Explore housing development learning events for local government
A series of events for local government to support the delivery of housing-led developments and regeneration.
Applies to England
Our Local Government Capacity Centre (LGCC) has set up a summerWinter learningLearning programmeProgramme to support local authorities and partners,partners and help develop high-qualityhigh quality homes and communities. These events arehave frombeen developed by Homes England and the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, with contributions from a range of government, public and private-sectorprivate sector partners.
SummerWinter Learning Programme scheduleschedule: 22 January to 2 February 2024
TheLocal knowledge-sharinggovernment sessionsofficers takeand placeother frompartners 10can tolearn 20more Julyabout 2023.these Localfree governmentknowledge-sharing officerssessions canfrom learn22 moreJanuary withto the2 followingFebruary schedule2024, and book their places.places by the registration deadline of Monday 15 January 2024.
Homes England will apply for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) accreditation for attendees.
Homes registrationEngland deadlinecapacity and information tools for alllocal sessionsgovernment ispartners
Gain Monday,an 3overview Julyof 2023.recently launched Homes England tools available to help local government partners in their work, including the Housing Information Hub, New Homes Fact Sheets, a Capacity Analysis Tool and regeneration case studies.
Date: ofMonday green22 infrastructureJanuary for2024
Time: high2pm qualityto places3.30pm
BuildingRegistration withdeadline: Nature’sMonday themes15 forJanuary green2024
Read infrastructure,more Naturaland England’sbook Principlesyour place
Creating more affordable custom and Standardsself-build homes
Date: ofMonday green22 infrastructureJanuary for2024
Time: high2pm qualityto places3.30pm
BuildingRegistration withdeadline: Nature’sMonday themes15 forJanuary green2024
Read infrastructure,more Naturaland England’sbook Principlesyour place
Discover examples of policy, good practice and practicalmodels casethat studiesare showsupporting howthe authoritiesdevelopment canof overcomemore planningaffordable challengescustom and provideself-build ahomes, greenand infrastructurethe focusrole of community-led homes in developments.diversifying the range of options available.
Date: Monday,Tuesday 1023 JulyJanuary 20232024
Time: 211am to 3:30pm12.30pm
CPOThe legalEnvironment tipsAct andis tripshere: Are you prepared?
PracticalInsights tipsinto andwhy thenature legalmatters, contextthe forgovernment’s pursuingnature arecovery Compulsoryrequirements, Purchasewhat Orderthe (CPO).opportunities Real-lifeand exampleschallenges demonstrateare, lessonshow learned,local alongsideauthorities anare updateresponding, onwhat thesupport CPOis amendmentsneeded inand thehow Levellingthis Upis andbeing Regeneration Bill.provided.
Date: Tuesday,Tuesday 1123 JulyJanuary 20232024
Time: Time: 11am2pm to 12:30pm3.30pm
BiodiversityCompulsory netpurchase gainorder readinessvaluation
HowGain knowledge local government partners canneed beof readycompulsory forpurchase biodiversityorder net(CPO) gainvaluation (BNG)to implementationsupport inhousing November,delivery withand aregeneration. departmentalBuilding update,on ‘readinessprevious checklist’,CPO supportlearning adviceprogrammes forwith localthis planningdeeper authorities,dive andinto caseCPO studies.valuation matters.
Date: Tuesday,Wednesday 1124 JulyJanuary 20232024
Time: 211am to 3:30pm12.30pm
LearningExploring fromthe Greenhaus:role Aof Passivhausurban casegreening studyin housing development
A collaborativedeep approachdive deliveredinto the Greenhausrole project,of the firstUrban PassivhausGreening schemeFactor inStandard, Greaterone Manchesterof thatfive isgreen 100%infrastructure affordable.standards Discoverin the lessonsGreen thisInfrastructure sustainableFramework: methodPrinciples offersand thoseStandards tacklingfor climateEngland changeproduced andby theNatural cost-of-living crisis.England.
Date: Date: Thursday,Thursday 1325 JulyJanuary 20232024
Time: 11am to 12:30pm12.30pm
CreatingTackling urbanviability spacesissues thatfor workhousing fordelivery womenand regeneration sites
ExamineA thedeep uniquedive challengesinto facedviability byissues intersectionalto womenincrease inknowledge cities and exploreunderstanding gender-responsiveof urbanthe planningviability of regeneration and design,development withproposals. practicalExplores toolsthe toviability deliverprocess, thesethe environments.impact of market forces plus different delivery models and case studies.
Date: Thursday,Thursday 1325 JulyJanuary 20232024
Time: 22pm to 3:30pm3.30pm
CreatingSustainable adrainage distinctsystems narrative(SuDS) for ahousing placedevelopment and regeneration sites
HowExplore tothe createimportance aof forward-looking,sustainable distinctdrainage narrativesystems for(SuDS) ain placesite toplanning widenand leadership,infrastructure, activateand advocacy,the attractimplications investmentfor andlocal engagegovernment stakeholders.of WithSchedule practicalities3 of placethe leadership,Flood includingand settingWater upManagement boardsAct and establishingSuDS placeApproving plans.Body process.
Date: Friday,Friday 1426 JulyJanuary 20232024
Time: 11am to 12:30pm12.30pm
MeasuringEstate socialregeneration: valueA inlocal economichousing appraisal:estate Researchcase insightsstudy
How to apply Homesregeneration England’sprinciples researchat ona monetisinglocal socialhousing valueestate inlevel economicand appraisalengage towith theresidents economicand casestakeholders forto schemesbuild needinga greencommunity bookpeople assessment.can Withbe aproud focusof, focusing on brownfieldBeyond land,Housing’s environmentalregeneration andof widerChurch areaLane regeneration impacts.North.
Date: Monday,Monday 1729 JulyJanuary 20232024
Time: 11am to 12:30pm12.30pm
PlacemakingHousing atmarket aand communitythe level:economy: BuildingCurrent insights and enhancingfuture resilient inclusive spacestrends
ConsiderLatest theinsights importantinto rolethe ofhousing communitymarket engagement and community-levelwider placemakingeconomy infrom buildingHomes andEngland’s enhancingResearch resilient and inclusiveAnalysis places.team, Withincluding practicalcurrent casetrends studiesand future expectations of partnershipEngland’s workinghousing withmarket, localand areasimplications for housing and otherregeneration insights.delivery.
Date: Monday,Monday 1729 JulyJanuary 20232024
Time: 22pm to 3:30pm3.30pm
UnderstandingHow Environmentalto Impactengage Assessment
Whatand publiccreate sectora partners‘coalition needof the willing’ to knowsupport aboutplace-based Environmentalworking
Explore Impacthow Assessmenteffective (EIA)methods andof theengagement 4can keyget EIAsenior workstreams,level, includingcross-organisation theand latestcommunity thinking,buy-in caseto lawsupport place-based development and create a regenerationplace sitesalesforce. With place case study.study examples of working collaboratively.
Date: Tuesday,Tuesday 1830 JulyJanuary 20232024
Time: 11am to 12:30pm12.30pm
RegeneratingThe sustainablyrole andof zero carbon sequestration in the climate response
ExploreWhat acarbon zero-carbonsequestration approachis, toits regeneration,importance includingin driversclimate response and opportunitieshow oflocal sustainablegovernment regeneration,can netprogress zerotowards placemaking,reaching thenet challengeszero andthrough hownature-based tosolutions overcomethat them,integrate newcarbon buildsequestration versuswith re-use,biodiversity energynet efficiencygain and case-studyclimate examples.resilience.
Date: Tuesday,Tuesday 1830 JulyJanuary 20232024
Time: 22pm to 3:30pm3.30pm
IntroducingProviding thehomes Fairfor Foundationspeople approachwith learning disability and autism needs
HowAn investingexpert inpanel far-reachingexplore place-basedcurrent interventionsand canfuture aimneeds, togood improvepractice theexamples foundationaland economythe andbenefits tacklein deep-seatedproviding issues.specialist Introducesand thesupported Karbonhousing Homestailored Fairto Foundationthe missionneeds andof thepeople researchwith behindlearning thisdisabilities place-basedand approach.autistic people.
Date: Wednesday,Wednesday 1931 JulyJanuary 20232024
Time: 11am to 12:30pm12.30pm
WhyProgressing planningmajor forbrownfield later life is importantopportunities
ExploreWith the importancenew ofBrownfield, betterInfrastructure planningand forLand laterfund living,(BIL) understandingrecently demandlaunched, andproviding howadvice, localcase governmentstudies canand responda tochecklist thefor challenge.local Withauthorities caseneeding studiesto andunlock researchcomplex supportingmajor thebrownfield evolutionschemes, ofand differentaddressing modelssome forof latertheir living.challenges.
Date: Wednesday,Wednesday 1931 JulyJanuary 20232024
Time: 22pm to 3:30pm3.30pm
HealthActive intravel: designExperience and implementation
DiscoverExplore whatactive healthy,travel’s human-orientatedessential designedpart environmentsin lookthe like,planning withapplication anprocess overviewthat ofneeds healthy,to human-centredbe designembedded codingwithin the development of area strategies and visioning,masterplans, whyActive thisTravel isEngland’s importantguidance and howrequirements toand applyimplementation it.examples.
Date: Thursday,Thursday 201 JulyFebruary 20232024
Time: 11am to 12:30pm12.30pm
FairDelivering Foundations:section Better106 placemakingsite requirements
Practical insight and experience-sharing on section 106 site requirements to supportoptimise land value capture for public infrastructure at both the everydayplan-making economyand development management stages, including the potential for community land auctions.
OfferingDate: aThursday fresh1 perspectiveFebruary 2024
Time: 2pm to 3.30pm
Registration deadline: Monday 15 January 2024
Planning studies,governance learningand decision making
Explore effective planning governance and gooddecision practicemaking inthrough deliveringworking far-reachingeffectively place-basedwith interventionscouncillors toand supportsenior officers, supporting the everydaycreation economyof vibrant and tacklesuccessful deep-seated issues.places.
Date: Thursday,Friday 202 JulyFebruary 20232024
Time: 211am to 3:30pm12.30pm
For recordings of over 65 previous learning programme sessions see Homes England’s YouTube playlist Local Government Resources.
Last updated
Updated with the winter learning programme schedule of events 2024.
Added summer learning programme schedule for 10 to 20 July 2023 .
Added: 'The LGCC anticipates that session attendees will gain Continued Professional Development (CPD) accreditation.'
Updated with new learning events for local government that will start from 30 January 2023.
Updated with new summer programme events for local government that will start from July 2022.
Update history
2025-01-27 14:59
Recordings of Local Government Capacity Centre autumn learning programme events have been added to the linked YouTube playlist.
2024-12-10 13:19
Removed the autumn learning programme schedule.
2024-09-16 10:00
Details of the 2024 autumn learning programme of events for local government have been added.
2024-05-29 14:05
Summer learning programme is suspended due to entering pre-election period.
2024-05-20 11:45
Added summer learning programme schedule for July 2024.
2024-02-21 09:38
Content has been updated with information about the Summer Learning Programme taking place from 1 July to 12 July, 2024.
2023-12-04 00:01
Updated with the winter learning programme schedule of events 2024.
2023-06-01 12:49
Added summer learning programme schedule for 10 to 20 July 2023 .
2022-12-02 16:59
Added: ‘The LGCC anticipates that session attendees will gain Continued Professional Development (CPD) accreditation.’
2022-11-29 15:03
Updated with new learning events for local government that will start from 30 January 2023.
2022-05-11 15:16
Updated with new summer programme events for local government that will start from July 2022.