Open consultation

Alternative routes to market for new nuclear projects


We're seeking views to understand how government can support investment in advanced nuclear technologies and enable high value projects to be taken forward.

This consultation closes at

Consultation description

This consultation seeks to examine what steps government can take to enable different routes to market for new advanced nuclear technologies. Government sees great national opportunities in the nuclear sector, and we are seeking responses to support us in developing the policies that will allow this industry to thrive.

This consultation is open to all, but we would like responses from the nuclear industry, including:

  • technology vendors
  • developers
  • the supply chain
  • industrial consumers of heat and power
  • the whole spectrum of the public realm, including:
    • local communities
    • local government
    • devolved administrations
    • science
    • academia
    • financial sector
    • members of the public

We would particularly welcomes views from local communities.

Your responses will shape our approach to this crucial and potentially transformative part of our energy system, enabling government to put the right policies in place to ensure nuclear energy plays a key role in our net zero future.

See also:

Read our consultation privacy notice.


Ways to respond


Email to:

Write to:

Alternative Routes to Market Project Team
Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
1 Victoria Street

Published 11 January 2024