Open consultation

Alternative routes to market for new nuclear projects


We're seeking views to understand how government can support investment in advanced nuclear technologies and enable high value projects to be taken forward.

This consultation closes at

Consultation description

Update: 2011 FebruaryMarch 2024

We have extendedpublished thedates closing date for thisthe consultationDeep todive 12and AprilHackathon 2024 (from 4 April).sessions.

This consultation seeks to examine what steps government can take to enable different routes to market for new advanced nuclear technologies. Government sees great national opportunities in the nuclear sector, and we are seeking responses to support us in developing the policies that will allow this industry to thrive.

This consultation is open to all, but we would like responses from the nuclear industry, including:

  • technology vendors
  • developers
  • the supply chain
  • industrial consumers of heat and power
  • the whole spectrum of the public realm, including:
    • local communities
    • local government
    • devolved administrations
    • science
    • academia
    • financial sector
    • members of the public

We would particularly welcomes views from local communities.

Your responses will shape our approach to this crucial and potentially transformative part of our energy system, enabling government to put the right policies in place to ensure nuclear energy plays a key role in our net zero future.


Deep-dive consultationworkshops process:and introductoryNuclear eventhackathon dates

Deep dive workshops

WeAs arepart of the Alternative Routes to Market Consultation process, the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero is holding an4 introductorydeep eventdive aboutworkshops, thisone consultation,for whicheach chapter in the consultation. 

Each workshop will provideinclude an opportunityintroduction to learnconsultation moretopics aboutfrom policymakers in the Department, a Q&A session with an expert panel to provide insights on key issues, and problem-solving breakout sessions for all attendees.  

The Alternative Routes to Market consultation process.will Wehelp planshape future policy, enabling government to runbuild on our commitments in the sameCivil sessionNuclear Roadmap and put the right policies in place to ensure nuclear energy plays a key role in our net zero future. Don’t miss out on eachjoining ofus at these events - your valuable input will be greatly appreciated.  

Email to register your interest in attending.

The deep-dive sessions will be held on the following dates /and locations:locations. We will send full details to confirmed attendees. 

Chapter 1: Exploring new uses - Tuesday 19 March, 10:00-15:00, Manchester

Expert panel members include: 

  • virtualTris session,Denton Wednesday 7Director February,of 11:30-2:30Commercial Development, Moltex Flex
  • LondonLincoln (inHill person -Director venueof Policy and External Affairs, Nuclear Industry Association
  • An expert from National Nuclear Laboratory
  • More to be confirmed),confirmed

Chapter 3: Bringing projects to market - Thursday 821 February,March, 11:30-2:3010:00-15:00, London

Expert panel members include: 

  • Julia Pyke Managing Director, Sizewell C
  • LondonLeonidas (inPapanikolaou person -Senior Head of Bespoke & New Schemes, venueLow toCarbon beContracts confirmed),Company
  • Helen MondayLister 12 February,Energy 11:30-2:30Transition and Decarbonisation Practice Lead, Infrastructure and Projects Authority
  • Phil Adam Head of Real Assets, Debt & Capital Advisory Financial Advisory, Deloitte

IfChapter you2: wouldRegulating likeadvanced tonuclear attend- aTuesday session,26 pleaseMarch, contact10:00-15:00, usManchester

Expert atpanel,members include: 

  • Tim Parkes Head of Safety Regulation for Advanced Nuclear Technologies, Office for Nuclear Regulations
  • Andy Mayall FSRP New and includeOperational your:Nuclear Sites Manager, Environment Agency
  • Dr Pauleen Lane CBE FICE PhD MBA BSc Professional Lead for Infrastructure, The Planning Institute
  • Lincoln Hill Director of Policy and External Affairs, Nuclear Industry Association

Chapter 4: Supporting future technology - Thursday 28 March, 10:00-15:00, London

Expert panel members include: 

  • preferredRich locationDeakin Programme Director UK SMR Project, Innovate UK
  • Simon Dilks Head of Nuclear and dateRenewable Innovations, Department for Energy, Security and Net Zero
  • fullRebecca name,Haigh organisation AMR RD&D Lead, Department for Energy, Security and contactNet detailsZero
  • An expert from Nuclear Innovation and Research Office
  • An expert from National Nuclear Laboratory


Places will be allocated on specifica topics

Wefirst come first served basis. If sessions are oversubscribed, places will alsobe holdlimited to a seriesmaximum of deep-dive2 workshopspeople onper eachorganisation. 

Nuclear hackathon

As part of the majorAlternative topicRoutes areasto laterMarket inconsultation, we are partnering with Policy Lab to deliver a Nuclear Hackathon an event to explore how we can speed up the consultationdelivery period.of Thenew provisionalnuclear locationsprojects forwhile thesemaintaining sessionsrigorous arelevels London,of Manchester,nuclear safety, security, and Cardiffenvironmental protection.

This one-day event will aim to identify opportunities for greater regulatory co-ordination and how this may lead to efficiencies in navigating regulatory pathways. Ministers will bring together diverse opinions and the provisionalexpertise topicof areasregulators, are:industry, and beyond to scope potential solutions.

We are holding this interactive event in London on Tuesday 9 April 2024. We hope to have a diverse range of attendees including:

  • Chapterindustry 1:professionals Exploringincluding newnuclear usesprofessionals at the beginning of their career
  • Chapterprofessionals 2:with Regulatingexperience advancedof other regulatory frameworks
  • nuclear regulators
  • Chapterservice 3:users

Email projects to marketregister your interest in attending by Friday 22 March, and include your:

  • full name
  • Chapterorganisation 4:(if Supportingapplicable)
  • email
  • why futureyou technologywould like to attend and how you feel you could contribute (we will take this into account when allocating places if the event is oversubscribed)

PleaseWe emailwill confirm allocated places on or before 1 April 2024 and provide further details to registerinvited yourparticipants.

We will endeavour to contact everyone who expresses interest in attendingattending, thesehowever sessionsif atyou,do indicatingnot yourhear choiceback offrom sessionthe anddepartment, may be because all places have been allocated due to the event being oversubscribed.

Further information

See also:

Read our consultation privacy notice.


Ways to respond


Email to:

Write to:

Alternative Routes to Market Consultation Team
Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
55 Whitehall
United Kingdom

Published 11 January 2024
Last updated 2011 FebruaryMarch 2024 + show all updates
  1. Added dates and times for 4 deep dive sessions and a nuclear hackathon.

  2. We have extended the closing date for this consultation to 12 April 2024.

  3. New consultation introductory session date added, and timings for all confirmed.

  4. Consultation introductory event, 6 February 2024, removed.

  5. Added details of introductory events about the consultation, and deep-dive workshops.

  6. Added Welsh version of consultation document.

  7. First published.