
The 2020 EIA Regulations

The 2020 EIA Regulations

From 1st January 2021

Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA)

Projects listed in Schedule 1 of the 2020 EIA Regulations are subject to an EIA process as required by regulation 5(1). Projects listed in Schedule 2 are subject to a screening process to determine if an EIA is necessary, but the developer may wish to undertake an EIA as set out in regulation 5(2)(b), if they choose. To access further information on projects which are subject to the EIA process, please use the relevant link below.

Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) - Transitional Cases

For projects where the Oil and Gas Authority decision on whether to grant consent is pending at the time when the 2020 EIA Regulations came into force, EIA’s are subject to the provisions of regulation 29 (Transitional and Saving Provisions relating to the 1999 Regulations). To access further information on EIA projects which are subject to the provisions of regulation 29, please use the relevant link below.

Screening Directions

Projects listed in Schedule 2 of the 2020 EIA Regulations require a screening direction in accordance with regulation 5(2)(a) to determine if an EIA is necessary. Screening directions for projects which have been through the screening process since 1st January 2021 can be accessed using the link below.

Deep Drilling Screening Directions

Pipeline Screening Directions

Production Screening Directions

Regulation 5(3) Decisions that No environmental impact assessment is needed without a screening direction

Schedule 3 Projects

The 2020 EIA Regulations provide that projects that fall under Schedule 3 do not require an EIA where the Secretary of State considers that the project is not likely to have a significant effect on the environment pursuant to regulation 7. Those projects are:

  • The construction of a pipeline for the transport of oil, combustible gas, or chemicals, or for the transport of carbon dioxide streams for the purposes of geological storage of carbon dioxide, or the maintenance, repair, replacement, protection or extension of an existing pipeline constructed for those purposes where no part of the pipeline or related works would extend more than 500 metres from a well or any part of an installation to which that pipeline would be directly or indirectly attached.

A list of Schedule 3 project decisions made since 1st January 2021 can be accessed at the following link:

Published 5 January 2021
Last updated 241 JuneJuly 2024 + show all updates
  1. Schedule 3 Projects Register updated

  2. Update Schedule 3 - 24.06.24

  3. Schedule 3 project register updated.

  4. Schedule 3 Projects Register Updated to most recent version

  5. Schedule 3 Projects Register updated

  6. Schedule 3 register updated

  7. Schedule 3 Projects Register updated

  8. Schedule 3 Projects Register updated

  9. Schedule 3 Projects Register updated to most recent version

  10. schedule 3 spreadsheet updated

  11. New link to 2024 Production Screening Directions added

  12. Schedule 3 update

  13. Schedule 3 Projects Register updated to most recent version

  14. Schedule 3 projects register updated.

  15. Update of Schedule 3 document

  16. schedule 3 project register updated to most recent version

  17. Schedule 3 Projects Register updated

  18. Schedule 3 Projects Register updated

  19. Schedule 3 Projects Register updated

  20. Schedule 3 Project Register updated

  21. Addition of link to 2024 PL screening directions

  22. Schedule 3 Projects Register updated

  23. Schedule 3 Projects Register updated to most recent version

  24. Schedule 3 - 29/01/2024

  25. 2024 page added

  26. Schedule 3 register updated

  27. Schedule 3 updated

  28. Link to Deep Drilling Screening Directions - 2024 added

  29. Schedule 3 spreadsheet updated

  30. Schedule 3 register updated

  31. Schedule 3 Projects register updated to most recent version

  32. Schedule 3 - Updated

  33. Schedule 3 updated

  34. Schedule 3 Projects Register updated

  35. Updated Schedule 3 Projects Register Spreadsheet

  36. Schedule 3 Projects Register updated to most recent version

  37. Schedule 3 projects register updated

  38. Update Schedule 3

  39. Schedule 3 Projects Register updated

  40. Schedule 3 Spreadsheet updated

  41. Schedule 3 Projects Register updated to most recent version

  42. Link added to EIA Submissions and Decisions - 2023 webpage

  43. Schedule 3 Projects Register updated to most recent version

  44. Schedule 3 Projects Register updated to most recent version

  45. Schedule 3 project register - updated

  46. Schedule 3 Projects register updated

  47. Schedule 3 Projects Register - file attachment UPDATED

  48. Schedule 3 Projects Register weekly update

  49. Schedule 3 Projects Register updated to most recent version

  50. Schedule 3 Projects register - weekly update

  51. Schedule 3 updated

  52. Schedule 3 spreadsheet updated

  53. Schedule 3 Projects register updated to most recent version

  54. Updated Schedule 3 Projects Register - 03/07/2023

  55. Schedule 3 Projects Register w.c. 26.06.2023 - updated

  56. Schedule 3 spreadsheet updated

  57. Schedule 3 Projects Register updated to most recent version

  58. Schedule 3 Project Register updated to most recent version

  59. Schedule 3 Projects Register - 29.05.2023 - UPDATE

  60. Current Schedule 3 Spreadsheet

  61. Schedule 3 Projects Register updated to most recent version

  62. Updated Schedule 3

  63. Schedule 3 Project Register updated to latest version

  64. add 2023 Pipeline Screening Directions link

  65. Schedule 3 projects register update

  66. Schedule 3 Projects Register updated

  67. Link added to Deep Drilling Screening Directions - 2023

  68. Schedule 3 Projects Register updated to most recent version

  69. Schedule 3 spreadsheet updated

  70. Schedule 3 Project Register updated.

  71. Most recent Schedule 3 projects register uploaded

  72. Schedule 3 register updated

  73. Updated Schedule 3 Projects Register added

  74. Updated Schedule 3 spreadsheet

  75. Schedule 3 Projects Register Updated

  76. Update to schedule 3 projects register

  77. Updated Schedule 3 Projects Register as at 22.08.2022

  78. Schedule 3 uploaded

  79. Schedule 3 Projects Register updated

  80. Schedule 3 register updated

  81. Schedule 3 Projects Register w.c. 18.07.2022 - Update

  82. Schedule 3 projects register updated

  83. Schedule 3 updated

  84. Schedule 3 updated

  85. Schedule 3 spreadsheet updated

  86. Schedule 3 register updated

  87. Schedule 3 updated

  88. Schedule 3 Projects Register updated to most recent version

  89. A link to 2022 Environmental Statements added.

  90. Schedule 3 updated

  91. Schedule 3 updated

  92. Schedule 3 register updated

  93. Schedule 3 replaced with the newest version

  94. Schedule 3 Register updated

  95. Schedule 3 Register updated

  96. Schedule 3 project register updated

  97. Update to Schedule 3 Projects Register

  98. Updated schedule 3 spreadsheet

  99. Addition of Pipeline Screening Directions - 2022

  100. Schedule 3 register updated

  101. Addition of link to Production Screening Direction 2022 page

  102. Weekly Schedule 3 Projects Register update

  103. Weekly Schedule 3 Projects Register Spreadsheet Update

  104. Weekly Update to Schedule 3 Projects Register

  105. Addition of Deep Drilling Screening Directions page for 2022

  106. Schedule 3 Project Tracker updated

  107. Schedule 3 tracking sheet updated.

  108. Schedule 3 tracking spreadsheet updated

  109. Schedule 3 register updated

  110. Schedule 3 tracker updated.

  111. Schedule 3 Projects Register updated.

  112. Weekly Schedule 3 Projects Register Spreadsheet

  113. Updated Schedule 3 register

  114. Schedule 3 tracking register updated.

  115. New schedule 3 register uploaded

  116. Schedule 3 Projects Register updated.

  117. Updated Schedule 3 register

  118. Updated Schedule 3 Projects Register,

  119. Schedule 3 Register updated

  120. updated schedule 3 register

  121. Weekly Schedule 3 Projects Register udpate

  122. Updated schedule 3 register

  123. Updated Schedule 3 Register

  124. Schedule 3 Projects Register weekly update

  125. Weekly Schedule 3 Projects Register update

  126. Schedule 3 projects register updated.

  127. Schedule 3 register updated

  128. Updated Schedule 3 Register

  129. Schedule 3 tracking spreadsheet updated.

  130. Updated Schedule 3 Register

  131. Schedule 3 tracker updated.

  132. Schedule 3 tracker updated.

  133. Schedule 3 register updated.

  134. Weekly 'Schedule 3 Projects Register' update

  135. Schedule 3 Register updated

  136. Schedule 3 tracking sheet updated.

  137. Schedule 3 Projects Register updated.

  138. Weekly Update to Schedule 3 Projects Register Spreadsheet

  139. Schedule 3 tracking updated.

  140. Schedule 3 tracking spreadsheet updated.

  141. Schedule 3 tracking spreadsheet updated.

  142. Update to Schedule 3 Projects Register

  143. Schedule 3 Projects Register updated.

  144. Addition of section for 'Environmental Impact Asssements (EIA) - Transitional Cases' within the 'Environmental Impact Assesssments (EIA)' section

  145. Weekly update to the Schedule 3 Projects spreadsheet

  146. Update of - Sched 3 spreadsheets - 25/01/2021

  147. 'Schedule 3 Projects Register' spreadsheet weekly update

  148. First published.