Explore housing development learning events for local government
A series of events for local government aimed at supporting an increase in the delivery of housing-led developments.
Applies to England
Our Local Government Capacity Centre (LGCC) has set up a winter learning programme to support authorities and help develop homes and communities.
Winter Learning Programme schedule
The knowledge-sharing sessions take place from Monday 30 January to Friday 10 February 2023. Local government officers can learn more aboutwith the knowledge-sharingfollowing sessionsschedule inand Januarybook andtheir Februaryplaces. 2023The andLGCC bookanticipates theirthat places.session attendees will gain Continued Professional Development (CPD) accreditation.
The registration deadline for all sessions is Monday 23 January 2023.
Active Travel
Explore how Active Travel England’s new statutory role in the planning system can unlock growth and deliver climate objectives with support from local government.
Inclusive spaces and places for girls and young people
How can public spaces - including those in new and regenerated developments - be made more inclusive for girls and young people through engagement and design solutions, with local government navigating challenges.
The evolution of transport planning and Quantifiable Carbon Reduction (QCR)
Explores how local government’s crucial role in delivering transport improvements and carbon reductions through Local Transport Plans (LTPs) is supported by new approaches and the addition of Quantifiable Carbon Reduction.
Future-proofed energy solutions
Introduces the benefits of early pre-development of initial energy options analysis and how it can be applied to local government areas of delivery of low-cost, low-carbon, future-proofed energy solutions.
An introduction to green infrastructure
A practical session led by Building with Nature (BWN), exploring the strategic importance of green infrastructure, with local authority and developer speakers presenting policy and development case studies.
Building a sustainability team
Helps understand and overcome local authority barriers and challenges when establishing and growing teams to address net zero and sustainability agendas, with peer-to-peer learning and case studies.
Creating urban spaces that work for women
Examines the unique challenges faced by intersectional women in cities and explores gender-responsive urban planning and design, with a holistic approach supported by case studies.
Planning Inspectorate introduction to working with local government
Find out what assists and what does not when taking part in Planning Appeals and Local Plan examinations from the Planning Inspectorate (PINS), who will also share examples of collaborative working with Local Planning Authorities.
Land assembly using Compulsory Purchase Powers
This session aims to help local government appreciate the usefulness of Compulsory Purchase Powers - both CPOs (Compulsory Purchase Orders) and DCOs (Development Consent Orders) - to assist in land assembly, and instil confidence in the use of them.
Self-commissioned homes in practice
This session aims to show Local Government how self-commissioned homes (self build or custom build and housing or community led) can be delivered, and what help is available to assist them.
Groundwork: community-led regeneration and place-shaping
Examples and good practice from the Groundwork network of engaged communities in the design and delivery of regeneration initiatives - in the context of theory, practice and current policy.
Digital Prop Tech and community engagement
This session introduces and shares learning regarding Digital Prop Tech (Property Technology) and its impacts for more meaningful and inclusive community engagement.
Viability and development appraisals for social housing
Shows how a social rented viability model works - by building a simple one from scratch in Excel. The model built by consultants in the session can be changed and designed to meet Homes England’s suggested needs.
20-minute neighbourhoods
Introduces the concept of 20-minute neighbourhoods and how this can be applied to areas to support the delivery of high-quality places by which the need to travel is minimised and short journeys are improved.
Viability and development appraisals for shared ownership
Shows how a shared ownership viability model works - by building a simple one from scratch in Excel. The model built by consultants in the session can be changed and designed to meet Homes England’s suggested needs.
Manual for Streets
This session complements engagement activities on the revised Manual for Streets, offering key guidance on designing streets with placemaking in mind.
Building for a Healthy Life: practical implementation
This session sets the overall context of Building for a Healthy Life (BFHL) within government policy, highlights best practices and considers case studies to explore practical implementation.
Last updated
Added: 'The LGCC anticipates that session attendees will gain Continued Professional Development (CPD) accreditation.'
Updated with new learning events for local government that will start from 30 January 2023.
Updated with new summer programme events for local government that will start from July 2022.
First published.