leadersKB) from: 

  • identified as being in the top 50% of schoolssettings withwho have the highest proportion of studentschildren whoattracting:

    • early attractyears pupil premium funding 
    • 16disadvantaged to2-year-old 19entitlement educational settings identified as having high disadvantage funding

    ForOfsted-registered thechildminders earlyare yearsincluded leadershipin NPQ, highly disadvantaged early years settingssettings. willThe alsoearly beyears eligible.list    

    Scholarshipsshould will continue to be availableread toalongside allthe teachershigh-disadvantage and leaders from publicly funded schools and high-disadvantage 16 to 19 educationalsettings organisationsto fordetermine the following NPQseligibility.

    • leading

      If primaryyou’re maths  

    • SENCO  
    • headship  

    Forfrom thean early headshipyears coachingsetting offer,with fundingan toOfsted coverunique thereference coursenumber fees(URN) willand bebelieve available if you arequalify infor yourscholarship firstfunding 5but yearsdo ofnot headshipsee inyour Englandsetting inon athe state-fundedlist, schoolemail orus state-fundedat: toInclude 19the Youof shouldyour alsosetting beand doingOfsted orURN havein doneyour the headship NPQ.  message.

    Check if you are eligible for the course 

    You should check the course eligibility criteria with your chosen course provider before you register. You may meet the funding criteria but not the course eligibility. eligibility requirements. 

    You can find out how to check the eligibility of your workplacesetting for autumn 2024 when registration opens later this year. 

    Learn about NPQs and the early headship coaching offer .

    Funding restrictions 

    You can only receive scholarship funding for each NPQ once. 

    If you receive scholarship funding but then withdraw from or fail your programme, you cannot receive scholarship funding for the same NPQ again. 

    Legacy NPQs 

    If you received scholarship funding for a legacy NPQ (before November 2021) and withdrew from the programme, you’re still eligible for scholarship funding for the current NPQs.

Published 22 June 2023
Last updated 2112 MarchJune 2024 + show all updates
  1. Updated information about funding for autumn 2024 and added a 'Settings eligible for scholarship funding' section.

  2. Updated with details of scholarship funding for autumn 2024.

  3. First published.