Explore housing development learning events for local government
A series of events for local government toaimed supportat supporting an increase in the delivery of housing-led developments and regeneration.developments.
Applies to England
Our Local Government Capacity Centre (LGCC) has set up a summerwinter learning programme to support authorities and partners, and help develop high-quality homes and communities. These events are from Homes England and the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, with contributions from a range of public and private-sector partners.
SummerWinter Learning Programme schedule
The knowledge-sharing sessions take place from 10Monday 30 January to 20Friday July10 February 2023. Local government officers can learn more with the following schedule and book their places. HomesThe EnglandLGCC willanticipates applythat forsession Continuingattendees will gain Continued Professional Development (CPD) accreditation for attendees.accreditation.
The registration deadline for all sessions is Monday,Monday 323 JulyJanuary 2023.
FoundationsActive ofTravel
Explore greenhow infrastructureActive forTravel highEngland’s qualitynew places
Buildingstatutory role in the planning system can unlock growth and deliver climate objectives with Nature’ssupport themesfrom forlocal greengovernment.
Date: infrastructure,Monday Natural30 England’sJanuary Principles2023
Time: 14:00 to 15:30
Read more and Standardsbook your place
Inclusive spaces and practicalplaces casefor studiesgirls showand howyoung authoritiespeople
How can overcomepublic planningspaces challenges- including those in new and provideregenerated adevelopments green- infrastructurebe focusmade inmore developments.inclusive for girls and young people through engagement and design solutions, with local government navigating challenges.
Date: Monday,Tuesday 1031 JulyJanuary 2023
Time: 211:00 to 3:30pm 12:30
CPOThe legalevolution tipsof transport planning and tripsQuantifiable Carbon Reduction (QCR)
PracticalExplores tipshow andlocal thegovernment’s legalcrucial contextrole forin pursuingdelivering atransport Compulsoryimprovements Purchaseand Ordercarbon (CPO).reductions Real-lifethrough examplesLocal demonstrateTransport lessonsPlans learned,(LTPs) alongsideis ansupported updateby onnew theapproaches CPOand amendments in the Levellingaddition Upof andQuantifiable RegenerationCarbon Bill.Reduction.
Date: Tuesday,Tuesday 1131 JulyJanuary 2023
Time: Time: 11am14:00 to 12:30pm15:30
BiodiversityFuture-proofed netenergy gain readinesssolutions
HowIntroduces localthe governmentbenefits partnersof canearly bepre-development readyof forinitial biodiversityenergy netoptions gainanalysis (BNG)and implementationhow init November,can withbe aapplied departmentalto update,local ‘readinessgovernment checklist’,areas supportof advicedelivery forof locallow-cost, planninglow-carbon, authorities,future-proofed andenergy case studies.solutions.
Date:Date: Tuesday,Wednesday 111 JulyFebruary 2023
Time: 211:00 to 3:30pm12:30
LearningAn fromintroduction Greenhaus:to green infrastructure
A Passivhauspractical session led by Building with Nature (BWN), exploring the strategic importance of green infrastructure, with local authority and developer speakers presenting policy and development case studystudies.
ADate: collaborativeWednesday approach1 deliveredFebruary the2023
Time: Greenhaus14:00 project,to the15:30
Read firstmore Passivhausand schemebook inyour Greaterplace
Building Manchestera thatsustainability isteam
Helps 100%understand affordable.and Discoverovercome thelocal lessonsauthority thisbarriers sustainableand methodchallenges offerswhen thoseestablishing tacklingand climategrowing changeteams to address net zero and thesustainability cost-of-livingagendas, crisis.with peer-to-peer learning and case studies.
Date: Date: Thursday,Thursday 132 JulyFebruary 2023
Time: 11am11:00 to 12:30pm12:30
Creating urban spaces that work for women
ExamineExamines the unique challenges faced by intersectional women in cities and exploreexplores gender-responsive urban planning and design, with practicala toolsholistic toapproach deliversupported theseby environments.case studies.
Date: Thursday,Thursday 132 JulyFebruary 2023
Time: 214:00 to 3:30pm15:30
CreatingPlanning aInspectorate distinctintroduction narrativeto forworking awith placelocal government
HowFind toout createwhat aassists forward-looking,and distinctwhat narrativedoes fornot awhen placetaking topart widenin leadership,Planning activateAppeals advocacy,and attractLocal investmentPlan andexaminations engagefrom stakeholders.the WithPlanning practicalitiesInspectorate of(PINS), placewho leadership,will includingalso settingshare upexamples boardsof andcollaborative establishingworking placewith plans.Local Planning Authorities.
Date: Friday,Friday 143 JulyFebruary 2023
Time: 11am11:00 to 12:30pm12:30
MeasuringLand socialassembly valueusing inCompulsory economicPurchase appraisal: Research insightsPowers
HowThis tosession applyaims Homesto England’shelp researchlocal ongovernment monetisingappreciate socialthe valueusefulness inof economicCompulsory appraisalPurchase toPowers the- economicboth caseCPOs for(Compulsory schemesPurchase needingOrders) greenand bookDCOs assessment.(Development WithConsent aOrders) focus- onto brownfieldassist land,in environmentalland assembly, and widerinstil areaconfidence regenerationin impacts.the use of them.
Date: Monday,Monday 176 JulyFebruary 2023
Time: 11am14:00 to 12:30pm15:30
PlacemakingSelf-commissioned athomes ain practice
This session aims to show Local Government how self-commissioned homes (self build or custom build and housing or community level:led) Buildingcan be delivered, and enhancingwhat resilienthelp inclusiveis spacesavailable to assist them.
ConsiderDate: theTuesday important7 roleFebruary of2023
Time: community11:00 engagementto 12:30
Read more and community-levelbook placemakingyour inplace
Groundwork: buildingcommunity-led regeneration and enhancingplace-shaping
Examples resilient and inclusivegood places.practice Withfrom practicalthe caseGroundwork studiesnetwork of partnershipengaged workingcommunities within localthe areasdesign and otherdelivery insights.of regeneration initiatives - in the context of theory, practice and current policy.
Date: Monday,Tuesday 177 JulyFebruary 2023
Time: 214:00 to 3:30pm15:30
UnderstandingDigital EnvironmentalProp ImpactTech Assessmentand community engagement
WhatThis publicsession sectorintroduces partnersand needshares tolearning knowregarding aboutDigital EnvironmentalProp ImpactTech Assessment(Property (EIA)Technology) and theits 4impacts keyfor EIAmore workstreams,meaningful including the latest thinking, case law and ainclusive regenerationcommunity site case study.engagement.
Date: Tuesday,Wednesday 188 JulyFebruary 2023
Time: 11am11:00 to 12:30pm12:30
RegeneratingViability sustainably and zerodevelopment carbonappraisals for social housing
ExploreShows how a zero-carbonsocial approachrented toviability regeneration,model includingworks drivers- andby opportunitiesbuilding ofa sustainablesimple regeneration,one netfrom zeroscratch placemaking,in theExcel. challengesThe andmodel howbuilt toby overcomeconsultants them,in newthe buildsession versuscan re-use,be energychanged efficiency and case-studydesigned examples.to meet Homes England’s suggested needs.
Date: Tuesday,Wednesday 188 JulyFebruary 2023
Time: 214:00 to 3:30pm16:00
Introducing20-minute the Fair Foundations approachneighbourhoods
HowIntroduces investingthe inconcept far-reachingof place-based20-minute interventionsneighbourhoods and how this can aimbe applied to improveareas theto foundationalsupport economythe anddelivery tackleof deep-seatedhigh-quality issues.places Introducesby which the Karbonneed Homesto Fairtravel Foundationis missionminimised and theshort researchjourneys behindare this place-based approach.improved.
Date: Wednesday,Thursday 199 JulyFebruary 2023
Time: 11am11:00 to 12:30pm12:30
WhyViability planningand fordevelopment laterappraisals lifefor isshared importantownership
ExploreShows thehow importancea ofshared betterownership planningviability formodel laterworks living,- understandingby demandbuilding anda howsimple localone governmentfrom canscratch respondin toExcel. theThe challenge.model Withbuilt caseby studiesconsultants andin researchthe supportingsession thecan evolutionbe ofchanged differentand modelsdesigned forto latermeet living.Homes England’s suggested needs.
Date: Wednesday,Thursday 199 JulyFebruary 2023
Time: 214:00 to 3:30pm16:00
HealthManual infor designStreets
DiscoverThis whatsession healthy,complements human-orientatedengagement designedactivities environmentson lookthe like,revised withManual anfor overviewStreets, ofoffering healthy,key human-centredguidance designon codingdesigning andstreets visioning,with whyplacemaking thisin is important and how to apply it.mind.
Date: Thursday,Friday 2010 JulyFebruary 2023
Time: 11am11:00 to 12:30pm12:30
FairBuilding Foundations:for Bettera placemakingHealthy toLife: supportpractical the everyday economyimplementation
OfferingThis asession freshsets perspectivethe andoverall sharingcontext housing-sectorof caseBuilding studies,for learninga andHealthy goodLife practice(BFHL) inwithin deliveringgovernment far-reachingpolicy, place-basedhighlights interventionsbest topractices supportand theconsiders everydaycase economystudies andto tackleexplore deep-seatedpractical issues.implementation.
Date: Thursday,Friday 2010 JulyFebruary 2023
Time: 214:00 to 3:30pm15:30
Last updated 1
Added summer learning programme schedule for 10 to 20 July 2023 .
Added: 'The LGCC anticipates that session attendees will gain Continued Professional Development (CPD) accreditation.'
Updated with new learning events for local government that will start from 30 January 2023.
Updated with new summer programme events for local government that will start from July 2022.
First published.
Update history
2025-01-27 14:59
Recordings of Local Government Capacity Centre autumn learning programme events have been added to the linked YouTube playlist.
2024-12-10 13:19
Removed the autumn learning programme schedule.
2024-09-16 10:00
Details of the 2024 autumn learning programme of events for local government have been added.
2024-05-29 14:05
Summer learning programme is suspended due to entering pre-election period.
2024-05-20 11:45
Added summer learning programme schedule for July 2024.
2024-02-21 09:38
Content has been updated with information about the Summer Learning Programme taking place from 1 July to 12 July, 2024.
2023-12-04 00:01
Updated with the winter learning programme schedule of events 2024.
2023-06-01 12:49
Added summer learning programme schedule for 10 to 20 July 2023 .
2022-12-02 16:59
Added: ‘The LGCC anticipates that session attendees will gain Continued Professional Development (CPD) accreditation.’
2022-11-29 15:03
Updated with new learning events for local government that will start from 30 January 2023.
2022-05-11 15:16
Updated with new summer programme events for local government that will start from July 2022.