Democratic Republic of the Congo
Warnings and insurance
The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) providesadvises adviceagainst aboutall riskstravel to:
CentralAfrican Republic borderFCDO
The FCDO advises against all travelbut toessential thetravel provinces of:to:
- Haut-Uélé
theandcityIturi,ofincludingBukavutheinentireSouthDRC-SouthKivuSudan borderprovince - North Kivu, except the city
districtsof Goma,N’djiliwhereandFCDOKimbansekeadvisesinagainstKinshasa,allbothbutofessentialwhichtravel - South
areKivu,southexceptofthe citymainofaccessBukavu,roadwheretoFCDON’djiliadvisesairportagainst(locatedallinbutNseleessential traveldistrict) - Maniema
theprovincesofKasaïandKasaïCentral - Tanganyika
thecityofGomainNorthKivuprovince - Haut-Lomami
Territorythe inN1 Mai-Ndomberoad Province
FCDObetween advisesand againstincluding: allMenkao travelto the west, Kenge to the Kwamoutheast, territorythe border of Mai-NdombeMai Province.N’dombe Thisprovince isto between,the north, and including,10km to the townssouth
Before you travel, check the ‘Entry requirements’ section for Democratic Republic of Kwamouth,the BandunduCongo’s current entry restrictions and requirements. These may change with little warning. Monitor this advice for the southernlatest borderupdates ofand Mai-Ndombestay contact with your travel provider.
If inyou Kinshasaplan Provinceto pass through another country to return to the UK, check the travel advice for the country you’re transiting.
It is more important than ever to get travel insurance and check it provides sufficient cover. See the FCDO’s advisesguidance againston allforeign but essential travel to:insurance.
- the
DRChelddistrictsPresidential,Parliamentary,provincialandsomelocalelectionson20December2023.Thereisanincreasedlikelihoodprotestsand Kimbansekedemonstrationsnationwidebutparticularlyandsouthotherofmajorthepopulationmaincentres.accessSeeroadProteststoandN’djilidemonstrations.Inairport,theinperiodNselefollowingcommune - the N1
electionsroaduntilintheKinshasaPresident’sProvince,inaugurationbetweenscheduledfor20January2024,thereisahigherriskofcivilunrestdisruptiontoservicesinternetconnectivity.Theserisksapplyeveninareasofthecountryinwhichelectionsarenotabletakeplace.IftherearewidespreaddisturbancesorsecurityKengesituationdeteriorates,theremaybelimitsassistancethatBritishofEmbassyMai-NdombeKinshasaprovincecanprovide.Bepreparedshelterinplaceforseveraldays,ifsecuritysituationrequiresit.Thismeanshavingenoughessentialsupplies,suchasfood,watermedicine,toatthe south
Kasaïplace Oriental,where Kasaï,you Kasaïare Central
staying. Do not rely on the FCDO advisesbeing againstable allto travelevacuate toyou thein provincean emergency.
The security situation in eastern DRC remains unstable. There are continued reports of Kasaïseveral Oriental.towns in eastern DRC being attacked by or falling under temporary control of armed groups, including some territories and villages within a 30km range north of Goma. Armed groups are present and intercommunal violence can affect the political, security and humanitarian situation. You should be prepared to leave at short notice via available routes. Travellers should regularly check government advice for updates. See Safety and security.
FCDOThere adviseswere calls for protests against allthe butUN essentialpeacekeeping travelmission toknown as the provincesUnited Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Kasaïthe Congo (MONUSCO) in Goma on 13 September. Similar calls cannot be ruled out. Remain vigilant and Kasaïstay Central.away from demonstrations, protests or disturbances. See Protests and demonstrations.
SeeAfter detailsheavy aboutrains whyon FCDO3 May 2023, flooding and landslides have affected several territories in South Kivu Province, eastern DRC. advisesAt againstleast travel400 people are known to have died. There is potential for further floods and landslides during the rainy season. See Natural disasters. and Safety and security
In youeastern travelDRC there are continued reports of attacks and kidnappings. See Safety and security
NoInter-communal travelviolence canbetween beethnic guaranteedgroups safe.over Readland allin theKwamouth adviceterritory inof thisMai-Ndombe guideprovince andhas anybeen specificongoing travelsince adviceAugust that2022. appliesSee toInter-communal you:violence
- women
Ontravellers - disabled
22travellers - LGBT+
FollowConsular andsupport contactis FCDOseverely limited in parts of DRC. travelThe onlack Twitter,of Facebookinfrastructure throughout the country and Instagram.insecurity in eastern DRC often prevent the British Embassy in Kinshasa from being able to extend normal levels of consular assistance to British nationals anywhere in the DRC other than Kinshasa. You canshould alsonot signassume upthat the FCDO will be able to getprovide emailassistance notificationsto whenleave thisthe advicecountry isin updated.the event of serious unrest or crisis.
Travel insurance
Street crime and robbery is common. You should avoid using any taxis in DRC. If you choosemust totake travel,a researchtaxi, youruse destinationsa andprivately getbooked appropriateone. travelDon’t insurancehail taxis in the street. Beware of gangs promising you cut price gold and diamonds. See Crime
Terrorists are very likely to try to carry out attacks in the DRC. InsuranceAttacks could be indiscriminate. You should coverbe yourvigilant, itinerary,especially plannedin activitiesplaces visited by foreigners. See Terrorism
If you’re abroad and expensesyou inneed anemergency from the UK government, contact the nearest British embassy, consulate or high commission.