
Taking Teaching Further programme

Guidance and registration forms for further education providers whoto haveapply successfullyfor registered to Taking Teaching Further (TTF) 2023.

Applies to England

Taking Teaching Further (TTF) is a programme that supports further education (FE) providers to recruit and provide early career support to those with relevant knowledge and industry experience to retrain as FE teachers.

TheTTF college2023 registrations are now open. FE providers can register until 30 November 2023, and providersuccessfully registrationregistered windowproviders forcan TTFregister 2023recruits hasuntil now31 closed.January 2024.

This page is for FE providers. IndividualsThere canis get more information about becoming andan FE teacher.

About fromTTF

The Teachprogramme inaims to support FE. providers to recruit highly-skilled professionals to retrain as FE teachers to deliver high-quality, work-relevant skills training - particularly in T Levels and apprenticeships.


Up to register£18,200 newin grant funding is available to providers over 2 financial years per eligible recruit. Funding is provided to cover:

  • the cost of undertaking a teaching qualification a level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (DET), or higher
  • costs of additional teacher time to provide the recruit with intensive support - for example through team teaching, work shadowing and mentoring arrangements
  • costs to cover the recruit having a reduced teaching timetable over the 2 years of the programme

Financial incentive for TTF recruits

SuccessfullyIn registeredaddition collegesto the funding and providerssupport canFE submitproviders recruitwill registrationreceive, formsthe Department for newEducation teaching(DfE) recruitsis theypiloting wisha tonew befinancial consideredincentive for TTF fundingrecruits untilwho 31are Januaryrecruited teach in some of the most hard-to-fill subjects:

  • digital
  • construction and the built environment
  • engineering and manufacturing
  • maths

TheThis recruitincentive registrationpayment formis wasfor senteligible whenrecruits. weThey confirmedwill eligibility.receive:

  • £3,000 Pleaseat contactthe usend of the first year of the programme
  • £3,000 at the end of the second year of the programme

Places on the detailsfinancial belowincentive ifpilot are limited, so it is important you needinform us about a replacementrecruit form.

Guidanceas for TTF 2023soon registeredas providers

possible following successful recruitment.

There is more information on TTF has 2and routes,the dependingfinancial onincentive ifpilot in the providerTTF isprogramme aguidance.

Eligibility statutoryfor FETTF college2023

TTF is oropen ato privateeligible FE providers trainingthrough provider.2 routes.

  • Route 1 is for general open to general FE colleges, sixth-form colleges, land-based colleges and institutes of adult learning
  • Route 2 is foropen to independent training providers, employer providers, third sector training providers, local authority providers, adult and community learning providers, and specialist post-16 institutions

There is more information on each of the application routes in the corresponding guidance documents.

ContactHow to register

IfYou youwill first need furtherto information,complete contact a college (route 1) or provider (route 2) registration form and send it to the TTF team at

Once college or provider eligibility has been confirmed, you will be able to notify us of recruits you wish to be considered for TTF funding. You will do this by completing the recruit registration form, which we will email to you when we confirm college or provider eligibility.

You must notify DfE of a recruit you would like to be considered for TTF funding at the earliest opportunity, following successful recruitment, as we will need to confirm their eligibility.

If you need further information, contact

Privacy notice

The privacy notice explains how DfE uses personal information in TTF. This includes information you give to us, or information that we may collect about you.

TTF privacy notice

Published 26 May 2021
Last updated 1 DecemberAugust 2023 + show all updates
  1. Updated with information that registrations are now closed and added guidance for registered providers. Removed the 'Financial incentive for TTF recruits' and 'How to register' sections.

  2. Updated 'Taking Teaching Further 2023 provider guidance: route 2' and 'Taking Teaching Further 2023 provider registration form: route 2' to reflect name change from register of apprenticeship training providers (RoATP) to apprenticeship providers and assessment register (APAR).

  3. Information has been added for registrations to the Taking Teaching Further (TTF) programme for the financial year 2023 to 2024.

  4. Applications for the TTF programme are currently closed. Department for Education is now responsible for the delivery of TTF, replacing the Education and Training Foundation (ETF).

  5. Applications for round 5 of TTF are now open.