Funding for national professional qualifications (NPQs)
Funding for courses and educational settings to help teachers and leaders take NPQs for their professional development.
Applies to England
National professional qualifications (NPQs) are flexible professional development courses for teachers and leaders to improve skills, progress careers and deliver improved outcomes for schools.
You may be able to get your NPQ course fees paid for by the Department for Education (DfE). This is called scholarship funding. Youfunding. You do not need to apply for it.
When you register for an NPQ, DfE will tell you if you are eligible for funding.
Scholarship funding for spring 2025
FromScholarships springare 2025,available scholarship funding to coverteachers theand fullleaders NPQ coursein costpublicly willfunded beschools availableand 16 to teachers19 andeducational leadersorganisations from:for the following NPQs:
schools:leadingtheprimarytopmathematics- special
50%educationalofneedsstateco-ordinatorfunded(SENCO) - headship
Funding schoolsfor inthese England3 thatNPQs haveis thealso highestavailable proportionto:
- hospital
ofschools - young
studentsoffenderattractinginstitutions - local
pupilauthoritypremium,virtualasschoolsetheadteachers,outstaff intheaeligibilitydefinedlists 16-19deputysettings:headteachertheroletopand50%staffofinstatedirectfundedteachingsettingsroles- other local authority staff in
For the earlyfollowing years leadership NPQNPQs, highlyfunding disadvantagedis early years settings will also be eligible.
You will only beavailable eligible for scholarship funding for the spring 2025 cohort if your setting is on one of the eligible disadvantaged settings lists and you are taking one of the following NPQs:lists:
- leading teacher development
- leading teaching
- leading behaviour and culture
- leading literacy
- senior leadership
- executive leadership
- early years leadership
EligibilityFor liststhese forNPQs, scholarship funding to cover the springfull NPQ course cohortcost will be made available into earlyteachers 2025.and leaders from eligible schools and 16 to 19 settings.
For teacherthe development NPQ in early years leadership, highly disadvantaged early years settings will also be eligible.
For the leadingthe teacher development NPQ, in leading teacher development, scholarship funding is also available if you are taking on the role of lead mentor for an initial teacher training (ITT) provider accredited to deliver ITT from September 2024.
Early headship coaching offer
For the early headship coaching offer,offer, funding to cover the course fees will be available if you are in your first 5 years of headship in England in a state-funded school or state-funded 16 to 19 organisation.
You should also be doing or have done the headship NPQ for headship.
Settings willthat continueare toeligible befor availablescholarship tofunding
These teacherslists andshow leaderswhich fromsettings publiclyare fundedeligible schoolsfor andfunding.
followingtop NPQs:
Fundinghave forthe thesehighest 3proportion NPQsof willstudents alsoattracting bepupil available to:premium.
inthe directtop teaching50% rolesfor (local-authority-runproportion organisations that support the education of childrenfunded instudents care)
currenttop cohort50% hasof nowsettings closed.that Eligibilityhave lists for the springhighest cohortproportion willof bechildren made available in early 2025.attracting:
- early
foryearsscholarshippupilfundingpremium - disadvantaged
Ofsted-registered ifchildminders you are eligibleincluded forin theearly course years settings.
YouTo should check theeligibility, courseread criteriathe withearly youryears chosenlist coursewith provider before you register. You may meet the fundinghigh-disadvantage criteriaschools butand nothigh-disadvantage the16 courseto suitability19 requirements. settings lists.
LearnThese aboutlists NPQs and are fixed for the earlyspring headship2025 coachingrecruitment offer.period.
Funding restrictions
You can only receive scholarship funding for each NPQ once.
If you receive scholarship funding but then withdraw from or fail your programme, you cannot receive scholarship funding for the same NPQ again. again.
Being eligible for an NPQ scholarship does not guarantee either either:
- suitability for the course
or - that a funded course place is
NPQ providers are responsible for determining suitabilitysuitability, through their application process.processes.
The amount of NPQ scholarship funding available nationally is limited. This means some teachers and leaders who are eligible for a scholarship may not be able to access a funded place.
NPQ providers manage the application process for the courses they deliver and may need to prioritise applications to manage the number of funded places they have available. For example, NPQ providers will need to prioritise applications for NPQ for SENCOsSENCO places to support those needing to take the qualification to meet statutory requirements.
If funded places are not available with your chosen NPQ provider, you can:
- approach a different NPQ provider to enquire about the availability of funded course places
- choose to join your chosen
providersprovider’s waiting list - choose to pay for a course place
NPQ courses provideshas more information about NPQ providers.
The course suitability requirements may vary depending on the provider. You should check with your chosen course provider before you register.
You may meet the funding criteria but not the course suitability requirements.
Legacy NPQs
If you received scholarship funding for a legacy NPQ (before November 2021) and withdrew from the programme, you’re still eligible for scholarship funding for the current NPQs.
Updates to this page
Last updated
We have published lists of schools, 16 to 19 settings and early years settings which are eligible for funding for spring 2025. We have updated the page to reflect this.
Updated information about funding for 2025.
Updated to clarify NPQ scholarship criteria.
Updated information about funding for autumn 2024 and added a 'Settings eligible for scholarship funding' section.
Updated with details of scholarship funding for autumn 2024.
First published.
Update history
2025-02-10 11:25
We have published lists of schools, 16 to 19 settings and early years settings which are eligible for funding for spring 2025. We have updated the page to reflect this.
2024-12-16 09:30
Updated information about funding for 2025.
2024-09-30 11:33
Updated to clarify NPQ scholarship criteria.
2024-06-12 13:13
Updated information about funding for autumn 2024 and added a ‘Settings eligible for scholarship funding’ section.
2024-03-21 09:30
Updated with details of scholarship funding for autumn 2024.