Open consultation

Alternative routes to market for new nuclear projects


We're seeking views to understand how government can support investment in advanced nuclear technologies and enable high value projects to be taken forward.

This consultation closes at

Consultation description

Update: 20 February 2024

We have extended the closing date for this consultation to 12 April 2024 (from 4 April).

This consultation seeks to examine what steps government can take to enable different routes to market for new advanced nuclear technologies. Government sees great national opportunities in the nuclear sector, and we are seeking responses to support us in developing the policies that will allow this industry to thrive.

This consultation is open to all, but we would like responses from the nuclear industry, including:

  • technology vendors
  • developers
  • the supply chain
  • industrial consumers of heat and power
  • the whole spectrum of the public realm, including:
    • local communities
    • local government
    • devolved administrations
    • science
    • academia
    • financial sector
    • members of the public

We would particularly welcomes views from local communities.

Your responses will shape our approach to this crucial and potentially transformative part of our energy system, enabling government to put the right policies in place to ensure nuclear energy plays a key role in our net zero future.

The consultation process: introductory event

We are holding an introductory event about this consultation, which will provide an opportunity to learn more about the consultation process. We plan to run the same session on each of these these dates / locations:

  • virtual session, Wednesday 7 February, 11:30-2:30
  • London (in person - venue to be confirmed), Thursday 8 February, 11:30-2:30
  • London (in person - venue to be confirmed), Monday 12 February, 11:30-2:30

If you would like to attend a session, please contact us at, and include your:

  • preferred location and date
  • full name, organisation and contact details

Workshops on specific topics

We will also hold a series of deep-dive workshops on each of the major topic areas later in the consultation period. The provisional locations for these sessions are London, Manchester, and Cardiff and the provisional topic areas are:

  • Chapter 1: Exploring new uses
  • Chapter 2: Regulating advanced nuclear
  • Chapter 3: Bringing projects to market
  • Chapter 4: Supporting future technology

Please email to register your interest in attending these sessions at, indicating your choice of session and location.

Further information

See also:

Read our consultation privacy notice.


Ways to respond


Email to:

Write to:

Alternative Routes to Market Consultation Team
Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
55 Whitehall
United Kingdom

Published 11 January 2024
Last updated 3020 JanuaryFebruary 2024 + show all updates
  1. We have extended the closing date for this consultation to 12 April 2024.

  2. New consultation introductory session date added, and timings for all confirmed.

  3. Consultation introductory event, 6 February 2024, removed.

  4. Added details of introductory events about the consultation, and deep-dive workshops.

  5. Added Welsh version of consultation document.

  6. First published.